I don't understand how believing in Christianity is redpilled

I don't understand how believing in Christianity is redpilled.

I understand Christianity is a massive part of Western civilization and its history.
I understand there's a lot of good morality in it that is worth following.
I understand that many great acheivements and works of art have been done in the name of the religion.

But that doesn't mean you should believe in it, because of these things. It seems just very stupid to actually BELIEVING that what happened in the Bible is true and that it's the word of God. I think because some of you are desperate to maintain western civilization as it has been, you believe in the bible even if there's no evidence for it being true.

So no, Christianity is not redpilled. Understanding that it's done a lot, and using it as an example for a stable culture that people can prosper under, that is much more reasonable.

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Agnosticism is the true redpill.

>But that doesn't mean you should believe in it, because of these things.
Belief is what keeps morality and christian culture alive. A Christian society can't exist without belief holding it up. I don't have faith in the supernatural, but I lie and go through life abiding by it. No one in my life knows I hold no faith.

Without it, you create what we have now. An irreligious, violent society with plummeting birthrates, engulfed in decadent narcissistic behavior. Without belief, the values and morals of Christianity become empty and perishable.

>It seems just very stupid
there's your problem, you think, guess what a lot of us do believe and thats what it is, belief

Pretty sure that everything is a simulation. Why do the smallest elements of our world not resolve their state until observed? That doesn't make sense unless it is rendering because it has to.

>It seems just very stupid to actually BELIEVING that what happened in the Bible is true and that it's the word of God.
>m-muh science
>m-muh evidence
This world is absurd.
Scientifically our lives are meaningless.
Once you realize that it's only a tiny step to accept the ultimate absurdity and embrace God.

Science disagrees?
Who cares. I'm going to believe anyway because science is just a tool and it's not the boss of me. The scientific universe is not a jealous god, it doesn't care one way or the other whether we live as apes, men, or lobotomized slaves. The stars don't care if we reach them. I choose to live like a man and reject the meta-game.

Turn back from the philosophical dead end that is positivism it contains the death of our species.

despite my lack of faith, I ascribe my more conservative upbringing to old catholic grandparents.

Believing in what you want to believe in and coming to your own rational conclusion is red pilled.

So no, you forcing your opinion on others in a way to sway them from own choices isn't red pilled at all

Get fucked, OP

religion is necessary for a very succesful and lasting society. napoleon said ''something something religion keeps the masses in check something'' and its true. however, its also gives us our morals, and those who do not follow a religion or the morals given by it (do not follow christianity, to be exact) are almost always tribal, degenerate or bloodthirsty.

i believe in christianity. i believe that we should follow much of what it says, and i believe that it is far, far better to have it than not. but i cant bring myself to believe in God the character.

what denomination are you?

The problem is that if you don't believe in God, you won't be able to uphold the morality of Christianity. It is the fear and love for God the basis of Christian morality. If you only pretend to have them, it simply won't work.

latvia is a completely non-religious country and culturally it seems to be doing fine.

>believing in the Zeitgeist is redpilled

Only naturalistic pantheism is truly redpilled.


i can cut my veins open and be fine for a few minutes. doesnt mean i wont die from it soon enough.

i dont deny it. i want to believe in God, and i did when i was young. and my morals are slipping, and i have trouble recognizing myself now, when thinking of how i was. nonetheless, i cant bring myself to truly believe in God.

then again, i got diagnosed with a severe depression in my early teens, and my family has a history of mental illnesses.

If you can accept that everything is a simulation then you're just one step away from finding religion.

The world is a game.
We're just the characters in it.
Trying to pick apart the universe is the equivalent of trying to glitch your way off the map and exploit the meta aspects of the game.

Yes you can get impressive results if you do this, but you run the risk of ruining the game for yourself and everyone else. So stop dicking around in the corner jumping on each others backs, and play the damn objective.

When you actually read the bible from a neutral stance you find that a lot of it makes a lot of sense, then you get to the prophecy part and you shit your pants trying to get down on your knees and apologize fast enough.

