Just how mad will Sup Forums be if Trump loses? I mean, you guys have hyped him up for well over a year now

Just how mad will Sup Forums be if Trump loses? I mean, you guys have hyped him up for well over a year now..

Sanders is obviously out of the equation, so it's either Trump or Hillary who will win.

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Remember the butthurt when Romney lost?

Magnify that by like a thousand

Day of the rope

I will live on. I will watch my country decay. I will wake up every day doing all that I can to improve myself, earn, and be productive. I will watch as society erodes. I will sit in disbelief as we are dragged into another inevitable war. I will go to the internet, now stripped of anonymity and see how the rest of the world has fared. I will close my doors and windows and attempt to live in a past where there was hope. And finally I will die alone, cold, and broken.

The world is aflame. We are the coal and the match.

>Remember the butthurt when Romney lost?
I don't, I wasn't there. They hated Obama, but did they REALLY want that mormon drone? He did trigger the liberals, but that's really it...

I'll probably be devastated enough to lose the will to make the weekly Whittle threads

If Hillary gets elected I'm learning Swiss

We aren't all on the Trump train.
I personally won't be upset since Hillary is actually the better candidate.
She is experienced and knows how shit works.

Half the population will refuse to have Hillary as their president. Civil war. So yeah I'll be pretty mad when I get shot and killed. But I'll be happy knowing a died for a good reason.

Most of these guys will be gone or just never admit they ever supported him.

>Half the population will refuse to have Hillary as their president. Civil war.

lmao are you retarded

Did the founding fathers accept defeat when the tyrannical government did not respect the will of the people? No, they continued their work despite the mandate of their ruler. Even if Trump loses you don't give up on trying to MAGA. Even America could survive Hillary for 8 years.

Whatever you do, do not flee to another country. That is the response of the weak and unfaithful. We can't know if Trump will make it, but he has started the fire, and it will rise even if Hillary wins.

this, just like what happened after romney lost

Well said, fellow #cruzmissile

she doesnt know how anything works desu

Trump will win in a landslide. He will do this because he has a much higher level in "persuasion" than Shillary does. Trump already knows "the art of the deal", whereas the Hildabeast does not.

I mean for fucks sake, the Jews only recently discovered the (((ECHO))) and are culturally appropriating it in the EXACT way we hoped they would. They've saved us the effort of naming them! Yes! Please keep failing you dumbass kikes! Kvetch harder, you only fuel the furnaces you are destined for so that when we do finally throw you in we actually have some fuel left over to cook our goy food over.

Thanks for fueling the flames of hate Kikes, you hastened your own extinction. Well.... libtard kikes anyway. If a Nazi Jew wants to throw a libtard kike out of the helicopter I'm actually inclined to let em' live. Ultimately it's a war between r and K selection and if a Jew proves his hatred for the r-selected shitlibs I'm very OK with allowing them to exist. K-Selection for life, r-selection for the death camp.

I may only be second generation, but America is my home. I cannot abandon her.

Yeah, the same way the mafia knows how to work the system.

They really hated niggers more than mormons. By like, a lot.

thats what I did when Romney lost t b h

I left pol for like 4 years and came back, ironically, when Trump first announced his candidacy.

Pol really was different

If Trump doesn't win, it's the end of civilization as we know it today. There's no point in worrying about what comes after.

This. We shouldn't abandon America just because we are fearful. Maybe if we get nuked but that's a big if.

i won't be mad since hilldawg will be sure to bring about one of the greatest happenings of our time. it will be fun

>Supporting Romney

>This is what Sup Forumsacks actually believe

dont blame me, I was 15, a lolbertarian, edgy and contrarian, and really just wanted king nigger out of office

back to redd it

I know that regardless who wins, I'll be turning 21 this August and I'll be looking to buy a Beretta 92fs Inox, starting myself down the road of prepping for either a European race war or a second American civil war. Eventually I'll end up fleeing deep into Texas and building a doomsday base.

Fair enough. Oh well. I've gotten used to King O anyway

She sure knows how to shit up the work of others, good point, agreed.

Better someone who knows how to work the system and can integrate us into the new globalist world then some crazy guy who thinks he can push back against the natural flow of our world.

Just face it. The old ideas of Nationalism are coming to an end.
The world is uniting and the only one who can hold you back in this new world is you.
Maybe you'll have less freedom but in return billions will be brought out of poverty.
Are you so selfish to deny them that?

>learning swiss
Spoken like a true American

Even if Hillary wins, it's not going to be because people actually like her and want her to be president. And unless she somehow manages to be a REALLY spectacular president (lol) there is no way in hell she'll end up getting a second term. Worst case scenario we'll be at it again in 2020.

This is what will happen when Trump loses: Just incoherent rants about Jews

>Maybe you'll have less freedom but in return billions will be brought out of poverty.

This actually sounds like logic to a liberal.

Doesn't matter. The damage is done. America is polarized, now more then ever. A Trump win will be awesome, but a Trump loss will mean millions of redpills.

Anybody on Sup Forums thinking Trump will fix America is an idiot. But it will mean, the fire rises.

