The IQ Tests We Should Be Talking About

How come nobody ever talks about these IQ scores? Seems like the left wins again. How surprising
>Inb4 Jewish conspiracy allegations

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ignorance is bliss

don't those tests show libertarians as the smartest?

>rich people who live in a bubble are very liberal

what a surprise!

If this test involved multiple races then there was a confounder as blacks are extremely conservative

I can play that game too OP.

How 'bout these numbers?

I heard that, but I could only find saying it. Hardly a impartial source

Yet libertarians score in autsitic levels

It doesn't mean shit, also every IQ statistic i've ever seen has liberals and conservatives within the margin of error, 3.0

An IQ test still doesn't measure intelligence, it only measures peoples' ability to complete a test. And when modern, low quality tests ask you to group things together based on lefty concepts, or to identify human beings in a picture in which niggers are present, obviously you're going to answer wrong, but that doesn't make you less intelligent.

can you link the actual study? Would like to know when this was conducted

>blacks and mexicans have demonstrably low iqs
>iq is a social construct
>conservatives may have lower iqs says a biased study
>hurr fucking rednecks so dumb not like me the god anointed liberal

You missed the level above that where it comes full circle and 140+ is fascism.

121 while very drunk and very conservative here. IQ means nothing. That, and I find more in common with classical liberals than conservative evangelicals. Feels euphoric as fuck.

the people on this board are at least 120 except maybe the leafs

>scientific study
>nebulous terms like conservative and liberal

Uh-huh, tell me more *yawn*.

No. More like

>Blacks and mexicans have lower IQs
>Spics and niggers is dumb!
>Liberals have higher IQs
>That don't mean nothing

What would you say about South Korea, a conservative, heavily-capitalist, homogenous country that's strict on immigration, against homosexuality, against porn, and against gaming after midnight (as in it's illegal and parents make their children get medical treatment), etc., having the highest average IQ out of every country?


It doesn't mean anything in either way. Conservative and liberal are nebulous terms that have no fucking meaning except the meaning the person gives to them. But whatever this is a bait shill thread and it's always a bait shill thread every other day when it's posted

No no these are the IQ tests we should be talking about

Also it's childhood IQ. I'm dyslexic and sat an IQ test at 11 years old as some weird placement test for my learning disability and I got 128-132.

Also, how did they test these people? These links are just articles describing the 'findings' which can be quite subjective.

It uses american data don't forget. The middle class is dying in America and they tend to be fiscal conservatives. If you used scores from Australia/Norway/Germany it would be far closer if not even

Libertarians are legit autists though, they score far higher than everyone

The issue is that whilst conservatives do in fact tend to be less intelligent and less well off than liberals it is they (as in the poor) who have to live with all of the mismanagement done by liberals, many liberals simply have a detached approach with the likes of multiculturalism whereas the working and lower middle classes are right in the thick of it.
It's pretty much that simple, wouldn't surprise me if many in this thread have already said the exact same thing.

how can the left have a higher iq on average when there voter base is primarily "minorities"?

isn't the right full of rich successful white men and the left represents the down trodden minority groups?

What's so intelligent about not recognizing that traditions and structures should remain in place in order for our society to function correctly? What have these intelligent liberal policies gotten us the past century?

> conservatives are dumb
tell me something a don't know

yea, cuz a bunch of kids know their political affiliation well before they learn the voting process of are told by the family where they stand.
fuck off with this faggotry, 106 is borderline retarded anyhow.

i was under the impression that the right was full of rich white men trying to oppress the poor minorities?

why do definitions change at the drop of the hat?

>trump supporters are dumb gun toting rednecks!
>trump supporters are scared children crying crocodile tears over being attacked!

One of these threads?
So what if your IQ is measured above the highest average?

Does the highest IQ = highest clarity?
That's not true, clearly.
I'm a healthy fascist, look at me!

Would you vote for someone with a lower IQ than yourself?

>Liberals have high IQ's
>Most blacks are liberal
>Blacks have an average 85 IQ

How do you make this work?

>Tony Abbot


Whoever was dumb enough to think a one dimensional "liberal"/"conservative" axis means enough to identify anybodys beliefs should probably get their own iq checked. WTF even is a "conservative" in this day and age?

If you look at the mean political view of IQ 140+ it will be far right.

IQ 120 = cult priesthood, smart enough to convince themselves of the stupidest things
IQ 100-119 = bien pesant domesticated human beings
IQ sub-100 = don't care about Jewish nonsense

Yes, so long as their morals fit mine and they were charismatic.

the whole test is purposefully misleading by the way. they ask you questions about your beliefs like family values, gay marriage, etc and determine if you're a liberal or conservative from the answers to those questions. we all know spics and niggers are mostly conservative even though they vote democrat. so what happens is the democrat's major voting group gets lumped in with white conservatives. not saying cuckservatives aren't stupid because they most definitely are, but the difference is mostly negligible when we're talking about a white liberal vs a white conservative

>implying most blacks vote

blacks hates gays

106 is retard tier

anything under 135 is a joke like are they even capable of abstract, objective thought?

That's it fuckin' post em

Come at me faggots

cherrypick IQ tests
they probably took some hollywood stars and their "estimated" IQ like george Clooney - Liberal IQ ~ 130 and some redneck country singer Conservative IQ ~ 90

if they would really run such test how would they determinate who is liberal and who is conservative? what if you are pro death penalty but you are a faggot what group you belong to then?

it's just election propaganda

I guarantee this chart takes "liberal" and "conservative" to be almost purely about social issues, and not about economics.


