Black in Spain, is Spain racist?
Yes Spain is racist
Then don't go to Spain.
why they racist against blacks
oh yeah this video.
get some fresh shit
because chimp outs
Do they chimp out in Spain?
they chimp out anywhere when they are not kept in check, the spainards realize this so stop it from happening all together
Then why do the fucking go?
I see people always making these fucking videos and its fucking stupid.
>Black in Germany
>Black in Denmark
>Black in Holland
>Black in France
>Black in Italy
>BLACKED in Sweden
Just shut the fuck up @TheYungGansta6969, no one cares that you're black and living in Copenhagen cunt.
The Spanish don't like Blacks? I wonder why...
Black seem to cry racist any chance they get.
Because they are intolerant bigots?
That's one trait about nigs. They fucking love attention and talking about themselves.
Her experience was different:
Being tolerant gets you bombed, choose wisely leaf...
Fucking moors get out we didn't fight for almost 800 years to put up with your shit.
How privileged do you have to be for fucks sake? Who gives a fuck about how you were treated or "being black in _____" nobody gives a fuck lol. I love how these niggers like to call whites special snowflakes living a life of privilege but the reality is the american negro is the most privileged class on the planet.
Spain is okay but what the fuck is wrong with Portugal? They are offering free portugal citizenship to people in their former colonies.
I think being intolerant get's you bombed. Canada has never been bombed by muslims like your country and many other intolerant European countires have.
Why are you giving Portugal citizenship to people living in your former colony? Are you on a suicide watch? You can't even accommodate them in Portugal.
Found another black woman that had better experiences:
>The reality is the american negro is the most privileged class on the planet.
How are black Americans privileged? She was treated poorly while a white person like myself can travel and be accepted in every country on earth.
Is that not privilege?
This. Have they considered that if they get treated bad it's because if something else like i don't know, their behavior?
Your country is half frozen, mudslims prefer warmer climate.
Also they blow up countries who matter in the international politics or are in news a lot to get attention and not fictionally important Cuckada whose greatest news of the year is a forest fire.
FUck I can't stand these hypocritical niggers, when has a black EVER defend a whites right to not get raped and murdered if they live in africa.
Go to burundi you retarded leaf, see how far your privilege gets you.
being able to beat a white person within an inch of their life and get away with it because "h-he called me a nig nigger baws"
fuckin canadian cuck
They are the most ignorant race. Everything bad happening to them is related to racism somehow. They even accuse non-whites of being racists. Also they are the most arrogant and have a intolerable behavior. They somehow think that the world is suppose to accept them like what they are and to treat them better because they are black. No wonder they get killed in India.
She went to Galicia all the way in the north of Spain, where people are more whiter than the south. That being said, because they barely see black people of course they're going to stare. She's probably the first nig they're ever seen.
Burundi is some random African country most people have never heard of. Its not a travel hotspot. A black person can be treated poorly in Japan even if they haven't done anything, while I will be treated very well simply due to race. How the hell is that not privilege? Seriously.
That has never happened, you're making things up. Just admit it, whites have privilege, the vid posted proves it.
Canada has a large muslim population, who are peaceful. The only terror attacks we've had have been from white Canadians.
t. GTA cuck/shitskin
pic any black country and you will be raped and killed if you set foot outside of the tourist area.
I cant Even drive through black neighborhood in my own country without risking my life.
They are the most racist people on the planet and get away with it becasue of retarded cucks like you.
Spaniards are not particulary racist, it's just that black people are rare there.
Told you, they want international attention. You don't get attention in the most boring part of the world.
They bombed US because they were superpower and they wanted to implicate fear in them.
They bombed Paris because of mohamed cartoons to implicate fear on people
They bombed Brussels because of the friction between mudslims there to implicate fear on people.
You don't qualify on any of those standards and terrorist attack in Canada will not induce that amount of fear. And I don't think you can whine like US for 15 years for 1 terrorist attack.
you fuck your dog yet leaf?
I'm white, how does that change anything? You seem like a sad negative person.
Not true at all. I know people who have volunteered in African countries, including women. As long as you avoid South Africa you will be fine.
I judge people on how they act, not exclusively on race. I've met bad black people and good black people, same with whites and every other race.
Why would I fuck my dog? I'm not a redneck.
You'd think niggers would catch on and realize that if literally no country likes you or wants you there it probably isn't everyone else's fault.
Africa has the highest rate of volunteers being raped and robbed then any other region in the world.
>I judge people on how they act, not exclusively on race.
yet you judge white people quickly enough about being racists.
But when Blacks targit caucasian tourist for crimes, then it's not about race right.
>while a white person like myself can travel and be accepted in every country on earth.
