Tell me about perro, why does he caca?

tell me about perro, why does he caca?

this smug motherfucker will caca on your yard and there is nothing you can do about it


sacre bleu

i dare you to make a perro caca thread in Sup Forums

>going to Sup Forums at all

just went to Sup Forums and saw that you can select a flag
when did that happen

ok sec

you used to be able to do that hiro must have brought it back



right thanks

8 minutes and I'm not even banned, weak desu

also why am I getting captchas from US mil exercises/operations

fresh dump:

Third worlders really have the worst jokes

at least I'm allowed pork you fucking jihadi

You might be allowed it but that doesn't mean you can afford it you fucking peasant

I can grow my own you sharia inbred

Can any of you goyim guess what happens later in this video?

she goes to college and obtains a fulfilling career

guessing she gets fucked by a superior machine while us flaehbags admire it. amirite, based yid?


ah so that's why I was called a newfag when I said it's new

Why not both?
She can study mechanical engineering all day and come back home to her robot bf

technically it is
>only way to make women study is for sexual gratification

genius. yid masterrace with the plan as always

>genius. yid masterrace with the plan as always
Sometimes (((we))) even amaze ourselves

>growing anything
>not just moving from place to place scavenging



go on
well your mum is a gypsy too but she makes my cock grow

I doubt you could even grow pubes faggot, come back when you're countries highest export isn't gypsies

come back when your country's biggest import aren't jihadis

>implying you are even a local

work on your grammar paki

britcuck BTFO

While you're bickering about which nationality is worse the robots are fucking your women

fuck i cannot compete

>tfw we will never compete with the machine

... unless we become a machine

cyborg cocks when

i unironically rather be romanian then british desu

Kek you really are mad, to be fair if I lived in Romania I don't think I'd be the happiest either
Try have a good life sweetie, enjoy your irrelevant shithole x