Is this guy worth watching?

Is this guy worth watching?

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he's pretty good, very blunt

If you've never been close to a red pill in your life, he's probably a nice and comfy entry point.

Also feels like a hipster who has switched sides because the Right is the new edgy and counter-culture.

Do you like sucking dicks? Since it sounds like you do, yea, you'll enjoy watching a sweaty hairy man talk about shit.

just take sinead's word on it, it's one of the few videos where she isn't 100% batshit insane

video very related

he can be really good sometimes

its ok, kinda good. He really should consider getting out more and doing interviews. That said he's an anarchist punk at heart and he sometimes tries to preach the punk-rock ideology.

hit and miss

>you know remember when that cuckservative inserted a buttplug on his ass

He's ok. some of his clips are good, but I don't watch a ton.

I haven't seen too many of his videos. The ones I have seen have largely been good, a bit inaccurate at times but at least he's mostly correct and sarcastic about it

he's one of the worst "alt-right" characters. He just poorly repackages Milo's speeches as comedy

50/50 Sometimes hes funny other times I cant stand him

>Only thing I really like about him was the fact that I met him at the Trump Bethpage Rally a while back.

He's great. The fact that he triggered Sup Forumsedditors makes him even better.

someone post his gay butthole porn pics

i would but i never saved them cuz fuck explaining how that shit got on my computer

closet homosexual, repressing it by bashing gays at every opportunity. ezra levant on the other hand (the head of rebel media - or at least its spokesman) is an hilarious troll.

He's well spoken but I wish he did longer videos. If you're just getting into red pill I suggest you take the biggest dose possible and check out turd flinging monkey

Remember when you were building that wall, and didn't have enough time to shitpost.

Oh wait, that's in 223 days, 23 hours, 14 minutes

Rarely. He can be ok.

Couldnt tell you. I get all my news through text. I think it's because I'm so narcissistic that the only voice i like to hear is my own even it's just internal monologue

I'd ask if anyone else knew this feel, but I'd be lying if told you I gave a shit

He's a 90s liberal that hasn't really changed and has watched his fellow 90s liberals go fucking crazy over the last 20 years.
He'll alternatively be entertaining / preachy annoying.

There are worse things to watch, but there's also better. When he's funny he's really funny, but he doesn't seem to realize when a bit isn't working and will continue on producing some of the most cringeworthy shit on the internet. He also has a tendency to repeat the same points constantly. Watch a couple videos if you have the free time, maybe an episode of his show, you'll quickly know if you're going to like him or not.

Yeah he's good. Good man.

is he sane?


Fuck right on off.

gavin is a delusional arrogant fag

Yeah. He's got some great points to many issues and has a very blunt and straightforward way of using his right to free speech.
vid related, one of his hilarious interviews.
he interviews some really fucking hilarious lefties

I found out about the alt-right through him but quickly plugged way deeper that he ever would. He's like water with a hint of lemon while most people here are lemonade.

That isn't Gavin.

should I start a separate thread for every youtube fuck?

what a pretentious faggot. what do you think this is, a video game?

Nope. He's a shill, a cuckservative, Jew-owned, and a racemixer. He's just a hipster who hates other hipsters.

I thought the lemonade comparison was actually kind of clever.

You said "Is he sane" as if it was the same person, which it isn't.

he switched sides on 9/11

He is pretty terrible. He just tries to troll people to stay relevant but everyone sees right through it so it doesn't work.

He co-founded Vice News and then got essentially kicked out of the business. And that is pretty awesome.

Them white folks all look the same to our Estonian Sup Forumsack.

He literally stood up on his chair, pulled down his pants and spread his asscheeks showing his asshole. Nobody that does this is worth wathcing.

He's a degenerate retard

Why mad? its an ok comparison, ain't no game ive heard of. Have these dubs.


So not only did he show his anus, he also shoved something up there. Great example of alt-right.

whoa wtf is this

i liked it leaf

>whoa wtf is this
he said he could dance better than hillary with a buttplug in his ass

Memes are no joke faggot

>beta nu/faggot males and cucks LARPing as Right Men because they say edyge things that tiggers SJWs

Dosen't matter what you pick. It's the same.

Time to stop being ironic with this shit.

he's a contrarian edgelord who thinks he's alpha because he has a beard

He looks like a miniature donald sutherland.

He is entertaining. I wish he was my friend.

Pretty sure he's not serious about being right wing. He's the founder of VICE after all. Probably just a left winger shitting things up for jokes

Yup Milo it's exactly the same way. Both of their interviews with Joe Rogan pretty much solidified this

well shit. this pretty much means the only person i have left to watch on youtube is stefan molyneux.

This interview was a parody

get over yourself.


this was a good one

no, I said "is he sane" as if "is he sane"

I have a serious question. How many things has this man shoved up his ass on camera?


Just the tip of the (((iceberg))).
The majority where done off camera.