Why are chicanos such subhuman shit when compared to actual mexicans?
Does americanization make them worse?
Why are chicanos such subhuman shit when compared to actual mexicans?
Does americanization make them worse?
Of course, dude.
Mexicans have a horrible diet, and that was ok when they were all poor farmers and ate the food the grew. Now that theyre americans, they're ingesting poor quality GMO food. It's why americans in general are so ugly.
El chicANO
I have a theory, let me just look for it in the archive...Whish me luck
But it can be shortened as:
>Chicanos are mediocre; neither mexican nor American
The chicanos looks like the scum you find in the lowest hoods of mexico.
>Claim to be all Mexican and shit
>Cant even mention 5 states of my country
>Claim to be american as fuck USA USA USA
>Dont pay taxes cause they are ilegal
In my experience Chicano tend to be extremely left or extremely right but fail at understanding both concepts not to mention the illegals that actually go there to work do tend to return back
keep in mind this was released way before trump even became popular
If you are born in the U.S., follow it's culture and nourish from it then you are American. If you are Chicano, but follow Mexican culture, then you are either an in-adapted (I am not sure if there is a word for that in English) or a "Stranger". Lastly, if you try to combine both you get nothing; no culture, no identity.
That's because an illegal at least leaves to work somewhere else, however it is completely possible to live in your respective country but living in the U.S. is so much easier. A ChicANO is stock between two cultures, two worlds and two identities; in the U.S. they are "Proud Mexicans", and in Mexico they arrive as "Americanos", that leaves them as mediocre, they fit nowhere, both countries hate them and thus they rebel back.
(Octavio Paz, I fucking love you. If you find a translation of the essay "El Pachuco y Otros extremos" in the book "El Laberinto de la Soledad" by the author I just mentioned you may understand more about this)
oh shit you are talking about octavio
You are right they show pride on being Mexicans but when they come to mexico they claim to be gringos
Probably because the ones that come here are the poorest of the bunch. Poor Mexicans tend to be the ugliest, most illiterate and indigenous of them all. Many of them have huge inferiority complexes to other groups. When they find out I'm Cuban I see their face contort a bit. And once they find out about my politics they just start calling me a traitor. Actual Mexicans are pretty good, I went to Mexico City for vacation one year and they were all nice to me.
I know
its annoying as hell
and when you actually explain the shit they act all surprised
i have no idea why the beaners like looney toons, particularly tweety.
I also went to Cuba and it was comfy as fuck
and you are not a traitor the same people calling you a traitor follow a political group that has a fucking nazi flag as their main flag
My IB Extended Essay in High School was about existentialism in "El Laberinto de la Soledad", but it all came to that specific essay (El pachuco y otros extremos). Have you read "The Stranger" by Albert Camus? Pachucos (60's slang used instead of Chicanos) and Meursault are very similar in their way of acting, the difference is that Meursault is an outsider to his own society and Pachucos are practically foreigners in both countries (matching up with the title of "The Stranger" in Spanish: The foreigner).
I also read a essay by an author I do not remember (maybe it was Samuel Ramos but I am really not sure) comparing people from Tijuana to seals; neither fully aquatic nor made for walking, neither American nor Mexican.
americunts on suicide watch
Why are you stealing our flag?
Anyone got the version with the South as the best and the North as the middle?
Come on Las baja californias are bigger than italy, fuck off
I have actually read the stranger and I never thought how it must had been a very hard work to compare but i can see where the idea is going
In fact a book like the stranger set on the life of a Chicano would be very interesting
I will throw you money and carne asada if you find a way to make it
What are you studying?
>posts fat American, in shape taconigger
>Mexico is the fattest country on the planet.
The mexican flag happened before the unification of the italian kingdoms for what I have heard
Don't even waste your time on that taco nigger dude
I'm a third generation mexican immigrant. I was not raised with mexican culture. Very white upbringing. However, I've always identified as mexican since my name is spanish and I look mexican. I've always revered mexican culture even though I don't know much about it. Legally I am considered white-hispanic.
Am I chicano?