Did I say that?



when you really get down to it, existance is the fundamental universal property. Non-existance is itself an extant concept. This reality exists because it could never be otherwise, since non-existance, once again, is simply a different aspect of existance. God=existance

Get fucked.

ok. Not going to judge you or try to convert you. Just an advice: if you want to really believe in God, and see that he exists in a most empirical way. Look up the apparition of Our Lady of Good Success in 1600 and that specifically talked about the 20th century. Also look up Katharina Emmerick, a catholic mystic who was given visions of the future by God, and that foresaw "the Church of the two Popes". Just trying to say that if you look into the Catholic Church and its history, you'll find proof that God exists, or at the very least that sometimes he sends messages of warning about the future that come true.

I was in your same situation. Heck, I am still snapping out of it., but going back to the Faith is what is giving me strength everyday. I used to be unable to stop masturbating no matter how I tried. I literally felt physically ill if I didn't do it everyday. Then I started praying the Rosary. And I have never masturbated again. I still have a long way to go though.
Mental illness won't stop you from loving God user, nothing will.


Believing in what you want is an illusion. You are not in control. When you abandon Christianity you become a tool of whatever religion the spirit of the time deludes you into thinking is your own """"""free""""""" and """"""""personal"""""" choice.
Individualism is the doctrine of the devil to leads you astray from the truth of your human nature

God ended the gift of prophecy once the New Testament was finished.

How is the bible red pilled when Genesis was legit plagiarized from the Enûma Eliš? The Enûma Eliš is the first known creation myth in mankind's history, with the first gods and etc known to man. Christianity took God; who was a female dragon and made of darkness and chaos; she stood for life and freedom; Tiamat means Life Mother, and made it into the devil. And took the actual devil Marduk; wanted man to be slaves and worship him, was made of light and stood for tyrannical order, and called him Jesus, Lucifarians do the same thing only they use Lucifer in place of Jesus. The bible reverses everything, more than this though it's fiction stolen from an older faith. The bible is not red pill, the bible is pure fictional garbage. religioustolerance.org/com_geba.htm

Are you joking or serious? With all due respect to Catholicism, that is the dumbest fucking reason to become more religious. This isn't /nofap/ faggot. For Christs sake get a hold of yourself. You don't need organized religion to get yourself to stop jerking off all day. Just try giving a fuck like a normal human being.

>Why is the bible redpilled when this text might have been plagiarized it but we cant know for sure since it happened thousands upon thousands of years ago.

Maybe a silly thought - but we need a system of belief that teaches the values and upholds the strengths of Christianity and what we've built in the West, without the supernatural beliefs and susceptibility to corruption (IE giving a bad person effectively the mouthpiece of "God" to the common folk).

Any ideas? How do we go about doing this?

Not an argument

So your just placing your own opinion in mine to fit your judgement upon me?

I would like for you to explain your position and post here.

As you sound like an intelligent person by your writing and the way you organize your thoughts, but the end result is verbal and logical diarrhea, so I am assuming I have a fundamental misunderstanding of your position.

First of all I wasn't talking to you. I only advice user to look into the history of the Church and its history to have a more concrete proof of the Living God dwelling in us and helping us through our hard times. I did that because he said he had trouble believing.
It has nothing to do with you.
I didn't just stop jerking off all day, I stopped jerking off completely, and I have removed the oppression of lust from my life. Something you will probably never understand.

> without the supernatural beliefs and susceptibility to corruption
God is supernatural. Without the supernatural, there is no religion, you are only roleplaying one.

I am just telling you the truth. You are free to have a different opinion about it and live in apostacy and sin. Just don't complain when you end up in hell though.

This is the gayest piece of postage I've ever read in my life. I read this and lost brain cells. If you're gonna fedora fedora at a debatable capacity faggot.

You are just retarded

But you have to admit, I did not say anywhere that I believe in the zeitgeist.

Then roleplay away. I do not see faith or a 'God' as a necessity, only a system of morals and beliefs upheld by something that is greater than the individual.

Thanks for contributing your shitpost to the pseudo-discussion. Here's your (You).

Your only argument is that you think it's gay. I stated facts, with a source link for what I'm saying. The bible is just a plagiarizing of the Enûma Eliš. They reversed everything and called it scripture. What I'm saying is 100% known fact to the educated.

You said you believe whatever you want.
I already explained you why believing in whatever you want means believing in the zeitgeist, I did it here .
How can God, who is greater then everything, be a tool to lead you somewhere else? Where would you rather be than to be conducted to the absolute source of everything?
Your pragmatic naturalism is completely garbage, and the last 60 years have shown that undeniably, and yet you cling to it because you cannot accept to let go of your pride and trust God to guide you to the Way, the Truth and the Life, which is HIm

Don't bother, this board has become a refuge for Christians because the rest of the Internet laughs them off.

