
Why do riots happen? Specifically, the Ferguson riots. Was it just people freaking the fuck out and destroying their own town, or was there legitimate rage that was simply poorly expressed? I think riots are bad, and that they should be put down, but one has to speculate on the intent behind them.

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Niggers nig.

george soros

Is it possible that blacks are facing legitimate discrimination still?

no its not

they elect leftists who steal everything from them because they are retard niggers

Sure. But these riots were organized by forces larger than any anger or resentment over this discrimination or even Michael Brown's death. We're living in a spectacle. The dissent is not organic.

Shut up faggot. You're smart enough to post Soros and yet go with retard niggers as your hook. Maybe you're being played too.

I can't speak to political riots, but I got caught in the Denver riot of 97. I think it was 97, the local football players won the championship or something.

I was on a corner with some friends, a window to a bar was broken by someone outside the bar on the street. Don't know if it was on purpose, but the cops were like "shut it down" and then all of a sudden it was a riot with helicopters dropping tear gas and crying drunk chicks.

It can happen in an instant

munchin on doritos

throwing a firebomb

trully systemic racism at work


I read the Department of Justice's findings. They found that Officer Darren Wilson was innocent, and that mostly white Fegruson police officers were under-funded and essentially forced to make as many arrests as possible.

The most racist race in America are blacks. If anything, nigger riots are just another way for them to show their hate.



Idiots why burn your own homes and families? If they where smart they woulda rioted around the white areas.


Because they'd get shot by these guys.

>Specifically, the Ferguson riots.
George Soros paid a bunch of out of towners to go there and start shit.

No, really, something crazy like 80% of the people arrested from the riots didn't even live near, Ferguson

I refuse to believe that black people are inherently dumber than whites. Is there any other possible explanation? I for one think it could be culture that's the cause. I think that, since the 1960s, people haven't been criticizing bad aspects of black culture. This lack of standards has caused the black community to fall behind.

So have more blood and piss off more people.


Dude hundred percent cultural and biographical. Africa for the longest time was a very harsh climate one which didn't allow civilization as we know it to flourish. Now others where like this two but Africa's problem was that they where cut off by a nasty desert so they never traded ideas with others.

In some places, but not anything systemic. Poor people are treated shitty and black people are more likely to be poor, so it can be argued to be a class thing. That said rich black people and poor white people are treated the same as their equal class counterparts, so it isn't a race issue. They may think they are facing racism, but that's only because a portion of the left has been constantly telling them they are.

They haven't faced legitimate discrimination in nearly 30 years. If they put half the energy they put into their "cultural activities" into their education, they'd have nothing to complain about. The system is so rigged in their favor but they still just want to chimp out like it's the 60's still.

Black America has some very real grievances, especially in regards to the massively failed Drug War.

That being said, Democrats keep giving them checks instead of improving schools and communities. Gotta keep everyone on the 2016 plantation.

i know Sup Forums is full of le edgy racist memers but there all from dipshit, lily-white suburbs and never been near a real city

There was a time when I liked George Soros because I thought he was more freedom focused (ending drug prohibition for instance). How could I have been so silly, turns out he's not a big fan of freedom unless it coincides with his ultra-liberal ideology.

Go watch The Wire.

Riots are simple game theory and economics you stupid paranoids. It's altruistic punishment.

>implying I haven't seen every episode

Pretty much. It's a vicious cycle of blacks calling eachother traitors if they try to break out of the groupthink of "WE DINDU NUFFIN" and "WHITEY HAS IT OUT FOR US", and white people calling eachother racist if they call them out on it. The problem will never be fixed because there's no money to be made in fixing it, but plenty to be made in flaming the fires of race-war.

>Why do riots happen? Specifically, the Ferguson riots. Was it just people freaking the fuck out and destroying their own town, or was there legitimate rage that was simply poorly expressed?

Yes and yes.

If you were a poor and sub-trailer park uneducated military aged male who thought the establishment was murdering you and getting away with it, you'd probably break stuff and burn shit down while stealing too.

But you could also be an opportunist shitbag and just want to burn and steal too.

Personally I think Darren Wilson was justified in shooting, but I think the incident touched a nerve with the black community in a racially segregated area with a history of racism from the police. I don't think it's ok to riot, but it strikes me as a little oversimplified to call it a chimpout when real (at least perceived) issues were at play for these communities.

I'm old enough to remember Waco and Ruby Ridge and McVeigh. Oklahoma City was a white riot; we thought the Feds were killing us and one of us blew up a building in retaliation and in anger. Was it justified? Necessary? A cause for change? You could have the same debates about Ferguson.

Ferguson achieved nothing though. The dude was innocent its just Rodney King all over again.

He's got a point. Ferguson PD had been acting like an occupying force for quite sometime.

It is true that some gangbangers decided to settle there scores during the riot, but if police act like a occupying force, the locale will respond in kind. Espescially if theres a racial tinge to it.

