Black People Into Space


Is Sup Forums ready for the movie portraying the story of how black people were responsible for sending whitey into space?

This looks Oscar worthy boys!


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Just ignore it

No humans have been past the Van Allen belts, so it's OK to make up whatever fiction the public wants, really.

To be fair this happened in real life and they did play a part, but knowing Hollywood it's probably going to pull some revisionist history bullshit

I talked to Janelle Monae on reddit, lmao. She responds to PMs for some odd reason

>this happened

Yes Jamal, just like the flying pyramids back then built by emperor WEWUZ the second

A nig did remedial math and white people into space

>here is your medal of freedom

Is that woman in the middle the same lady from empire? Holy shit she drives me up a wall. Not from a race or gender perspective either. Her acting seems to assume you already believe she's the most captivating person on screen.

Any of those three were real characters or this is just make up "based in real events" jewish scheme?




They were real but they aren't worth it to make a 2 hr movie

Black People Into Space

Sounds racist

from Wikipedia

>At first she worked in a pool of technical women performing math calculations, known as computors.[7] Katherine has referred to the women in the pool as virtual "computers who wore skirts." Their main job was to read the data from the black boxes of planes and carry out other precise mathematical tasks. Then one day, Katherine (and a colleague) were temporarily assigned to help the all-male flight research team. Katherine's knowledge of analytic geometry helped make quick allies of male bosses and colleagues to the extent that "they forgot to return me to the pool." While the racial and gender barriers were always there, Katherine says she ignored them. Katherine was assertive, asking to be included in editorial meetings (where no women had gone before.) She simply told people she had done the work and that she belonged.

She basically demanded to be included is the space calculation for being a woman and black not for hard work.

>Computer programming is not hard work

I can smell your fedora from here

except saving private ryan isnt a movie made specifically to divide races

a computer programmer in the 1950's was the equivalent of doing geometry/basic algebra today. A 11 year old in 2016 could send a man to the moon in 1969.

>except saving private ryan isnt a movie made specifically to divide races


Hidden Figures isn't an anti-white film. It's anti discrimination

>yfw the one on the far right is so fucking fat that she looks like she's already wearing a pants-space-suit hybrid.

Is that so Raven on the right?

>a computer programmer in the 1950's was the equivalent of doing geometry/basic algebra today

You mean to tell me...that 21st century technology is more advanced than 20th century technology????

*mind blown*

>A 11 year old in 2016 could send a man to the moon in 1969.

>It's anti discrimination

By portraying rampant racial discrimination against a great, real-life scientist that never happened anywhere near to that extent?

jews and germans arent races, nice try though reddit

It's using a woman that faced very little racial discrimination to make a point about race?

That's like using Anne Franks story to highlight the issues of living in a one bedroom apartment.

there was no portrayal of jew vs german in this movie

I never knew Neil Armstrong was black.

Hollywood tried to spin their fantasy into agenda this year. Trump already won so if you don't like it, go to the movies and enjoy an alternative to reality.

>real-life scientist that never happened anywhere near to that extent?

You haven't even watched the movie and now you're saying the whole story is made up. You're really creditable.


It divides ethnic groups, which is more drastic. Go back to tumblr if you disagree

They showed a trailer for this before a sold-out showing of Moana. Dead silence from the crowd. And this was in NYC. Nobody likes these types of movies except critics, academy voters, and others pushing an agenda. Most people go to the movies for entertainment. Compare that to the trailer for Lego Batman which had everybody laughing and audibly excited.

>Doing too much math that you became white

top kek

>bitching she's too black now
Sup Forums is never going to be happy about a black character in a movie and will always find some way to justify it as "not historically accurate"

>Most people go to the movies for entertainment.
Really? Is that why, capeshit always makes a profit? You might be on to something here. Especially if you're watching a disney princess movie.

threads theme

>WW2 had nothing to do with jews


>That's like using Anne Franks story to highlight the issues of living in a one bedroom apartment.