You're one stupid motherfucker.
wow, so you didn't take shit from niggers...
Old, still raged. This cunt wouldn't last a minute in any Hispanic country.
Yup, we don't.
saw that comment too
No one likes niggers
India's people are like their toilets.
They don't take shit.
I see what you did there, but its kinda true.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little baka? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Otonokizaka High School, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al Nusra, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in idol warfare and I’m the top slut in the entire idol industry. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of idols across Japan and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare ass. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed cock sucking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of weeaboo faggots on Sup Forums and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
top kek
seriously though, what this fucking nigger was expecting?... First, Spain had to deal with sandniggers in the past, and now regular niggers (you know, they cross the sea to get to germany) and with all the ahmed exodus going on in europe she was expecting them to be kind?... jesus christ
Moores weren't black.
They are so stupid that 6 niggers tried to board 1 taxi in India when denied to beat him up. The taxi union then beat them up. And now they are calling it a hate crime and protesting about it.
>all these people saying sorry
fucking hell
You KNOW you are cucked when even the leaf notices how much of a pussy you are
hh-a ha yeah man he can't travel to insert3rdworldshitholehere without being executed or raped!
Turn off whichever part of your brain that influences your Sup Forumscuck meme garbage and realize that, yes, white privilege is indeed something that exists
holy shit aahhahahaa you gotta be kidding hahahaha
can't believe niggers are dumb enough to emigrate TO India, what were they thinking?
They immigrate here mostly to smuggle drugs/run prostitution rackets or to get education.
Best thing is our government told them that it wasn't a hate crime and yet they were still protesting about it.
Why do you have a picture of Kiira Korpi, who's a Finnish figure skater, who is also a feminist dyke saved on your computer?
Can't you yanks keep those damned niggers in your contamination country?
>everywhere I go people don't like me
>it's everyone else who is the asshole, not me
We wuz Spanish.
>Be me backpacking in Europe
>Start trip in Madrid
>Get into the city and a black guy immediately tries to sell me drugs
>Go out at night and have black guys try to sell me drugs
>Go to several different cities and in every one have black guys try to sell me drugs
>Every black person (and no white people) I met in Spain tried to sell me drugs
Maybe that's part of the reason why the Spanish don't care for blacks
I don't understand why these mouthy coons are under the impression that anyone gives a flying fuck about their bullshit.
saged do not watch.
Don't encourage these niggers to spread their cancer anywhere online
>tfw racist grandpa is from Gallicia
fucking kek
I'm not even from spain (been there, know people there) and I known she's full of shit. She thinks people in Spain are raycis because she went to a party alone and no one talked to her? Maybe because they didn't know her?? People kept looking at het? Maybe because she was at a party alone, obviously fuming with rage as she was looking around condesendingly trying to think over how she was gonna vlog about it later and let the world know how racist these peope are?
Maybe her own attitude got her in a bad situation with the family? Not her actual skin color?
Spain is one of the darkest European countries wth, dumb bitch.
The "Black in Russia" are the most amusing ones.
>1 taxi in India when denied to beat him up. The taxi union then beat them up.
Pretty based senpai
Just do yourself a favor and don't go around saying you're Spanish.
Our blacks are raw africans. We don't get many refined blacks from America (who are probably worse because they learned how to nag all day about muh opression).
Also this bitch is autistic. The grannie was making an effort to help her integrate while she was waiting everybody to do everything and treat her like she was special or something while she was just standing still.
"My first time traveling overseas" THE EPISODE.
Nobody likes blacks. Nobody.
exactly, bitch demands diversity to make herself feel comfortable when she came halfway across the planet to visit YOUR home country and gets triggered because your people exist there
fuck this stupid nigger, my family is from spain, land is still cheap eh? im visiting galicia in a month and probably going to move there within a year or 2
What race are you? If you're white then the reception wont be anywhere near as warn as you think it will be in Japan. Go home white pigu.
Yeah seemed like the grannie was nice and the family she was staying with was as well.
I have a flat in Valencia and been living in Spain pretty much 3 months a year for the past 7 years.
1. Spain is indeed racist by today's PC standards. But it's not really racism, more like protecting a certain lifestyle/cultural values that make life there so charming. It's rightwing ''racism'' which formally sounds like racism but in fact people mix in nightclubs, at work or in sports, as opposed to left wing racism where you are very careful about what you say and have all these nice multicultural ideals but put your kids in private schools without much racial nor social mixity.
2. Barcelona is different from the rest of Spain.
3. Spaniards are lazy fucks and are still not recovering from the financial crisis. All of Spain will unfortunately turn into a neoliberal PC shithole where only money is respected.