Why? every fucking thread i see you always do that
Right now? Nothing. I took a year off and work as a dentist assistant, study german and eat all the books movies and anime I can before going to study Odontology. I enter once the summer is over
>I've always identified as mexican since my name is spanish and I look mexican. I've always revered mexican culture even though I don't know much about it.
You might as well be a closet chicano or something like that
You're not mexican, you're american so please assimilate into american culture
Me? I have never uploaded that picture. It must have being another >Mexican Intelectual
Since there are so many of us out there
oh well viel gluck mein freund
Arzt ist ein schwer klass
It's simple. It's the lowest class the one that has to illegally immigrate to the US, the educated people stay and have good jobs here. That's why most Chicanos are shit.
el chicano
fix the pic and add a bloody stump where the left guy's head is
At least odontology pays very well in the border. Since it is so expensive in the U.S.. What seems like a great deal for an american is actually a fortune here.
>A few months of german are not really that helpful
This pretty much. Unfortunately you and your kin come here, you will be in the same situation.
You will find yourself in a society that labels you a mexican-american even if you were born 4th generation red blooded american. Shit black people here are still called african-americans even though they are like 20th generation american.
We assimilate, and then other latinos lose respect for us. "Ahh you dont know spanish, what kind of mexican are you?"
You guys can all go fuck yourselves. Chicanos are literally the frostwolf clan. american queer alliance doesnt want us, fel mexican orcs dont respect our desire for a better life. Nothing to do but to say fuck you both.
I am assimilated and I know I'm american. It's just if someone asks me what I am I say mexican since I'm brown.
It's basically being hypocrite.
>Then why you don't go bac-
But I must say that not ALL Mexicans immigrants are like that.
what makes one a chicano?
I'm light skinned and have hazel eyes.
My surname is a spanish fucking town, and both sides of my "mexican" family were late fucking spaniards, like late 1800's late.
I just tell them I'm spanish.
Fuck Mexico.
please assimilate into American culture
its for your own good
Mexicans wont accept you here and you will be trapped in endless hell
am gonna tell you why quoting a book i read in primary school that made it very clear
>Asian girl lived whole in germany
>can talk even a sentence on chinese
>decides to try and visit her old family in china
>doesnt find them
>doesnt enjoy the culture there at all cause its so different from german
>discovers she was adopted by pure luck and was about to be killed as a baby (one child policy)
>when she finds her mom she cant even speak to her they dont understand each other
the book disguises it with bs here and there but when you think about the message it hits you
just read german stuff know and then my recommendation is children books and videogames with little words (try pokemon)
The reason is because only people from the lowest hoods or pueblos in the middle of nowhere are the ones crossing the border illegally, they're usually the descendants of natives who never mixed so that's why they look like they're going to rob you
where are all the white mexicans
and these shirts, LMAO
not jumping the border :^)
that pablo on the left has one head too many
Being born in the U.S. and having Mexican parents (legal or illegal, makes no difference) technically makes you one. But to act like one you just need to be a huge hypocrite when it comes to everything having to do with identity.
It helped me in English, but since my german is so deficient it is kind of difficult for me to look for stuff. But where there's a will there's a way
If someone asks that don't say "I'm mexican" since mexican is not a race
Tell them you're american first and only regardless of your race
If you really insist on telling your race just say something like "american with hispanic heritage" or something like that
the problem is that german media is very hard to find and cartoons on german mostly sound just plain bad Doulingo in my opinion is the best thing that has ever come close to teach german on a daily basis
English has hollywood 24/7
Spanish have tele novelas (that have even been released on Russian language)
Japan has anime
Let me guess, your last name is Toledo?
chicano here, la raza in high school is a white jewish scheme to make all latinos into chicanos
they're sending us back to the stone age when we cut hearts out and fucked our cousins
well it should be clear to the person asking that I'm american. Most likely they're asking because I look "ethnic" but they're not really sure what.