It actually is red pilled af if you look into its esoteric side. Look into the enuma elish/elohim connection if you want your third eye to throb. Take a peek into the tree of life and JC's connection to tiferet. He was the greatest magi/alchemist ever lol. But this is all if you're into "creation". I prefer AIN. I'm more into the void.

>I understand Christianity is a massive part of Western civilization and its history.
Only for about a 900 years or so really.
>I understand there's a lot of good morality in it that is worth following.
Not a shred, unless you count "be afraid of God, but love him also somehow".
>I understand that many great acheivements and works of art have been done in the name of the religion.
Funded by the Church perhaps, but not in the name of the religion. Who told you all of this, did you come up with it yourself?

Because God doesn't real.

Any perception or notion of a God depicted in popular religion crumbles at the slightest inquiry of a scientific or skeptical nature.

But I am fully cognizant of the benefits of faith, and seeing that which is beyond the self, not in a supernatural or metaphysical sense, but the sense of belonging to a greater whole, and doing the right things simply because they are right is an incredible virtue and strengthens society.

The Enûma Eliš is the source. I would avoid the Tree of life concept however and look into the reverse tree of 11 however, this is the void, not the 10. But really even the tree systems and the 11 spheres of the void/tiamat, are only one mans idea of how things work, your best bet is to create your own system, and find out what the Dragon is to you, discover God though your own interpretation and direct experience. I too am in love with the Void.

Now the true soldiers of Christ must always be prepared to do battle for the truth, and must never, so far as lies with them, allow false convictions to creep in. Origen

Wrong, no where in my original post did I state that I believe in anything. I just simply stated that one should be free to come to their own conclusion, free of will, which Him seems to want us all to have. Did He not give Adam that choice in the garden, the free will to stay or leave until he was banished out from being deceived by woman and the fallen?

It it matters, I believe in the Christian rights but personally, I recognize the prophecies laid out for us by the Divine.

>mfw someone tells me that they don't believe in god because he's an illogical entity

People try to limit God, a supernatural being who created the universe, to logic and reason. Yes, an omnipotent and omniscient being who can literally make 2+2=5 in a way that we couldn't even begin to fathom is limited by the logic and reason that make up the attributes of this universe.

>american education
You are trying to argue for the nonexistence of the metaphysical with science, when science can only deal with empiricism. So all those "values" and "morality" you are trying to justify goes right out the window as arbitrary claims.

>I don't understand how believing in Christianity is redpilled.

Because right from the get-go, even depicted in the image you posted, you are told 'don't trust the bitches.'

Values and morality can be empirically delineated, if not quantified. "Is this an example of good morals?" can be answered - "how much morality was in this decision" cannot.

You're trying to play word games to confuse the issue.

Gimme evidence and I'll follow that train of thought.

Alas, you're also told that Eve was seduced by a talking snake, i.e. a talking penis.

>Any perception or notion of a God depicted in popular religion crumbles at the slightest inquiry of a scientific or skeptical nature.
lmao. Worst meme of the century.
>but the sense of belonging to a greater whole, and doing the right things simply because they are right is an incredible virtue and strengthens society.
Morality without the afterlife and a just God separating the truth from the falsehood does not stand on its feet, no matter how hard it tries to.
Your logic is based on the assumption that God does not exist and he did not talk to us. A false assumption indeed.

>muh freedom
I was just pointing out that beginning your actions and thoughts in freedom, leads to imprisonment of yourself to the spirit of the world. You are so bluepilled you don't even grasp what I am telling you.

>Values and morality can be empirically delineated
You clearly did not understand my point. There is no objective morality in a naturalistic worldview.
>Is this an example of good morals?
Try and empirically demonstrate that an action can be moral.

These aren't facts they're blatant untruths that are flimsily connected at best and at worst the work of a madman atheist desperate to disprove Religion.

God can't be proven or disproven. No one shares direct experience in life. So even if two people hold the same construct, they don't share the same perception or direct experience. This is why all systems and models on God are wrong. God and demons are a dragon in that they are not real outside of what you chase. The darkness is your ability to create, to dream, to search from the heart. When you follow what another person worships, you get further away from the truth, because it's subjective. All interpretations where made by someone at some point, to be close, you would need to become close to your own darkness. This is order out of chaos, and darkness. Dictation of God or Magical systems get a person further away from actual magic and spirituality. The trick is in knowing Solomon never existed, the temple and magic is inside of the darkness in your mind.

