When did "delete your account" become a good insult

When did "delete your account" become a good insult

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It's the politically correct way of saying "kill yourself."

It's been a maymay in twitter for longest of time
mostly in black communities

How to spot a shill 101, the thread

>where are your deleted emails?
>where are your emails that you cannot recover?

holy shit, I now #StandWithHer

It is a good insult, people only delete their account when they got completetly btfo

Its funny because trump threw a shit fit on twitter last election then promptly deleted the posts.


Bernie who? Who's that?

But Trump was not BTFO in any way. So it was not a good insult.

It's basically just posting "stop saying things I don't like."

Ah, I was just answering OP, it IS a good insult, if you actually get someone to delete their account

uninstall twitter op

yeah it really doesn't make any sense. doesn't matter though, Hillary is pandering directly to her low information voter base who are already braindead and easily impressed. It's like she's jangling some shiny keys for them to enjoy

Oh my fuck


Hillary once made a tweet saying that Trump's statement saying "equal work gets equal pay" was sexist. Her team is kind of retarded.


Based Trump. #Standwithher. Build wall. #Herstory. The memes must flow.

Mommy, what's a Bernie? IDK. IDGAF.

Shame on us.

>You live in the time-frame where Hillary has better bants than Trump

you must be in some alternate universe then
good luck over there m8

Delete these dubs.

Right, only Trump supporters are smart and high info because we're all white


not an argument

It's the SJW answer yo hurtful comments on the internet.



>read IDGAF as
>I dont give a fugg
Thank you Sup Forums and Sup Forums for helping me control my tounge


Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones use it a lot.

Hello? youtube.com/watch?v=IH4Mqqelc4E


>implying they are not somewhere on a USB

Your statement wasnt an argent either, just an insult, you unintelligent cuck



She was the one that got BTFO lmao



Fukin checked

When millennials became braindead.

u mad :^)

>literally 5 minutes later
>hours later

She got him on the quick.

>things that never happened

Delete your account

It's something traitor Snowden tweeted before

I think they're actively working against her because she is a giant cunt

Oy Vey! The Goyim know. Shut it down.

She pays lackies to manage her twitter

When feminists said so.

That settles it

Who the fuck is running her twitter?



It did'nt.
If anything, the word "delete" is something the #mentallyhill should'nt use.

"Delete your account" takes no effort or wit, it baffles me that you are somehow impressed by a preplanned tweet that they decided to roll out at random. good on you for being easily entertained

hillary won this twitter battle. Trump came off as a nerd for replying with numbers

Based Julian Assange

Well that does it. I'm a Cruzmissle now.

Question my dudes.

Seems like people don't care about the email scandal, anything specific in those emails I can mention? They don't care if it was classified, what actual shit was in there?

it's not really a good insult, just funny because how simple but blunt it is
its funnier how bad hilary is, but normies actually think it's bad on trump

She's sharing her political strategy with him.

> Just delete everything.
> Works for me!
> See you in the White House, Donald!

you can talk about Hillary plotting to destabilize Syria and Libya I guess. normies have been brainwashed to hate Assad and Qaddafi though

When she literally paid people to say it was.

kek blesses me with trips

I knew she hated gun.
Now she hates free speech.

Thats not how kek works, he works in mysterious ways

Oh shit, nigger. What are you doing?

Lot's of dirty shit about destabilizing the middle east and the calculated murder of Ghadaffi, as well as all his missing wealth.

When you use bots to favorite&retweet your posts.

Kek is a false god.

EFG is God.

>Trump's serious reply specifically asking about her email scandal didn't BTFO her juvenile "delete" comment and bring more attention to her carelessness
Yeah and you're not a shill either

You don't choose kek, kek chooses you.

To be fair 9/11 was jews, but yeah she is full of shit.

what a miserable failure just like your faggot god
top kek

How do Americans even take a side in this election? It's literally a "Liberal vs Liberal" vote.

Like when we tell people to kill themselves and we mean it too.

>of the them
still, makes you think

It's not funny at all. To be objective, I'm imagining Trump saying "Delete you account" to Hillary and I'm still not laughing or amused.

Exactly. And is the person demokkkrats want to have control over out nuclear launch codes

This guy gets it, and Kek blessed him because of it

i feel like it was a poor choice to use the word delete. the only people who think that tweet was 'le epic bantz' are women who only like her because she shares their genitalia and underage retards.



clinton is corrupt and balls-to-the-wall globalist and authoritarian, trump professes nationalism and provides some semblance of hope that the state of us politics can change

go back to 2008

Thanks, obama.

Political parties are a hell of a drug.

If you're a member of the Democrats or the Republicans, you're expected to vote in lockstep with millions of other people in the hopes that the other 75% of registered voters can be convinced to vote for your candidate in large enough numbers to reach a majority. It's a secular religion. Kind of sickening in a way.

>Hey Don, it's Hill, we're gonna do this thing after we clear California. You got briefed, right?


>not voting for Trump just for the memes

Only in the minds of ignorant lefties

>criticise trump for his mean tweets
>hillary['s intern] sends a mean tweet
>lefties go wild
>The tweet is a literal child playrgound 'I know you are but what am I' tier insult, makes no comment on trump's character but instead just voices the fact that 'she' disapproves of him
>Trumps insults point out the flaws of a person rather than being meaningless tripe

Hillary's just trying to gain all the ground she can before monday

What's Monday?


It's literally "DELETE THIS" which is what's so funny. It really just shows weakness on her part.

Can't argue with those digits

Trump is releasing a video about him railing on Hillary. Probably about how all the things she said in her victory speech were complete bull shit and why.

Personally I hope it goes like this

Didn't watch

I am now a #shill4hill

delete this

Memes are becoming real