I'm not saying its justified, but there is a basic, uneducated logic in it.

The problem with active racism as opposed to simple everyday tribal racism is that they don't see it this way. White dudes standing up is freedom and liberty, no matter what stirred the pot. Black dudes standing up is dindu chimpout, no matter the reasons why. I'm including highly organized and media-stoked demonstrations like Ferguson in the latter.

I agree for the most part, but it did kick off the "disruptively protesting officer involved shootings" tactic which got the nation talking about it. IMHO those talks led to increased racial and partisan division, but a lot of people got drawn to a cause they knew nothing about while Mike Brown was alive.

>an occupying force

I mean that's a stretch, the bigger porblem was that blacks didn't vote, so you had a majority white city council telling the white police force to bully the black non-voting residents

the solution was civic involvement not violence

I'm not saying it was completely justified. Occupying force maybe a bit of a stretch. But you can't deny the corruption that ran through Ferguson PD, I mean it's all in the police report.

Michael Brown got what he deserved, and the majority of their population is stupid and doesn't vote, but I'm just saying, it is interesting.

Yah but say they started rioting in White areas instead? That would have made much bigger impact.

corruption is a strong word

they were doing what they were told to do, IMO that's not corruption

>blacks rioting
>in white neighborhoods
>in fucking Missouri

they would have been turned into swiss cheese

black people going nanners and burning shit down is in their DNA they were bred to pick cotton not be actual people who live like other human beings

You can disagree with the Obama administration, but that report they published on the Ferguson PD is scathing if you actually look at it through a neutral lense.

And all of the claims are backed up with evidence.

i was in a hockey riot

they happen when a lot of people get drunk and cops try and start shit after black people break in to footlocker to steal shoes

The biggest problem I have with BLM besides them being annoying millennial leftists is that they stirred the pot from day one trying to paint the police as an existential threat to black people, before any facts were in and without allowing any peaceful discussion to the contrary.

It makes a lot of sense to go to war if you legitimately believe you're being gunned down in the streets by your enemies. This country was founded in a war that started when the police forces shot a dozen people in Boston. They didn't have a hundred radicalized Twitter feeds telling them to mobilize and rise up against their imminent genocide back then either.

They weren't blaming the white people, they were blaming the police

I don't dispute the findings, I just don't agree that it was "corrupt", they were doing what they were told to do, that's not corrupt

and to be fair some of the claims were exagerated

So it would fuel it. Blacks being gunned down in the open do you have any idea the propaganda win that would be.

Half of which were black

There's a difference between a homeowner gunning down a rioter and a sworn police officer killing an "unarmed kid" though. And even if it were good propaganda, it's not like the rioters were looking to die for the cause.

>White dudes standing up is freedom and liberty, no matter what stirred the pot.

The people of Missouri couldn't give a fuck about the niggers from Ferguson. East St. Louis at the moment is the murder capital of the country.

My point was that Ferguson PD definitely had SOME blame. Michael Brown deserved to get clip, but had they not been using that piece of shit down as a personal piggy bank I doubt the riots would have happened.

But then again, I don't even know anymore. I've seen people riot for a lot less. I really feel like we live in an age where logic and reason has gone out the window. Maybe it's always been like that, I mean there were the Dark Ages and what not..

But I feel that logic, reason, facts, none of that matters anymore. You can have the most convincing, logical argument of all time, but why would that even matter? Why appease that when you can appease to emotions?

It's time likes these I truly think there will be a civil war. And it will be fought over absolutely nothing.

sorry i'm drunk and rambling

Cant argue that. All im saying is their is a lot of anger there and Race relations recently have been in the shitter.


I came here to post this as well.

can someone tell me how long until we hit 77777777? I don't want to miss it. How many hours until it?

>implying 'i was just following orders' has been an acceptable reason for shittery in the modern era

I don't recall the ferguson riots having organized dudes with firearms pointed at law enforcement and federal agents while actively talking about how they'll lay down their lives for freedom when the government attacks them. that's some anti-government terrorist shit right there, and if the militiadorks were browns or blacks they'd have been stormed day fucking one and shot to death the moment they shit their pants in terror

Im from st louis. I know most of those black males have guns of their own. they destroyed their own community because they are afraid of an actual gang war between themselves and the police. Yeah they would have gotten shot by "these guys" and they could have easily shot back. but that would have created something that would still be going on this very moment. a civil war

It's not because they are black, though. It's because they are poor, particularly urban poor. Being poor makes it very likely that your kids will be poor and so on. Blacks happen to be more likely too be poor (because many many generations ago they actually were discriminated against, and they haven't been able get out of being poor like every immigrant group has). The war on drugs is an example of this. It isn't a war on blacks, but it is a war on the poor.

it's an acceptable reason when the orders are lawful

Show me a picture where weapons are being pointed at law enforcement and feds.

Want me to find 1000 plus posts about killing da pigs in Ferguson? I bet I could.

>legitimate discrimination