>Your logic is based on the assumption that God does not exist and he did not talk to us. A false assumption indeed.
What the hell am I reading. Why is it a false assumption?

Which would be a perfectly valid point if the religion didn't have traceable historical origins.

Redpilled criticism is levied at the religion, not the existence of god. You can't nail Jello to a wall.

No I understand quite well, you want blind faith. Something that was not expected from people. He has given us free choice, the church only wants blind faith.

I've never argued that the existence of God can be empirically verified. I'm just pointing out user's absurdity in thinking that the metaphysical can be empirically verified.

except god is real, dipshit

it's not fucking supernatural, you heathen fuck

Christianity of the first centuries is not the same . It changed in a way to serve the state and kings ... Jesus was probably Buddhist

So, provide evidence. Hell, loosely connect some shit that *implies* a God.

Less naturalistic, more human-centric. What is good for us as a race? What is good for us as a (insert subgroup here)? That is the foundation of morals, group benefit.

While I still argue that the existence of God is unlikely, I fully agree that the cancer is the religion and associated power structures. If God is real, fantastic, I still feel most religion is evil. If he's a fanciful construct of man's ambitions hopes and fears? Religion is still evil.

Evidence. Evidence. Some kind of indication.

I kind of feel like this is a defeatist attitude to take. The amazing thing about us as humans is that we are an amalgamation of matter in the universe that have gotten the ability to care.

If God exists, and if God cares, why does His care matter in the grand scheme of things? Even as the be all end all sovereign f the universe its existence and his opinions are scientifically meaningless.

The the seeming necessity to require an external being to assign you a meaning and care is not very manly in my eyes. True man takes ownership of the situation he is in. He is aware of the grand rapids of life, but is not discouraged by the treacherous waters. He focuses not on what he can not do, but assesses the situation, grabs the oar, and steers the boat in the direction he wants to go. True ownership of his own life.

I am not going to post a fedora, just know that you would deserve that reply

No such thing as blidn faith. You have proof that God exists by Him once you believe in Him and pray everyday. That is how it works. You have never given up on your pride, therefore you have never been able to experience that.
>He has given us free choice, the church only wants blind faith.
Faith = obedience to God. The free choice was only given so that we can choose to love Him or not, to trust Him or not. You say that faith is blind, but there is nothing blinder than a lack of it

>muh evidence

Dude, they are so lutheran they even have missions in south america. Religion is a big deal, they just dont publicly make a fuss about it.

You fail to understand that the reason you can't disprove God is because you're trying to use the very evidence of his existence as disproof for why he exists. You look at science and see this empirical system of non-debatable facts that cannot be disputed (despite the fact it has, and has changed rapidly over the years and is still called "theorums" to this day) to disprove the existence of the being that created those very breadcrumbs to his reality.

You atheists consider yourself the most open minded so consider this:

Why is it that Christians have such difficulty explaining why they're so certain God exists. There's nary a doubt in their mind mostly.

My philosophy on this is that Christians have adopted a more spiritual view of the world and found it acceptable, whereas Atheists seem to be constantly searching, endlessly and tireless trying to find that one piece of indisputable proof that puts the God issue to rest once and for all.

My friend you'll never find it like that. You need to put yourself inside the mind of a believer in order to understand how we think. For us it's just facts of nature that God is real and Jesus is his begotten Son.

I agree fully, God is not quantifiable outside of belief, the Metaphysical is on the same level. There is no actual science supporting ether God Nor magic as being real or fiction. Beleif is all a person has, and it is subjective, this is why all paths are garbage, the path and concept you alone create is what is correct. To follow someone else is to get further away from your own belief.

the world around you dingus

>inb4 muh nothing exploded into something and something something MUH DARWIN

Here you are, continuing this pointless argument till you feel you have some sort of agreement in your favour. No, sorry, everyone has free choice and blind faith is not required in His name. Only the righteous will be judged in His favour.

Mockery wont win them over they need evidence and facts. We have those so lets use them.

>obligatory "Joseph's wife's son" post

If G-d is real, fancy me a distheist. Nevermind the suffering in the world. The Christian Beatitudes promote suffering under the guise of eliminating suffering. The philosophy is, frankly, dated. And make no mistake. It has aged poorly.