I don't really care enough to know the correct term. If I say mexican they'll know what I mean even if it's not technically correct.
few people know that
but am glad some do
My Spanish is shit and I don't even try to read it anymore because its too much work despite 2 years of spanish in high school. Don't know any Mexican history. Apparently i am "ashamed" or "a traitor". Figured if my parents wanted me act Mexican they would've stayed in Mexico or teach me about Mexican culture.
In my mind Mexico is filled with savages who do whatever they want. I guess they are like those tattooed shaved head ese motherfuckers only worse because no one keeps them in check.
No your a nigger.
Satan and hitler dubs, I believe you
If you find yourself hated by Americans (real ones) and Mexicans (real ones), the two most based groups on the planet, I highly suggest suicide
we are actually normal people
we have our traditions
you should visit it , I recommend you to go to yucatan and baja california they are pretty safe right know
and dont bother learning spanish it will take you forever
because they listen to shit like this
Some people just think that "Mexican" is a race. The most common race in Mexico is mestizo, or what people stereotypically think a "mexican" looks like.
It annoys me when people say that I look Mexican, even though I have no family that actually came from Mexico.
wtf is a Chicano? I've heard of Mexicans and Hispanics, but have not heard the term 'chicano' for years, I don't even know what it means.
what are you actually
Mexican here.
True 90% of mexicans in USA come from shanty farmer towns with little education seldom more elementary and obviously no fucking manners. Being 2 or 3rd generation in the US does not grant you the white mentality and sadly that backwards latin mentality sticks no matter what. Maybe they speak perfect english or even hold a decent job but besides that core mentality has not changed. It will not change. The other 10% of mexicans who come from middle-upper class (like myself) do not condone or want to be affiliated with these morons who litter everywhere, have no fucking manners, live off gov't assistance, cheat, lie, propagate like roaches, wave mexican flag here. It's fuckign embarrasing every person I meet saying so suprised b-but you don't look/sound "mexican" (blond heritage on dad side) ugh. We don't even like these cockroches in Mexico, putos chairos, I'm so surprised how much tolerance whites have for these fucks. Y TODAVIA SE LLENAN EL HOCICO PARA GRITAR "RECONQUISTA" pinches indios pata rajada, a la vergaaaa.
it means chicago white washed
chicago doesnt apply anymore though but the name stook
>cartel de santa
Ok you are not American , stop using us proxy
My bad... I posted that in a "Post what Normies listen in your Country" thread....
third post best post, we fucking loathe those people over here.
1st generation Americans of Mexican or Latino descent who has a racial superiority complex and are for some reason mad at whitey for existing even though they are reaping the benefits of his society.
There's no such thing as an "African American" or a "Mexican American" - they're just Americans, and in general Americans are subhuman shit (present company excluded).
>implying normie music is bad
plus the mexican families that purposefully teach there kids spanish and no english and send them to public school.
Parents are from Nicaragua. Last time I was there, I was 13 and was forced to stay at grandparents house(it was actually a shack).
What do you care op, your from the Aryan nation of the south?
I used to hear it from chicanos that white Americans would never accept me because I'm brown and it got me thinking for a bit.
Then I realized it, nobody accepts anybody, we never had acceptance in the US on a wide scale outside of friendships, we tolerate each other.
I have good friends that are white and brown and I've embraced American culture, my friends accept me but I don't ever expect another group of people to accept me just "because".
Thats why Martin Luther King always talked about tolerance, as if he knew niggers would never be accepted but if we could achieve tolerance then maybe the real discrimination would end.
I know that when push comes to shove, American patriots will come together like we do in times of strife but don't kid yourself into thinking that tolerance and acceptance are the same thing.
I firmly believe in seperate but equal, thats how we got this far as a nation, we're a bunch of different groups of people all striving to keep this America thing alive, so don't be surprised that we get a bit pissed when you piss on the things we all love and cherish, our Country and our God given rights and the peace we live in
all the cubANOs I ever met were PR-tier negritos. You're projecting what you think Sup Forums assumes about certain groups into your daily life. In reality most cubans are dirt fucking poor. Only the rich white ones in MIA are doing well, and even then they're getting cucked by Anglos who run the entire show. Eat shit Josephan
Of course, treating different things as equal can only cause unhappiness for at leas one side, u=if you try to make everybody happy but still treat them equal you get unhappiness in both sides. If you try to make other happy you will make yourself unhappy once you fail. Leaving people on their own, helping them to one day stand on their own is the only way to go
impressive, the anglos will surely accept you as one of their own now! fucking uncle juan faggot. Hope some nigger's loose bullet finds your cranium.
