Hey Sup Forums!

Hey Sup Forums!

I started a thread a little while back to talk about a Fascist newspaper I was thinking on starting. I'm going to start small, like a newsletter, so only three-ish pages for now.

I said I'd come back for more advice, so this is the progress I have so far. Suggestions?

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Post the rest of the template?

Whoops, skipped my mind.

When writing the stories you can be brash at first to attract attention then tone it down and use some jew levels of manipulation.


I was just curious to see what you had because I would considering writing some things up myself and passing them out where I live. I already write in to the local paper in my town all the time and get published, even my toned-down yet still somewhat "controversial". If I was writing on my own format though I could go all out. Then again, I'm not too good with technology so I don't even know how I would get my writing on to your template there.

I have all this on a doc, so I will edit the lines to actual words and blocks to actual pictures.

I don't intend to have this based on technology, I'm sick of "news" from the internet, I want people to live in the real world just a little more.

Well to start, maybe get a better newspaper template or something, it really kinda looks like shit.

Plans on.first issue?

I only have one other person working on this, and we intend to keep discreet until we have enough support to start an actual "party" to really get the wheels of Fascism going.

For the first segment I was thinking an introduction, then the purpose of the paper in general. (truth about Fascism and it's efficiency)

The second would be a discretion thing. Third is the beginnings of Fascism and Mussolini/Nations under Fascism. We ran out of ideas at this point and now here I am, haha.

We're looking to start softly before we start hitting out hard opinions. Also not touching the presidential elections.

I'm planning a Christian newsletter focusing specifically in Christ's socialist teachings. Trying to get Christians to turn away from capitalist America. But I would also like to write for.your paper in my area. I'm not loyal to any ideal.

Oh, I don't really have a paper going. Get with OP about that, maybe you could work with him. If I did have something set up I'd be more than willing to include your writings. I just write in to the Pantagraph paper that is circulated where I live. Or maybe I misunderstood what you said.

You might want someone that actually wants to see facism rise. I wouldn't mind seeing it. but Isay the same about socialism and anarchy. I just want current America to collapse by any means. But I would join you and distribute in.my town.

You may not agree with everything they stand for but the Creativity Movement, a quasi-religious White nationalist ideology, has a prolific collection of newsletters. Perhaps, you may find elements, design- or content-wise, to borrow.

Racial Loyalty Newsletters

Imperium Zine

>I started a thread a little while back to talk about a Fascist newspaper I was thinking on starting. Suggestions?
Sterilize yourself

>three-ish pages
Newspapers can only be an even number of pages, you fucking dipshit.

That would be fantastic, I'm still trying to figure out how to spread the paper beyond my region without long road trips. What state are you?

During your first few editions you should have a comprehensive manifesto for your fascist party to show that you passed the thought experiment stage, ready to put fascism to action. It would be cool if you also had a Fascist Constitution written out as well.

Have you thought about what symbol/icon you would have for your newspaper?

I'm gathering as much works from famous Fascists to create a well made set of political "guidelines". Mostly Italian Fascism so far, might have to get a bookshelf.

I want to start discussing our initial purpose to make it a little obvious what we stand for but not instantly "trigger" people that would refuse to read my paper based on the single word of "Fascism". So I may have to start semi-subtle just to gather a small audience.

Anyone have any ideas how I would spread this paper? I have the initial plan to drop them off in public places, but I don't think that's entirely efficient, and I doubt that stores (especially chain stores) would accept the paper.

He is probably going to use a trifold.


Facist meaning what?

I have a few samples that I want to keep on the "down low" but I'm open to suggestions.

If you read the full sentence, I said it may start like a small newsletter. Like the trifold idea or just staple them together.

I'm on the border of.Chicago and Indiana. got people in st Louis that might be interested. your state?

Utah, kinda conservative but not really. It's a really weird state.

Book stores/libraries hiding them within the pages?

I could give it a shot, though I don't want my identity to be revealed in case this goes HORRIBLY wrong, and security cameras are everywhere. I was thinking libraries, outside restaurants/gas stations, and possibly high schools.
I want to avoid government buildings.

Understandable. Leaving them in public restrooms. at concerts and parties. if you're ballsy putting them in mail boxes.

Alright, I'll start adding points and begin to work on this. I'll post the full paper here before I send it out to get some reviews.

Thank you all for your advice, this will be the beginning of a new movement.

Hail Victory!

Good luck!