Justify voting Republican, Sup Forums
Justify voting Republican, Sup Forums
done and done
>caring about Israel
It's slightly less shitty than the alternative.
>the jews right now
Do you think Trump appeals to the common Jew?
Not the guys in charge, but the others of millions that live here.
Democrats are made up of mostly racists :^)
I just don't get it. If the Jews are in control of the left, then why are they influencing libs to hate Israel and love mudslimes, their mortal enemy?
Jews are based you fucking cuck. Trump will make the middle east great again when we help Israel glass their enemies.
Why would you hate the only democracy in the middle east?
Please don't use logic
Anti-Israel is a code word for pro-Islam
The democratic party has been completely taken over by the muslim brotherhood. Just look Obamas speeches or Hillarys Donors.
The democrats are 100% Islamic.
>Jewish State
Grassroots left hates Israel, grassroots right hates Israel. Trump is only pretending to like Israel for the votes. Whats the problem again?
>muslim brotherhood can't hold on to Egypt for a year
>muslim brotherhood controls one of the major parties in a secular world superpower
You have it completely ass backwards
Brown people are taking over the Democrat Party which is why they love Palestine because they (stupidly) assume jews are white (they aren't).
They are like Noam Chomsky and other far left jews that think that Israel is somehow the result of "white supremacy."
What votes? Jews aren't voting for him.
> Trump is only pretending to like Israel for the votes. Whats the problem again?
So he's doing what Hillary is doing and that's acceptable?
>A federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled Thursday that the Second Amendment of the Constitution does not guarantee the right of gun owners to carry concealed weapons in public, upholding a California law that imposes stringent conditions on who may be granted a concealed-carry permit.
only reason i need
I swear Sup Forums sometimes has a worse persecution complex than the jews.
Muh hwhytness
Diaspora Jews are Different from Nationalist Jews.
Nationalist Jews like Bibi realize the dangers of open borders whereas diaspora Leftist Jews, especially banker types types, are open borders NWO types. They are the enemies of everyone.
A lot of Repubs are actually Neocons (Commie Jew globalists).
there are far more brown people than just muslims in the DNC and they are threatening Jewish control of the party
There are Latinos, Indians, Africans, South East Asians, etc and they all side with Palestine over Israel because they think Ashkenazi jews are """"white"""
what the hell are you talking about?
He's genius. By saying he'll help Israel he's making all the crazy left look like they hate Jews. The Jews will vote him and give him more money just because it's Israel
How does this prove that the hatred of Israel is the hatred of whites?
>not understanding 4 dimensional chess
you're literally sub-human
Another thing is that a lot of Republicans and so-called conservatives are really not conservative at all.
because they explicitly portray it is evil "white supremacist" jews oppressing pure, majestic brown people.
see: leftist anti Israel Jews.
The only way they can justify hating Israel is by framing it is "white colonialism"
because the "jews control everything" is a meme thats supposed to be a joke. All those people here on Sup Forums that are always claiming to be "aryans" and hating on the jews are muslim scum.
wtf. my comment was deleted.
Ok. None of those protests you posted showed any body calling Israel white supremacist.
I don't believe in any Jewish conspiracy but I do believe in Jewish nepotism. The Jewish conspiracy types mistake nepotism for a conspiracy.
Are you really telling me the main motivation for anti-israel rhetoric is anti-white politics. You're worse than the jews who complain there's going to be another shoah everytime hamas launches a bottle rocket.
You dont seriously believe this, do you?
with jews you win.
Democrats are owned by the jews, and Trump is trying to placate them so their newspapers will stop calling him racist.
BDS is illegal and I'm shocked they haven't gotten imprisoned.
Found the kike.
>Jews dont control everything see all we're doing is making the west hate muslims how does that benefit us? lol cracker scum.
To be fair, Jerusalem is probably the safest place on the planet for an American embassy.
>implying Trumpstein isn't also jew owned.
Something something something.
Israel is racist.
Ya think?
It's based around brown skin people hating lighter skinned people
there's a reason you never see protests about brown Muslims oppressing each other in the gulf states because whatever brown leaders do is fine. In fact no one gives a single shit about the millions of muslims oppressed in their own countries. It's only this tiny group of arabs in Palestine that matters because jews are "white" and therefore oppressing them.
>Implying Trump doesnt own the Jews
Israel is based.
I've never had qualms with saying so.
I want to like Israel but I hate how much they meddle in our affairs.
I'm fine with Israelis as long as they stay in their desert away from us and don't try to control US foreign policy
too bad that isn't happening any time soon.
explain why confirmed agents of house rothschild are shitting themselves at the thought of a trump presidency.
Israel is the only bastion of western civilization in the middle east, and for that reason alone, I support them. Palestinians are divisive niggers that have repeatedly denied two state solutions and have been the exclusive cause of all conflicts between the two states. Israel's conquest of the Levant is not only justified, it is preferable, and only Sup Forums would be dumb enough to side with avowed leftists on an empty cause just because they're demographically Jewish.
i think that there is a big difference between jews in israel and in europe/usa. jews in europe and usa doesnt have roots, they are mostly not religious so they dont meet with other jews too, on the other hand they doesnt feel like americans or europeans too so they try to destory it on pure jelliness of people with people and country. most of religios jews are conservatives against faggot marriage and against muslims.
>jewish theocracy
>western civilization
Fuck off shlomo
>jewish theocracy
is an Islamic theocracy supposed to be better?
Same thing really. I'd honestly rather have a Palestinian state instead of Israel. That way I wouldn't have to watch our politicians deepthroat the yidds dicks every election cycle.
>Same thing really
No, not really.
>I'd honestly rather have a Palestinian state instead of Israel
And what? Lose the only foothold we have in the region?
Israel does what America wants, the real bad jews live here and control our politicians and therefore control Israel by proxy.