I've been to Europe and Asia more times than I've been to Mexico. I went to Durango when I was five. Only thing I remember about it was watching Dragonball and Saint Seiya (Caballeros del zodiaco) in Spanish.
What is the difference between Latino, Hispanic, and Chicano?
Thats an interesting way to look at it.
But i think this is good enough evidence to show they are uniting "white" groups and breaking every other group up.
>Latino (Spanish for Latin; of roman origin)
From a Romance (Roman originated) country. So a good chunk of Europe may be latin
Latin in America (this definition may include Québec, since they speak the Romance French instead of the Anglo English)
From the Liberian península, specifically Spain. This only includes Spain and it's former colonies
You're right. They speak, read, write both English and Spanish poorly and that limits their grasp of both cultures.
I live in the Bay Area and in my experience, Central Americans (immigrant or American born) are more intelligent than Mexican Americans. My theory is that class differences account for the differences in outcomes. Mexican Americans in California descended from migrant farm workers and laborers for the most part. Central Americans that arrived in the 1970s-80s left because of political instability, and came from middle to upper class backgrounds, some had skills or higher education. Central Americans that arrived from the mid 90s and forward are usually nigger tier.
>all striving to keep this America thing alive
Not all.
Most blacks vote in anti-american patterns as do most mexicans.
In my experience only Whites and Asians have positive patterns. Very sad to say.
A black would typically vote for welfare over any item in the bill of rights.
I have gone to a few of their "jaripeo" festivals in the US, and it's a lot of fucking fun.
Actual Mexican people from the capital or other more "genteel" regions seem a bit embarrassed by it, though.
2nd gen butthurt indio detected
Do "real" Mexicans even care able that "La raza", "let's reclaim the southern territories because it rightfully belongs to us", shit that the Chicanos like to whine about?
Fuck no. Some central americans are middle class and requiere resources to come here, while poor mexicans can even do it walking however as in general, central americans cannot hold a candle to mexicans.
To be honest, we do not know anything about "La Raza'
White person here, I fucking love Los Angeles Azules.
I also recommend to fellow gringos La Santa Cecilia.
that shit only applies to california and maybe parts of new mexico. texas and arizona don't have these types of thinking because they aren't liberal shitholes.
How can you be chicano and be illegal?
Ha! Laredo and the RGV already ARE Mexico. El Paso is close. There's nothing much else to think about, since you've already crossed the border by the time you get to those places.
Read up on some of the RGV corruption scandals for a peek at the future of Texas.
Americans are hateful, little people who happen to have a certain degree of influence over other people. That's what.
Because they literally are the trash of our country.
If we are shitskins rape babies, imagine what kind of people are chicanos who come from the lowest point of the barrel.
No, because we have no attachment to that land.
But chicanos, those who are neither Mexican or Americans, have no home, an half assed culture, they belong to nowhere. They want the land not for Mexico but for themselves.
It's weird since all the white people I've met are cool or maybe they just talk shit behind my back. Besides I've avoided Alabama and Mississippi. Black people are a coin toss. Either they are ignorant piece of shit assholes, or very friendly. Mexicans (or mexican americans) on the other hand are usually the ones trying to fuck me over. I don't trust them and would never put my faith in them.
Fuck la raza, mexican heritage, even the middle class blonde guy . Only loyalty I have is for my family. Also, as a former Marine, fuck those US soldiers holding up the Mexican flag.
Shitty ass chicanos.
> Adopting the black culture. Committing crimes because of their influences.
>"Proud to be Mexican"
> would rather act black than Mexican.
Holy shit that image.
I always believe that the mexican elite was trying to empty from the fucking indians.