Tokyo, Akihabara

Tokyo, Akihabara
Don Quijote is dismantling.

Shinto shrines of more than 100 years old came out!




If you are interested, please reply!

Now Japan, 1 am.


why a shrine to don quijote

I think don quijote is the name of the store where this shrine was

why name a store after don quijote

Thank you for your explanation!

Finland-san, Could you know Japanese Finland restaurant and cafe?
Mikon Finland Cafe(新小岩/Shin Koiwa).

Do you like this? Is not it like Finland?

Hi, Japan Chile Restaurant!
グラン・ミカエラ・イ・ダゴ (Gran Micaela y Dago) from 三宮駅

That's not a Finland, this is a Finland


I wanna hug OP

I love donkatsu

opps wrong post

Chile-san, it is good?

sorry, its Joke? or serious?

plz easy humor....

hug plz...(T_T)

btw, I can eat 365day Paella is OK !!!!

but, Japan Paella omage = seafood.
plz "meat Paella" photo, let me see(*´ω`*)

"tonkatsu" plzzz!! hehe

I like サムギョプサル(三겹살/삼겹살?)
English spell, I dont know sorry...


is OP a girl

You're asking the important question here

I see(^_^)
I have problems with my understanding!


So they just constructed the store around the shrine and let it to ruin?

yes, I am girl.
but, not cute and 24-years-old.
soon 25....I am scared to grow old (TдT)
The picture is not mine. But it is very similar. The guitar and the PS 4 pad are in the bed.

Until the building was dismantled, nobody knew there was a shrine there.

the people that build the store did

What are you doing up at 3am? It's past your bedtime young lady.

Because it was about 40 years ago, I think that nobody cared. It was in the midst of urban development. Shibuya or Akihabara.

This photo is Shibuya 40 years ago. It is a scrambled intersection(スクランブル交差点).

don't they teach you in Japan that you should save the full image, and not the thumbnail?

As it is a small apartment, I can not play the guitar this time. (The next residents get angry)

Muscle training (very easy menu only)

I ate instant noodles before!
And 3DS game! hehe
「世界樹の迷宮」、for English title "Etrian Odyssey"? I dont know, sorry.

> save the full image, and not the thumbnail?

hmmm, my English so poor, very sorry.
I cant teach...゚(ノД`) sob weep










Arigatou (^_^)


try some vegemite
that's a signature aussie dish

Yeah here there's lots of trolls and people trying to start arguments about politics too. You could try a site called Lang-8 to practice your writing. I use that sometimes for Japanese.

btw, this Katy Perry shoes.
It disappeared by Korean protest.
They look like the Rising sun flag...

This GODZILLA Poster too....(T_T)


plz kill me !!!

cute thread


I will check it soon!
thx for nice info(^_^)/ (HANA-MARU)

Here have a gold star for starting this thread

thx Russian-san!!

We love PLUSHENKO(Жeня)


I gotcha!

Doitsu-san reporting in

Yes it is great!
Summer is worth waiting for just for these.
The filling of an empanada inside baked corn, its just delicious.

This is the day to day lunch, just eating all those vegetables and meat at the same time makes a great combination!

Olá (´・ω・`)

Vamos comer com você.

Onigiri Bento x2 (*´ω`*) *sorrir*

korean Incoming!!!

YATTA!! (for JP yey mean)

>The filling of an empanada inside baked corn, its just delicious.

uhhhh, It’s mouth watering!!!


There is usually butter or something else to go with any kind of bread.

Sliced tomato and salmon can go on sandwiches, but the most common ingredients of a sandwich are butter, cheese, cucumber, and maybe lettuce/tomato.

Never forget

konpeitou, thx too.

and Tempura (but, It is the fritters that the Portuguese taught.)
Thanks to that, it developed into Tempura.

It's nice that they kept the old shrine intact when they built the store. I imagine most shop owners would have simply bulldozed it out of the way.


In Japan, fried Shrimp, some vegetables were fried.

fritters is It was a small revolution ( ´∀`)

What? So no akb anymore?

would you marry a white boy like me?

What do you think of arabian/turk men?


I think that it is because you resemble your mother.

Is your mother still taking "customers" even now? lol

Agree. If break it, We are afraid of curses.

Can you proceed beyond this picture? hehe

No, AKB Theater is here.

If you walk a little, cute girl find.


If you are a kind person.
If you are fat, if you lose weight you will not have any problems.
I am glad that you can speak Japanese even a little. My English is terrible!

I think 奈良県天川村(Nara Tengawa)


why jippy japs so comfy

The Turks who live in Japan have no problem.
He is assimilating in the region.

But I do not want more than this increase.

Ah so it's a building near the don quijote, not the actual don quijote itself right? なるほど.
I thought akb theatre is done for good.

Set your mind at ease (^_^)

now address
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田4丁目3−3 ドン・キホーテ秋葉原

Yup, already found them

Isn't Don Quixote a famous store? Why was it demolished ?

Do you post on /ck/?

Monies over culture.

Monies over culture. 6am