Multi culturalism

White girls at age 14 already take Jamals black dick in their previously virginal pussy, until cum gushes out of all their openings. They are marked and tainted, all future (possible white) partners come too late. White teenage girls rather fuck ten Tyrones then even look at you... Look at her smile and how she holds his hand. Her every dream came true. Until her young age of 14, she already experienced more sex, romance and happiness then you will for the rest of your life. And with a black dude, too.




Why so pessimistic, it's the ugly ones that go for them. Especially landwhales or simply crazy bitches, some kind of feminists.

Sup Forums is basically the child of Sup Forums and /r9k/, so it's all right here

she's not ugly and I'd rather have crazy than nothing

I wish we had more black bulls

Start lifting instead of shitposting on 4chins. You can do better than her.

based Estonian saying the truth

Its not so bad here really, except in the most extreme cases like Vancouver where it essentially became china. We have very little terrorism or actual issues on a racial front. People just want to get by and live their life here.

good for them, they look like a happy couple

It's a sad state of affairs.


I can't lift my autism away

>Sup Forums is basically the child of Sup Forums

Please leave, newfag.

This. Cant have been here longer than a year at most

since 2013 or 2014 actually. I have witnessed the doxing of FWG shortly after I joined

Then you either don't get the subtle yet extreme differences, or you're just retarded about how Sup Forums has always been, long before Sup Forums existed.
Also youre still basically a newfag

>proves he is not a newfag
>hurr durr still a newfag

is this leaf logic? or would only a newfag argue about newfaggotry

Go back to Sup Forums cumskin


Coming here during Gamergate still makes you a newfag.

Lmaooooo honkies finkin they be oldfags

Why are wh*ties so lame?

more like anyone post 2008 is a newfag ie 95% of userbase. shit doesnt matter anymore this websight is a fucking lamerzone now