Is the BananaMan being redpilled Sup Forums?
Amazing Atheist says "Trump 2016" at the end of his newest video
that guy is bananas, who gives a shit what he thinks
Kek's infinite will is manifesting itself.
Behold his glory.
Praise Kek
When you create your own image to be such a rampaging degenerate faggot, then your own open support for things is actually damaging to that which you claim to support.
Thus you will openly support things you hate instead.
When he says trump2016, he is only hurting trump and we all know it.
He's transitioning, screencap this.
fuck off spamming your channel you washed up hack
One more useful idiot to hang after Trump wins.
>become a cuck
>then turn into a faggot
the next step is coalburning AA
He was rejecting the red pill until we offered him the red suppository. He opened up to that for some reason
Holy shit.
As a 20 year old who watched the amazing atheist in his preteen years, that 'Trump 2016' was fucking amazing
Obviously more of a protest vote. He'll probably just stay home on election day, but that's fine too.
Your flag's symbol suits your comment well.
I don't give a shit about what this idiot thinks.
What I know is that he's a Bernout, and just as predicted some Bernouts are going full Trump. He's one of them.
Ok. Cool.
I don't care what this idiot thinks, but a vote is a vote.
He falls in line perfectly with the Alt-Right tbqh
>When he says trump2016, he is only hurting trump and we all know it.
He's trying, but like you said, he's a rampaging degenerate faggot so I doubt anyone old enough to vote gives a shit about his political views. Pic related, it's him.
Milo isn't alt right or voting for trump, fuck off shill.
He's false flagging this shit.
Now the stereotype for Trump supporters will change...
>it puts the hot oil on the micropenis
You sound like a liberal. Nobody else ever uses the word stereotype. Are you a liberal poof?
>Bill Maher suggested to disregard the "Bernie or Bust Crowd" and vote for Hillary if she wins
>Amazing Atheist is now indirectly suggesting to embrace them
As degenerate as TJ has become, he's still a beacon of wisdom in that whole regressive left world
I mean the opinion of the average Trump supporter will change now for the worse, he'll be made fun of. This cringy fuck is doing more bad than good.
>he is only hurting trump and we all know it.
Good riddance
>He Bernout
He gave up on Bernie a long time ago.
>Falling for the degeneracy meme
He doesn't have that much influence though does he? I haven't heard anything about this guy in years, and when I did it was all cringy shit like OP's video, how popular is he?
900,000 subs
banana shit head
Maybe he is not yet lost.
Unlike other Bernie-Youtubers he at least seems to have some testosterone left and doesn't really on these shitty ADD jump cuts but actually makes a point here and there.
The way I see it, it sounds like he doesn't fully support Trump but prefers him to crooked Hillary. That said, he touches some good points in the video, including Obongo going back on his word.
There's no way to tell age demographic though is there? I can't imagine the majority being anything other than edgy little kids and fedoras who wouldn't vote anyway.
I love it.
He's representative of the left's continued backlash against Hillary.
Bernie will not be able to drop his rhetoric from before. The democrat party is stuck with "the establishment candidate".