Nah, the whole "they whitey conservationists be keepin us down!!" is mostly leftist nonsense, for the most part ceos and the like aren't as entrenched into their politics as anyone else, their position changes as it suits them.
At present many rich people are sort of pseudo democrats which is to say they vote democrat because it suits them rather than because they believe any of the lies spread by democrats about equality or what have you, the major exception being energy companies that rely on natural resources.

Hah this really takes me back, I would post that same pic here all the time two years ago to troll people.

It works pretty well

So lefties are privileged and conservatives are oppressed

fun fact:Asians are the biggest supporters of Bernie Sanders and liberalism
>•Individuals who identify as Republican have greater probability knowledge
>•Individuals who identify as Republican have higher verbal reasoning ability
>•Individuals who identify as Republican have better question comprehension
>•Cognitive ability’s effect on party identity works through socio-economic position

My study is better then your study.

Asians actually mirror whites pretty well in the area they live in. The reason Asians vote democratic more than Whites is because Asians live in more liberal places like California.

Anti-Trump is the big bait these days. Though it's been so long that i've seen this that you may get a bunch of new fags to bite.

Of course they would, China is communist.

>My study is better then your study.

so black people are all ultra conservatives? and latinos are conservative ?

so how is hillary going to win this election again i mean i know there is the whole "muh vagina" stuff but it looks like the odds are stacked against her vagina

>not a argument

try me. give me something.


>My study is better then your study.
then his study, what?

I truly am stumped. Now I realize that a weak military and taking in rapefugees is the only way to strengthen America.

Come at me faggots.

>High IQ Juden shill white eliminationism

no surprises here

I am

Your right. It's not an actual study. Just click bait.

I thought blacks were very liberal, why isn't their score 70? Shit's a lie desu.

being intelligent doesn't just make a person correct.

its a social thing.

Some guy tried to pull this shit with me at work. I told him 100 iq is not impressive.


>blog posts on psych study
>no link to study

kill op, make shoes from his skin

either is your (((115)))

>oh user, you're so smart, why would you ever vote for Trump? What went wrong?

Psychology is mostly a joke at this point, anyway. Anything can get published.

Sup Forums isnt very conservative though

Ted Cruz is very conservative. Sup Forums does not support Cruz

Stupid people don't go to college and therefore aren't brainwashed with liberal ideology.

You should see how absurd this just on the face of it. One study find more. Error rate = highly probable. I need more to go on senpai. And more elaboration on Liberal conservativism

Ignorance is preferable to misdirection.

can I see a peer reviewed source for this rather than a magazine and web site

They're also smarter apparently

I don't vote in American elections. If I had to i'd probably want to kill myself

>oh user fuck me in the ass

>106 is borderline retarded


>le liberal intelligentsia lives in a bubble
it's more that people with high IQ see people with lower IQ as the subhumans
white power groups are low IQ because the only people below them are niggers
liberals are smart enough to see subhumans in all races

>106 is borderline retarded anyhow
what scale are you using 76 would be borderline retarded 106 is average only by Asian standards

>very liberal
>high IQ
Explain niggers

Try being a conservative in California, where you vote means literally nothing, where your county has more independent voters than conservatives. Shit is suffering, mang.

>liberals are smart enough to see subhumans in all races
This is kind of correct, but their misguided empathy overrides their natural sense of duty.

shitskins aren't actually liberals

they pretend to be to get free stuff.

>side filled with spics and niggers
>still higher average iq
what's conservatives excuse?

>childhood iq

oh look, its fucking nothing

>nobody ever talks about

Actually, liberals and shills talk about it every day. This shit has been spammed for years on Sup Forums because liberals know they often can't win arguments about race, or even a lot of arguments about social conservatism (the benefits of the traditional family unit, the benefits of complementary gender roles, the benefits of cultural homogeity, etc.), so they all they can do is personal attacks and ad hominem.

The main thing is that there are objective measures that determine things like IQ, race, and gender. There are no objective measures that determine vague labels like what a "racist" is. People who have lower IQ generally don't get far enough to get indoctrinated in school, and they generally have to live in the real world (in the military, or constantly dealing with various groups of people doing labor work), so they can see the world for what it is.

>even remotely liberal

As far as social agenda goes they hate just about everything the left is for. Gay/Trans rights, rights for non-believers, rights for women, etc. They're only interested in rights as it applies to them.

And as far as economics go they could give two fucks as long as they get their gubbament checks.


one of the links doesn't exist and the other sites a kinda iffy journal

Stop it, I'm already sad because I will never own an sbr.


>It is difficult to define a whole school of political ideology precisely, but one may reasonably define liberalism (as opposed to conservatism) in the contemporary United States as the genuine concern for the welfare of genetically unrelated others and the willingness to contribute larger proportions of private resources for the welfare of such others

This is the shittiest definition of Liberalism imaginable. Protip: Republicans donate more to charitires than Democrats so if anything this study is showing that Repubs are higher IQ than Demos. Funny shit.

Even very conservative has an IQ of about 25 points above niggers. And 6 above spics


>donate to shitty televangelists new private jet.
>write it off as charity.
you conservatives really are helping the less fortunate.

This should be obvious.