Except no one will complain about that . She's famous for written her life as a Jew running from the Nazis


they along with hundreds of others where basically used as human calculators because computers wasnt a thing yet

also the real life woman its based is only 1/8 black

You do realize that 'anti discrimination' has no place in that story yet? It tells the story of someone that didn't suffer due to discrimination, the movie just forces it in there if its an anti discrimination

Oddly enough the fact that people already call it an anti-discrimination movie tells you exactly what it's going to contain. Someone that didn't experience it, but a movie that is so "not about that" that it's already become known as an anti-discrimination movie.

You know why she didn't face much discrimination in real life? BECAUSE SHE LOOKED WHITE. You know she looked white? BECAUSE SHE WAS MIXED RACE.

Getting a full on black person and forcing your agenda into her story so hard that a movie about a lady that was successful and didn't face much discrimination becomes known as an ANTI-DISCRIMINATION movie says a whole fucking lot.

She lighten up with age, but she certainly was brown enough that she suffered through segregation.

She is a black women but you shut in dont know what people look like.

>I don't hate niggers, I just don't want them to whitewash established white characters from other media. It just ruins my immersion to see Heimdall become black for no reason. If they made an original black character I'd be fine
>I don't hate niggers, I just hate them shoehorning original black characters into settings where they don't belong. Boyega as a black stormtrooper ruins my immersion in the Star Wars aesthetic. If they made their own original movies it would be fine
>I don't hate niggers, but I'm tired of these obviously impossible black movies. Black Panther being a super billionaire in the most technologically advanced country in Africa? Come on. It ruins my immersion to have something so impossible, I'd be fine with black characters based on real people.
>I don't hate niggers, I'm just tired of them making movies focusing on real black characters and not giving more time to more important white people at the same time. I'm fine with black characters as long as they fit into neat stereotypes and aren't treated as actual human beings

How much math do you have to do to become Asian?

>Still no von Braun film

I fucking hate black people, lads.

>ou know why she didn't face much discrimination in real life? BECAUSE SHE LOOKED WHITE. You know she looked white? BECAUSE SHE WAS MIXED RACE.

Except she was still classified as mixed/black at her time. Not only that she was a woman at that. People like her was considered to be kept quiet, do what their told, and not do her full potential. In the movie, she'll be like "No, fuck that noise" gets all assertive to be treated as an equal , do more than what she's expected to do, and became a role model for minorities/women working in a majority men work force. That's the point.

How about watch the movie before you make assumptions?

black characters in general are fine. This movie is about praising a black woman for doing a task thousands of people also did, the only difference is she is being praised for being black.

Do you also want to see a movie about a black nurse going through day to day activities? Oscar worthy right?

the funny part is that when a mixed race person is cast as a black person, /poltv/ loses its shit and bitches about how it's just Jew propaganda to make people thing niggers are more attractive than they really are
Then when a mixed race person is cast as another mixed race person, they're mad that the skin tone isn't 100% correct

If there's a nigger on screen, Sup Forums will find a reason to be unnecessarily upset no matter what

>how dare they show that there was real discrimination going on
>this goes against my worldview the niggers were always treated well by whites and have an artificial victim complex
>why couldn't they just make another Fast and Furious movie already

>If there's a nigger on screen, Sup Forums will find a reason to be unnecessarily upset no matter what

Exactly! ironically, they're denying doing it right now

>You know why she didn't face much discrimination in real life?

Stop pretending like you actually know what she went through in life as if you have read or listened to any of her accounts.


Holy fuck due, being mixed was by many seeing as worse. You think many parents at the time wouldn't have a problem with you brining this girl home because she is mixed?

i had no idea tumblr/reddit infiltrated this board so hard

I get that Gravity, Interstellar, and The Martian were all financial and critical successes, but I feel like they have pushed the way for way too many space movies and once they start failing, this little burst of hard sci-fi will be over. Sucks since the three that I mentioned and Arrival were all great, but The Space Between Us is going to under-perform, and even Passengers might not do too well with it's reported cost ballooning too much.


if you have a problem feel free to return to your safespace

>Can you?

