Why do antisemitic men tend to go for Jewish women?


Adolf Hitler (first girlfriend was Jewish)
HP Lovecraft (antisemite married to Jewish woman)
Werner Vetter (Nazi officer married to Jewish woman)

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That's the just the way she goes.

What is best in life?

I really wouldn't mind my children being members of the true master race.

Nazis did it to catch the jews easier. Those jews were crafty.

okay, i'm anti-semite, where is my big nozed gf ?

Well I am aware of chosen plans and don't like Jews in general. But boy do I love my merchant girlfriend. She takes my antisemitism with humour.

delete this

A Jewish gf that's has a trump hat.

Same reason Sup Forums has the best black gf threads.

We only hate Jews because we're scared of their intellectual superiority. It's like blacks hating on whites because they can't keep up. It's only natural.

They came to me bro

Women flock to those that look like they are about to conquer their current men. Hence jewesses get dripping wet when facing an Aryan

It feels really taboo, that's why.
The most common insult against racists is that they secretly like blacks or they're cucks, but no I just hate blacks because they're subhuman.
The jewish woman though... The amount of loads I've blown thinking of going ballsdeep and getting one knocked up.



speak for yourself cuck

Those aren't jews, those are mexicans.



Reverse image search goes to a video called, "Jewish Girls' Feet Survive The Hall of Cost."

>going ballsdeep and getting one knocked up.
Why? So you can have a weak, frail, curly headed fuck as a kid?

Jews are white aren't they? :^)

Same reason Sup Forumsacks hate nigger males, but most of them would bang nigger females.

The forbidden fruit effect.

www . dailymotion . com/video/x32cx5i


You forgot Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger.
>he was a übernazi right libertarian traditionalist
>she was a super-Jewish socialist feminist lass

Maybe anti semitism is a label that society places on the individual as a means to dismiss him, rather than an accurate means of describing and surmising all of their personal traits and leading to baffling behaviors like having functioning relationships with individuals of an assumedly hated race of individuals.

Maybe at the end of the day people can get along if we put aside theistic views and work towards a common good.

Liberals don't care about this though, they're too busy making labels to dismiss everyone else.

Good luck Ebola-Chan.

jewish women adore antisemitic men, because jewish women hate jewish men. there's no better woman on earth to her husband than the jewish wife of an antisemite.
you just have to watch out if you have sons, because jewish women hate their sons

Antisemites are Jews disconnected from Jew culture.

You guys don't really think a goyim could possibly name the jew? do you?

Been on Sup Forums since /new/.

Current girlfriend is Jewish. Last girlfriend was also Jewish.

I think that most people ignorantly believe that we think about evil Jews every second of our lives and have no other thoughts or feelings. I don't have all Jews, I'm just realistic about the fact that a small cabal of rich old Jews are destroying the Western world. I know that they run the financial industry, the porn industry, and mainstream media. I think that they control a lot of politicians and do not have the best interests of the public at heart. I don't think they give a shit about the death of the Western world either.

I have talked to my girlfriend about the majority of my views. I simply neglect to mention that I think it's rich Jews pulling most of the strings. She has come to understand and share my beliefs on the majority of these topics. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit smug about it, but who wouldn't be?

they take the jewish women so the jewish men cant breed

My girlfriend is jewish. I fucking hate it. Why do I do this. I don't know.

it's because you're jewish senpai

Now that you stated it my ex was part jew and I started to turn from anti-semite to vicious anti-semite during the relationship. Not because of her thought. Really curious thing if you ask me, there must be more to it than just coincidence.

>implying even the biggest most hardcore Stormfag would not bang a hot negress if given the opportunity

Those damn jewbies.

Their infilitration powers are unstoppable.

>we're jealous of Jews
>we want to be on the winning side

I lost my virginity to a Jewish girl in high school. I don't think they're all that crazy about Jewish men, desu. They like that goy dick.

Hebrew hammer. Buff said

WHO /fellinlovewithakikess/ HERE?