Good point.
Even if she was bad the amount of change or damage she could do in 4 years would probably be minimal.
So lets just vote for her now, get it over with and then focus on the 2020 fight.

Fuck hillary with a rusty machete.

she's good at lying like any other womyn

Even if Trump loses it's a big victory for sanity. It's amazing that Trump even got this far.
He can try again in 4 years, because no one likes Hillary.

>this is essentially what they'll be saying in 2018

this. I'm a little afraid trump winning will actually be worse for us in the long run desu.

trump winning means that normies can still pretend in their head that teh system works. "oh even if they're throwing bricks and shooting white people at republican conventions, we still won the LAW. the system WORKS"

but if we lose, republicans know the only way to defend our ground is with guns.

We're in this situation exactly because of faggots like you who are apathetic in the face of those who exert their will over the direction of society.

Spoiler alert time is neutral. Everything that has happened and is happening is because the people who wish for the world to be the way it is now have the initiative to make it so. Weak minded and submissive nihilists like you who fold in the face of adversity are exactly how the NWO wants to breed the rest of the human race to be like.

Probably not as mad as the bernouts. I'm hoping for a Hillary president because I'm an edgy cunt.

>new globalist world
you mean the world where people are treated like cattle and you're not allowed to think it's wrong because the government have the monopoly on thought? you mean the world where people are deprived of any form of power because money isn't worth anything or it's just taxed so high that you cannot even afford to pay the bills? you mean the world where you're not allowed to defend yourself because firearms are illegal and the police as rightful firearms owners can abuses the cattle people as they please? sure a bright future awaits us, wonderful.

>I personally won't be upset since Hillary is actually the better candidate.
>She is experienced and knows how shit works.

You gotta be fucking kidding right? Are you not aware of her terrible policies in the middle east and how fucked up Syria, Iraq and Libya are because of her and the rest of the obama administration? You also want to have open boarders and more jobs being shipped over to foreign countries under her administration?

Reminder that behind every Aussie shitpost is a depressed Australian crying for help.

Do your part and help a bogan out.

Tell him he's funny, tell him he's smart, tell him vegemite is a real food.

Australians are an important part of Sup Forums ecology. Without them, the bottom-feeding Canadians will overpopulate the board and shit all over the place.

If you were really edgy you'd want to see the Novemberevolution that La Raza are gonna try to pull after Trump wins.

Remember the Alamo.

>there is no way in hell she'll end up getting a second term.

People said the same thing about Obama. "Oh he won't get a second term!!!" Well what do ya know, he got re-elected.

>Worst case scenario we'll be at it again in 2020.

A lot of damage can be done in those 4 years. Expect less white majority, white youth becomes more leftwing and more illegal immigrants from Mexico and most likely Syrian rapefugees pour in each year. It's going to be Western Europe 2.0

>and in the mean time, anyone who dissents is a xenophobic, racist, sexist fear-mongerer to be jailed under the Hate Speech Act of 2018

those who give up liberty for handouts will have neither. kys nwo shill


Yeah, expect new laws like that.


>Haha I'm so dumb and wrong I openly state my dishonest intentions

Really made me think.

2012 was the year of the Ron Paul.


It'll be great watching republicans and alt-right types wig out because we've gone from a black dude to not just a woman, but a woman they've despised with the hatred of a thousand suns since the mid 90s.

the insanity during the '12 election with poll unskewing and 'no our guy is gonna totally win in a blowout landslide' is going to look like a shitty kid's party at chuck e cheeses compared to the blowout bash when trump loses because he can't help but constantly offend a majority of the electorate because him and his supporters don't realize there simply aren't enough white males to win on that bloc alone anymore

I don't think Horsey will ever acknowledge just that he constantly draws racist caricatures.

It'll be just like with Obama. We'll be mad a bit then everyone will forget and we'll start shitposting about something else.

Would be pretty mad, but at least there will be WW3 to look forward to if Hillary wins. I'm just glad bernie is out of the picture because he would've just turned America into Canada and that's a fate worse than nuclear death.

I have citizenship in another country and I am not sticking around for the brown future and war with Russia

>american education

for the billionth time no actual conservatives will be that mad.

hillary screwing up and democrats having to pretend that everything is fine and not being able to ask for a damn thing because if everything is fine then you dont need anything for any special interest groups and you wont get it with a republican controlled legislative branch any ways

feminist throwing away all of their integrity as hillary opens the flood gates and rapefugees do what they do best... make liberals look like hypocrites

>Remember the butthurt when Romney lost?
Literally none, you fucking maggot.
That whole election was a nothing. Next to nobody expected or cared who won that, and it was pretty much a given that Obama was going to take it.

>Learning Swiss

Anyone ever visit Sup Forums? You know how they hype up games years in advance, and when they come out, it's always the same, generic AAA shit that gets forgotten and not talked about after about 6 weeks? And sometimes, those games come up in threads throughout the years where a few dozen people will talk about it fairly civilly because nobody even cares to shitpost about it, because it's just not worth casting bait for something that nobody really talks about any more?

That's what's going to happen when/if Trump loses, Sup Forums will be busy for about 4 weeks, it'll die off, Sup Forums will move to something else.


ill just pretend like i never liked trump and shitpost.