>i had no idea tumblr/reddit infiltrated this board so hard

This Sup Forums not Sup Forums or stormfront

I consider tumblr and reddit the alt-left

octaroon secretaries
and they make a fucking movie about it

>an 11 year old in 2016 could send a man to the moon in 1969


There's no such thing. Even if they were, they aren't SJWS

they make movies glorifying white-collar wall street criminals that get Oscar nominations too, what's your point

>Do you also want to see a movie about a black nurse going through day to day activities? Oscar worthy right?

Yeah id watch that, a movie that takes place in a single night as she aids all different types of people. She lives in the ghetto and has to help a doctor treat patients people from all walks of life, from a rich white man having a heart attack to a poor teenage girl who forced a miscarriage. Final patient is her son who is a gang member and has been shot.

fuck off you labeling loser.

why celebrate mediocrity just because they are black?

this is just a sad power fantasy/revisionist history

>People like her was considered to be kept quiet
This is fucking stupid
And now our businesses/government/military are all fucking trash because of this affirmative action bullshit

Modern NASA could not do Apollo

The average computer programmer today doesn't really use much past geometry and basic algebra either.

>literally everything is niggers fault
damn Sup Forums really went off the deep end with the whole victim complex thing

Will she show up?

not black

>Do you also want to see a movie about a black nurse going through day to day activities?
only if those day to day activities include killing dirty dope pushers

Yeah im sure this woman was accepted into the whitest of neighborhoods of the fucking era,
>autism so bad cant even tell races apart

Do you not understand that dark skin niggas have lower IQ's than light skin niggas?

>calls someone a labeling loser
>3 posts before labels them stormfront, Sup Forums

the left logic in action


>Business/government/military are all fucking trash because of this affirmative action bullshit
Lmao, why's that bud?

That's a qt Jewess

All of it

Anyone bothered by the fact they are using the Atlas rocket, rather than a Saturn?

wait isnt saying she lives in the ghetto stereotyping black people?

Are you this stupid on purpose?

Sounds like she intimidated the computer nerds

>Is Sup Forums ready for the movie portraying the story of how black people were responsible for sending whitey into space?

They were computers, that was their title. I guess if you consider the person who was replaced by machines important then this is kind of a big deal.

It was like intellectual sharecropping

>this is how reddit was taught to debate
>cant refute argument
>call person stupid


Not that user but you didn't make an argument and you were acting like a retard

Looking at that makes my hands hurt.

more like she sucked off enough NASA employees to write all of that for her so she can pose next to it.

>notice the red knees.

Kill yourself faggot.

I believe the preferred nomenclature nowadays is "redbone".

Computer programming today requires less mathematical knowledge than ever before.

Why are you wasting your time here when you could be writing an Oscar worthy script?

is there going to be a scene where evil white people won't let her help out or something?

Black people barely have any history in America except for negative shit. So making movies about the positive things they have doesn't seem like such a bad things to me.

Never mind this is actually jew propaganda and I think this is feminizing white men in some kind of way.

This is the best post I've ever seen on Sup Forums

For anyone who is interested here is her sexy source code

>left me lol

here a scene
>evil whitey: I need those calculations on how much oxygen they have left
>black hero: so youz saying ummmm *smacks lips* you need demz calcumalations on dat oxygen level? Aint nobody got timez for that I beez doing my nails n shit
>evil white: dont you understand people are going to die?
>Black hero: excuse me? dont you take that tone with me boy. I deserve respect, dont you know what my people gun through?
>black hero: Hey Taniqua how my hair look girl? whooweeeeee
>black hero number 2: oooooo girl you look fine as hell.
>Black hero: I know right? Hey white boy fetech me another one dem coffeees, extra cream *wink* *wink* nowhatisayin girl? haaaaawwww ha hawwwwwwww *claps hands*
>evil whitey: what are you talking about? we need those calculations?
>black hero: boy dont get uppity with me. Hey Laquisha what be the square root of 345?
>black hero 2: aint nobody got time for that girl I listening to motown.


>A 11 year old in 2016 could send a man to the moon in 1969.

put me in the screenshot for leddit