Why did this flop?

Why did this flop?

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The Lonely Island are not funny, have never been funny, and never will be funny.

Nothing they've done has ever been funny. The Lonely Island hasn't the capability of being funny or producing anything funny.

In the trailer the documentary-style camerawork looks ugly. That's why I never saw it.

maximum edge. dick in a box is a masterpiece

It had some good jokes, but in the end, it was boring.

bad timing desu.

Bieber was barely the bieber they were making fun of by the time it came out. that being said I enjoyed it

It wasn't very funny. Some jokes were but it was not enough to save the movie. Lonely Island stopped being funny after grade 10

>I don't think it's funny therefore it is objectively not funny
Why do you think like this?

They're good for a 4 min song but I doubt it holds up well over an entire movies.

Ungrateful cunts.

The dissertation which I successfully defended was about the nature of humour. Pretty sure I have an objective understanding of what's funny and what isn't funny, and what can never be funny. What are your credentials? I've performed over 20 stand-up gigs in the course of my research. Have you ever actually analyzed the structure of a joke? Have you written a joke? I've done that. Who are you to criticize me for my learned opinions? Sure, some guy in an asylum might laugh at this movie, and at the guards, and at a fly on the wall. Does that make it funny?

The Lonely Island is not funny. The Lonely Island will never be funny.

only relatable to people who actviely follow the entertainment industry or live on the coasts

tons of people didnt get a lot of the humor, the TMZ parody is a good example, if you know what they are making fun of it works, if you dont its just confusing

Your autism is pretty funny desu

wew that is some fresh pasta right there

>Have you written a joke? I've done that.

damn this is good

nobody watches movies anymore besides 3rd world shitholes

pasta does not get any more fresh than that

I actually thought this movie was fairly good, certainly it was funnier that I was expecting.

That being said, I think it failed for a number of reasons. For one, it's trailers weren't very good, they made it seem more like "Scary Movie/Meet the Spartans" style movie as opposed to the decently witty satire it was.

Also, as others have pointed out, some of the satire was a bit dated, specifically the clear Bieber allusions. Plus, it's not subject matter a lot of people are very familiar with, either due to age, or inherent dislike of pop culture.

So yeah, solidly funny film, but poor marketing and timing, plus not a very big target audience.

>Sure, some guy in an asylum might laugh at this movie, and at the guards, and at a fly on the wall

forty keks

God damn is this OC? Haven't seen this one before.

>The dissertation which I successfully defended was about the nature of humour
>Pretty sure I have an objective understanding of what's funny
>I've performed over 20 stand-up gigs in the course of my research

>poorly paced
>millenial pandering when those faggots can go and suck dick
>nothing at stake
>the anti-hero is not likable
>the supporting characters are not likable
>theres nothing interesting happening
>the best jokes are dick jokes
>whats his face jew main actor is better as a goofy idiot not as some supposedley cool guy
>the music videos were abrupt and turned a movie into some weird live action beavis and butthead thing
>just poorly thought out and executed all around because it was trying to reach the millenials by being a musical with videoclips and le comedy

It was satirizing something that's really not at all ripe for satire. In that in made fun of Bieber, no one cared, because he has been the butt of jokes for like five years now. Also, no one interested in this movie saw Bieber's documentary. It looked like it was sort of making fun of boy bands like N'Sync, who have also been a joke forever.

Also, the general public doesn't really care about Andy Samberg, and probably assumed it was just like some extended SNL sketch that wasn't worth seeing.

The movie is opaque as fuck, you can see the mechanics at work

>Ok Lonely island, we love it, how about a movie filled with music videos?
>Uh... what? like how?
>Well we don't know! What are you thinking?
>Uh... maybe we can satire pop music? Like... we're popstars and the music videos are from our shitty group?
>What if we were friends... but like.. we're not anymore... one of us gets too big for his boots???
>And like.. cameos? Snoop dogg loves being in anything right? I think Timberlake is my friend now too? I dunno just spitballing here

It's 5 years too late. Lonely Island isn't hot anymore.

Why are people claiming it's making fun of Bieber? The MC is clearly based on Timberlake.

did you mean translucent?

did you mean transparent?

did you mean transvestite?


did you mean nah?

It started strong but really spun its wheels towards the end.

Best scene was the TMZ spoofs.

The Lonely Island was popular like 5 years ago. Even then, no one really wanted an entire film of just LI videos

Adults have all seen This Is Spinal Tap, which this film rips off but worse. Kids were offended that this film took the piss out of their idol Bieber

It never should have been greenlighted really.
It was enjoyable enough though


Because Andy Samberg isn't funny, but he gets roles because he's a Jew.

Too many interviews. It could have been cut down to 60 minutes at most.

*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...

Too try hard. The other guy was more subtle. Next time, don't try to take the limelight.

lurk moar

He's right, you tried too hard.

Yeah it was pretty difficult

>kid gets mad that someone else is meme'ing
>his pasta was supposed to make Sup Forums history
Some days you're Hillary, others you're Trump. But most of the time you're Bernie

movie came out about 4 years too late

nobody gives a shit about Justin Beiber anymore

>went out of his way to look for stale pasta just to post it in a thread hoping for praise
>gets called out and throws a tantrum

Come on, now.

And you're sitting here like O'Malley.

I hated this but liked hot rod, would i like brooklyn 99?

I haven't seen this pasta since like 2012

It's part of a longer thing.

>samefagging this hard

are you being obtuse?

How could one man be so wrong.

are you being acute?

Normies don't give half a shit about Andy Samberg.
It's a shame because this was actually really good. The fake TMZ stuff was the funniest thing I've seen all year.

i thought it was funny. probably one of the better comedies i've seen this year

>Normies don't give half a shit about Andy Samberg.
2 million people a week watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine says otherwise.

b99 is the GOAT comedy on tv atm, best ensemble cast too

Andy Samberg is the lead of an NBC sitcom

>have never been funny

3 of those are me, but they're also replies to 3 different posts, so not same-fagging, newfag.

What do you expect? Movie money is tax deductible and people on coke can get hyped about anything.You think American Ninja was anything but a write-off?


>being that assblasted about pasta

you do know that's what the shitposter wanted right?

Oh my god he was so cute.


This thread is funnier than the movie desu.

Poor timing, as everyone said.

I loved it but it was a bit dated by the time it came out.

The laughing/drink gag was fucking hilarious.

This is either the most ingenious reply I've ever seen from a person that 100% validated their point or so much edge that my sides are bleeding themselves purple