Regardless of weather or not god exists, the christian philosophy is terrible. If he was proven to exist, the philosophy would STILL BE TERRIBLE.

And like it or not, that genie isn't going back into the bottle.

>What is good for us as a race?
> group benefit
except that deciding group benefit and racial dominance to be the foundation of morals is entirely arbitrary. Good luck trying to convince the rest of society that your set of morals is the absolutely true one. The best case of a 'scientifically founded" morality that has been offered in modern times is evolutionary ethic, which is dubious and has been rationalized to support eugenics and other seemingly "immoral" practices.

Jesus came in the flesh , died , and arose from the dead in the flesh.

he was the son of god and god himself , imbued with the holy spirit , speaking the tounge of the holy father.

he was the holy trinity combined into one with a message for mankind.

if you disagree , i am eagerly awaiting your response at the pearly gates.

we are one , you are me and i am you.

what does it taketh to make you see the truth?

Well, either that or quantum physics is wrong. It wouldn't surprise me either, a lot of that kind of work is hugely theoretical.

your own special snowflake theology based on your personal feefees is worthless in the eyes of God

they will literally never ever accept facts or evidence

i've been down this road they are too stuck worshiping money, themselves, or vagina

you're wrong, but whatever

only you can accept Jesus, no one can make you

This is the most preposterous theory I've ever read. The fact that Atheists debate from a stance of Christianity completely destroys the possibility of their own argument being valid. The issue with Atheism is they have to delve into the realm of Christianity and poke flaws rather than stay in the realm of Atheism and build upon that, and that is why Atheism will forever be a footnote in history.

Are you judging me in His name?

Can't we all just be happy in God's glory instead of fighting among ourselves? None of us are worthy, we all need Christ Almighty to stand before God proudly.

I am theistic though, I am not an Atheist. You're simply glued to your narrative. I practice full on ritual, and have belief in a higher power. I'm simply also aware of the truth, in that it can't be proven outside of self belief. You however are pushing pseudo science as fact, using fictional books to force an agenda and lifestyle, you're dictating how others should be and calling it Spirituality, you accuse atheists; WHICH I AM NOT, of being closed minded, while you yourself make blatant false clams and live in a fictional reality. I am theistic, just because someone is Theistic does not mean they have to be out of touch with reality, or push fictional books on people as truth. God, and Magic is subjective, it can't be proven or disproven. You can't deny these claims. Thus following anyone but yourself in such matters or preaching "the way" is insanity. The way, is the way you create.

What are you all doing!
Preise KEK

You can't "believe" in Christianity and not believe in the Bible. That's an oxymoron. You either accept the Bible and Christianity or you don't. No compromise. That is a form of indecisiveness. The Bible and God condemn indecisiveness as a sin. That is also a form of being ashamed of God as well. If you show yourself ashamed of God he will be ashamed of you.

Accept Christ?

No, what Christ wanted was to promote suffering. To fetishize pain and agony. The symbol of the religion is even a torture device. You've fallen into a nihilistic socialist death cult.

In old greek bibles it is written as .A son of god not The son of god . as in the same nature

also, I personally don't believe in him, but I am not going to try to "disprove" God, as that's not possible, you really can't disprove shit.

Just stating that belief in clear falsehoods is a weakness of the mind, and that I think we can have morals and men with a backbone that do not believe in magic.

>I don't need to post evidence
>lmao fedoruh
>proof is from prayer
This is why people disregard your opinions.

Nothing never exploded into something. that is what the Fedora-ti (get it? fedora, foederati? fuck it) use when they have a 9th grade grasp of the big bang and use it to rebel against religion (ie, their parents).

The Big Bang, as it was termed, by Christians, was NOT nothing into something, but for us, it was the beginning of a universe, which is the only reality we know. What's outside of that universe or what preceded it is something that is outside of the grasp of our current understanding.

And Darwin was a pretty cool guy, watches animals fuck into other animals and doesn't afraid of anything.

Yes, please. I'm trying to approach this in a calm and sensical manner, not a screaming shitfit.

You're correct in saying moral absolution is a lofty and probably unreachable goal. And what's wrong with eugenics? Practice it while minimizing the suffering of those it's practiced on.

things I find fascinating, but I don't think we have the data to come to a conclusion, therefore, no opinion.