>Maybe at the end of the day people can get along if we put aside theistic views and work towards a common good.
Yeah atheism will obviously save us... but only if we also embrace communism along with it, right? Fuck off commie.

I fucked a white girl with a big nose once, how do I know if she was Jewish?

Male jews getting cucked, user. Nothing new.

Same reason I bang so many Italian girls. Hate fucking is great


>jewish women adore antisemitic men, because jewish women hate jewish men
Yeah every Jewish woman I've talked to openly hates Jewish men.

Maybe they're superior to you retarded burgers, even Somalians are superior to you nigger loving faggot's

This is a thing now? Explain.

Did she screamed oi vey

Schadenfreude a bit
It's nice sticking it to the kikes by fucking their women, and there's an element of conquering by "converting" a woman to your side
Other than that there's something about sheeb's that just turns me on.
>tfw have a thing for big noses

No, she kinda just yelped and arched

Believe whatever you want but leave the bullshit at the door. I work with people in the HA and folk who are here because they saw their captain hung and they ran shitless to Alberta. Between me, them, and the normies, we all gotta find a way to live or die pleasantly on this doomed bit of grit.

white people are too inherently pure, good, decent and kind to purge the jew contagion
occasionally jew hate goes too far and some jews become conscious of the jewish sickness and try to help whites innoculate themselves
this goes back to Jesus, a jew who spent time among whites and learned white values and tried to spread them back to his people, who killed him
unfortunately for the jews his death gave rise to Christianity, the strongest white defense against the jew disease, which helped keep the white race healthy for nearly 2,000 years

>You guys don't really think a goyim could possibly name the jew? do you?

I always did think my mother looked a little jewish to be honest.

Maybe you're right.


>this goes back to Jesus, a jew who spent time among whites

Fucking Christ fags I swear. You stupid fucks get more insane by the day.

liberals base themselve on the idea of psychological superiority, they think they can read everyone like a book because they have a very tight and closed sense of reality that comes out of the media they consume

Jung archetypes and the idea of "no objectivity" means that a liberal that writes a story, never deviates from those lines, they literally think that the human experience is completely defined and explained, thats why their art is so dull too, because it hasn't produced anything new, like you literally read Aleister Crowley and that is like the Liberal Master Piece, but its from the first part of the XX centhury

So of course for them, fucking a man means "you are gay", hating a jew means "you are an antisemite", saying "i hate all blacks" means you are a racist

They equate expression to reality, i can now say "i'd rape that girl" and they would gasp in horror, but clever people, more uneducated than them, but more in touch with reality, can realize the poetic use of language to communicate more than literal words can, by saying 'id rape that girl' it doesn't mean i would literally fuck her without her consent, but that my lust for her is so big that i can barely contain myself

Its like they don't understand the difference between communication and action

>Master race
>Has no human qualities at all

Is that an example of the superior Jewish "intelligence" I keep hearing about?


why would anyone be a fag for jews?

i'm telling you Jesus was a whitesfag.

Because how could you say no to pic related?

[spoiler]also I have some Jewish ancestors[/spoiler]

I'd like to reply, but aside from thanking you for a well written reply, I've got nothing. Really hit the nail on the head their friend.

whoops forgot pic

This is true but you're overlooking the aspect of white hate

A lot of (((liberalism))) heavily overcorrects on white non-transgressions like saying "i would rape her" to indicate strong sexual desire because liberalism hates and wants to suppress white male sexual desire.

Modern liberalism is very comfortable with blacks, mexicans and muslims saying they hate whites, or women saying (and proving) that they hate men, even when those groups prove that they literally do mean it.

White men have a much stronger tendency towards being pro-social and decent so it's easier for them to play with an idea like "rape" because of the shared understanding that the literal act would be monstrous to commit.

