Let's have a look at how things are


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I'm from Vancouver and I assure you things are not nearly this bad

>nigger hands

Opinion discarded

I disagree.

Japan shut the fuck up. Should I come over there and help you repopulate.

We're full.

Syllabus for the math class I'm taking this summer.
I hoped I could escape this shit by going to a Christian school.


I live there fuckwad. These degenerates are a small minority

"I will use my math education to figure out how big of a hole I need to dig to dump every last SJW before burning them."

K. Nice double dubs.

what the fuck

this is fucking frightening



o god that is creepy

What does that carplet smell like?

>"playing with the couples grandchildren"
nothing more to say




The fall of Western civilization.


Are you just one American serviceman stationed in Nipon that keeps reposting this same degeneracy thread every week or so?

Chose overpopulation then send 3D printed gun parts to wherever the current genocide in Africa is.

They have the same face in the thumbnail.

I'm an office worker and I'm not American.

>all that shit especially the third paragraph

this is making me sick, the only way to stop these nincompoop's from thinking in manner is a bullet, that shit is so destructive, i mean literally destructive to humanity

shit dude

>chose to be straight AND via
>chose to be

So you don't choose to be gay or a sick freak, but you do choose to be straight and normal?


This picture happened here. Please someone end our existence.

In the UK, that's code word for dirty fucking Paki right?


who wrote that book

they must be burned

>kinetic frustration transfer
This is definetively flase flag/satire.

I'm pretty sure this is fake


>That filename
My fucking sides

But truth be told he is one creepy motherfucker holy shit

>kinetic frustration transfer
fersher satire there bud

This is the worst part of nature and nurture.
We need Trump so badly



>by John J. Newman (Author), John M. Schmalbach (Author)



Sandniggers or soulless chinks?


Asian is UK code for Pakis.


Dude that's a woman


Fucking what, that girl isn't "accepting herself" and I'm not saying this because she is fat, but because she is CAKED in makeup. She looks like a fucking doll! There had to be photoshop involved too, her face is too damn evenly smoothed out,


Revv up those fryers





fuck is that.

If I want to see a rainbow ill go buy some skittles or piss in the sun

Look at these fucks. Theyre smiling and clapping.

nuke my shit up pl0x


DESU, I was just surprised he didn't run it up right next to the Canadian flag. On the 6th.


American Apparel
Clothing company
American Apparel is an American clothing manufacturer, designer, distributor, marketer and retailer based in Los Angeles, California. Wikipedia
Founder: ((Dov Charney))
Founded: 1989
CEO: ((Paula Schneider))



What a Faggot



If its the parents cause, they should be hanged. If not, the child should be gassed, or mental rehabed

This fucked up person has 7 white children. Get your shit together pol.


I bet they'll turn out great, Satan.

OP, are you that same white English teacher who's posted on here about life as a foreigner in Nippon?


Of course it is the parents' fault. Why wpuld a child act like that.

Not a teacher, so no.




I hope the parent dies of choking on a stick of butter for this.



Stop! Japan, STOP!

This picture is a fucking holocaust.

Lord have mercy.


It always cracks me up for some reason.

Well, what do you expect?

Their govt is US puppet

holy fuck you are dumb.
Let me rewrite it so you retards can understand it.
So America may constantly have a well armed and regulated militia, the rights of American citizens to keep and bear arms(owning guns) SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED upon.

The second amendment has been broken and we still have fags trying to ban ALL SEMIAUTOMATIC BABY KILLERS!!!!!

the second we lost the right to keep fully automatic assault weapons was the second we lost the right to defend ourselves from government tyranny. Never with a bang, always a whimper

How disgusting.



Has to be a Jew.

hey nip, im going to japan in july, any good places to go? Also in america go to a place like rual Missouri where this shits unacceptable. In general avoid large citys like the plague, that where most this shit is.

That or a lame comic book character

Have you ever been to Davie Village?

I can't step near there

If Fleshman was a super hero he would be Circman.

July isn't a great time to travel, really hot and humid. I'd avoid cities if you can, whereabouts in japan are you going?