Show me this so oft-ignored evidence then, brother.

I am a non-believer, but I always liked the fashion sense of the Templar.

Kek may not be real, but his memes are, and his influence can be seen in the politics of 2016. Hallowed be thy lols.

And people wonder why the establishment controls us so easily while "faithful redpilled" idiots ITT try to explain we should all be servitors of their God. These people are naturally meant to be enslaved, to be human cattle, because they enjoy it.

I think the whole deal about stop listening to your earthly desires and carnal lust, to thrive for search of knowledge, to train your body and mind, to pray to Jesus, his Catholic Church, and thus becoming a better man on a daily basis, is pretty alpha.

>. The Christian Beatitudes promote suffering under the guise of eliminating suffering
Don't you labor to earn your daily wage? Don't you get headaches after studying hours and hours for a test? Don't you fight wars to protect your family from the enemy?
Do you unironically think that suffering is not necessary in the world? Are you really this much of an insufferable 13-year-old?
christians think that you have to endure the ugly and evil in the world to overcome it
atheists think that the ugly and evil does not exist, so they blind themselves and wallow in squalor, repeating to themselves "realty isn't real, anything goes".

Completely false. I'm not pushing anything I was merely suggesting why Atheists can never land on a solid point to disprove God. Their entire agenda seeks to disprove God, look at the big bang, everyone hopped on that like it was the next big thing and the end all be all and then their own science disproved their theory. Disgraceful how they have to so vehemently deny God to feel better about themselves.

>False claims
Everything I said was completely true. Name one instance where Atheists weren't arguing from a "ha, gotcha!" standpoint.

>Fictional books
The bible has accurately predicted the future more often than any other piece of literature in History, ergo: I follow Christs teachings.

Okay this argument is over you're a delusional individual.

What are you even talking about? There has long been atheistic philosophy and religion. Do you think the works of Marcellus Aurelius are irrelevant?

based flag stealer

> Christianity is the faith of the Hatred of beauty

Then why did some of the best and most beautiful works of art come with the renossaince which the church was all mighty? I bet Nietzche was a Modern Art lover

Indeed, (Preise Kek)!! He is indeed more of a God that anything in the Bible. For the simple fact that we know it's an aspect of that unknown dark chaos, it is simply one mans idea called into thought form for our focus. In this, KEK is more real than Jesus, or any other of these systems these people are trying to push, because it is clear, that it is unclear. In this, I sing praise to thee! OH BEAUTIFUL KEK, BLESS US, with the freedom of thought found in disorder away from dictation, bless us with your healing cosmic waters, and extinguish the flames of enforced order. Oh marvelous aspect of freedom, love and chaos, HAIL KEK!!!

Atheistic philosophy is paramount to loud cheers and applause when adults who failed to develop the spiritual brain catch someone of faith off guard.

I thought atheism was literally the absence of religion.

>I thought atheism was literally the absence of religion.

An atheist claims he knows there is no God. Which is pretty stupid. Most so called atheists are actually agnostics.

"Useful Idiots" is the american term

Even more alpha if you do it out of a burning passion and desire for moving forward as a species, and leave the silly supernaturalism aside.

You can never disprove God, most rational atheists are really hardline agnostics. Anyone saying they've disproven God is using the same 9th grade bullshit we see Christians of that age/attitude using. "You don't know this fact, which science may or may not know, therefore god, haha got yaaaa" is the equivalent reverse argument. They are both worthless, and prove nothing, elucidate or clarify nothing.

I know you aren't speaking to me - but I love his work, and I think his values are what I'm theorizing and fantasizing about, just adapted to a new age.

The childish jabbing back and forth really kills any sort of sensible discussion. And don't act like your "side" doesn't do the exact same.

you´ve no belief to begin with , you question something you can´t even perceive and put yourself infront of it redicouling the process.

you are the lowest of the low.
you are scum.

you are nothing but a stable boy that only sees what he wants to see and for that you will remain forever stuck in the loop of questioning your own design and heritage.

this is your fate.
tho you have not chosen it , your actions led to disbelief and mockery.

you are nothing but a mere shell of what you used to be as a young child so vibrant and curious.

now you´ve turned into a bitter adults fed up with the circumstances asking for guidance when it has been long lost the moment you started to deny it.

can you recover? surely.
but it takes a lot from yourself to agree to the fact , that you have been mistaken and you are in dire need of help.