As much as I hate kikes, their women have the wettest pussies on earth, they fucking gush like geysers after just a little kissing and nipple rubbing

Not to mention despite being crazy (woman + intelligence + inbred genetics = super insanity) they make for awesome conversation beyond Netflix & gossip

oh shit you just described one of my close female friends perfectly. especially the wetness and good conversation thing. what the fuck? her ex told me everything.

their men are horny as hell, and have sarcastic, witty personalities that I enjoy. they have other problems though.

>t. kike


I wouldn't say I'm an anti-semite per se...

But I am a Sup Forumsack so to normies I'm practically a Nazi.

Engaged to a Jew.

All the hot celebrities I like are Jewish.

Wouldnt look twice at most blondes.

Can't explain it.

Nice trips.
If you fuck a man, you're definitely a fucking faggot. No doubt about it.

Also this.

Genuinely just don't like black girls.

But merchant girls are my weakness.

It's technically possible to fuck a man without being gay. Being gay means your attracted to men. It's possible to fuck a man without being attracted to him. I agree though 99% of the time if you fuck a man you're probably gay, at the very least it's gay to fuck a man.

can attest to this.

massive anti-semite, but deeply in love with a jew who salved my anti-semitism for a time and sometimes makes it difficult to justify, but she's a whore now (took her virginity) and i think she race mixes, so i have little holding me back now.

except i do still think beautiful jewish women are among the most beautiful women, so maybe i just keep the most beautiful specimens in my harem and the rest can juuuuust


go without fucking for a while, any dirty old hole starts to look good

Don't you remember the bible?
Jewish women are literally bred to be offered to powerful gentiles the tribe wishes to infiltrate and destroy.

And I ain't even talking about Hotties Of The IDF.

I mean full Jewesses.


Oy vey... I just want to ram my cock between those titanic Jew tits

Id gas this bitch
but im also a red blooded straight dude so......

Antisemitism is literally a racist jewish supremacist term to begin with because it implies all Semitic lands belong to jews through some divine rights when they are wide diverse places filled with all sorts of people with all sorts of ideas.

the rule is op
kill the men
fuck da women (sometimes rape)

conan gets it its why black guys are willing to fuck white chicks but still hate white people with a passion

I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy afoot here. The crafty bastards are always up to something.


They love foreign women too (aka not jewish). But I think their parents tend to force them together when it comes time for marriage. The divorce rate of Israel is low, but among american jews, astronomical.

because hate fucks are best fucks

The fuck are you even talking about.

look into the abyss and the abyss looks into you.

I'm antisemitic and am attracted to Jewish women. GOD TIER iq mixed with Aryan purity is the true master race.

This is a redpill that most of pol is too dumb to swallow.

Reminder that Jewish women have big tits as an explicit adaptation to seduce boyim

Mischling girls are sexy. They get the good parts of hot merchant girls and the rest of the merchant imperfections are dissipated by the Aryanness

I have no problem with this

She is indian

The only reasons jews are rich is because you watch their movies, take their loans, consume their media. The biggest jew haters are usually the same people who take their loans and cry to mommy because you don't like their interest rates. The reason jews did so well in germany is because Germans hired them. Time to grow up and admit they are superior just like Asians.


Take a good look at any cuckold porn. They always have titles that sound like crime news headlines
>black man makes white girl cry with his huge bbc
>thugs gang up on innocent white woman
>angry thug roughs up blondes

Taboo makes sex hot


>hey user, why do you have a folder called ""ben_garrison" :3??
how would you respond?

>It's funny cartoons drawn by a libertarian and people like to troll him by editing them to male him onto a fake Nazi
Even normies would understand this. Maybe not agree, but understand.

>Y'know, just goofy Sup Forums things.

Jesus was a Jew. Christianity is almost exactly like original Judaism, but Judaism evolved into something else by Jesus' time.

>Jesus was a Jew

One who appreciated white values

>parasites are superior because the host lets them in

High-level judenthought itt

why do merchants all hate christianity?
oh wait, I already said why merchants hate christianity.