Post ITT if you love Adolf Hitler
Post ITT if you love Adolf Hitler
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Hell yeah.
I don't think it was a good idea for him to invade Russia at that time, but he brought Germany out of the gutter, he strengthened his people and made one of the most ruthlessly efficient armies to ever have existed.
If he were to run for head of state, I'd vote for him not because he's Hitler, but because he brought life to a dead and beaten Germany.
>inb4 EU thought police send me to reeducation camp
>you will never hear a mid 1920s hitler speech in all its glory
why even live?
It's hard not to love the guy who killed Hitler.
If you didn't before, you will now.
Adolf had some good raps
>implying he died of something else than age, under the mountains of Argentina.
Hello EU Commission for hate speech. You wan't bait and ban me.
Hello fbi
Hitler did nothing wrong.
I love Hitler
From 1928 to 1939 in Germany:
>Government debt rose by 400%
>wages as part of the German economy fell from 68% to 52%
>The substantial trade surplus turned in to a negative balance of trade.
Let's dispel with this Hitler meme, he was an angry Austrian that fell prey to his own hubris
>tfw you were born too late to fight for Germany, for the world
Uncle Adolf greatest ally
>Whites in Argentina
On second thought, nobody would ever look for him.
i loved what he stood for , freeing the world from corruption and destabilizing the evil bankers.
things that i can´t forgive : murder of innocents in the name of a greater cause.
he was a wildcard 50/50% , sadly he failed against all odds.
question is , where do we go from where he started?
it is of no use to hang on the past.
a past over 50 years behind us.
a past that was vastly different to what is now.
you all need to focus on the present and the future.
not the mistakes and losses we all suffered a long time ago.
may god forgive us for our sins and lead us into a bright future.
bless you all.
Get out with this shitty reddit-tier meme.
this t b h
here is some music for you to enjoy as you are filling out your reports, mr fbi
>things that i can´t forgive : murder of innocents in the name of a greater cause.
Nobody asked your opinion burger. Plus I got it from here,
Dubs, and Hitler becomes an official patron saint in the church.
>Patron saint of nationalism
Oh my god. Are you kidding me? Are you guys serious? Are you kidding me!?!
One day...
Better luck next time.
He was the fucking FÜHRER!
Obviously love him.
man against time
Let's try again.
Almost got trips, but I guess I stole your dubs in my last post.
Russia was already planning to invade him dude. So was the United States. We are talking back in the 30's they were.
The older I get the more I realize Hitler did nothing wrong.
A fanatic who lead his country to absolute destruction.
The closest you'll get is from the film "Er ist wieder da," or as the English title is called "Look Who's Back."
It's also on our Netflix as well, and is actually a pretty good movie. Basically the premise is that Hitler is transported to 2014 in the middle of Berlin, and people don't believe it's the actual Hitler but a very good impersonator who never breaks character. He then goes on to become famous on TV talking about politics and how shit is going bad for the Germans.'
Isn't it ironic that there was a time in my country where you weren't allowed to say that you didn't like Hitler and now it's almost a crime to say that you do like him?
Really make you think, huh?
Winners aren't losers and Hitler isn't a winner
Here's a quick and rough translation of it too:
>The TV in my hotel is so thin. It's a marvel of human ingenuity.
>But what's shown on the TV? Only junk. >When the times were bad, the people needed light entertainment, that I understand, so we brought back the Feuerzangebowle (a light comedy) in 1944.
>But how bad must the times be, that one needs to punish the people by bombarding them with such idiocy?
>In what kind of land are we living in? Child poverty, elder poverty, unemployment, the birth rates as low as ever...
>No wonder! Who wants to bring a kid into this world?
>We're racing towards the Abyss, but we can't recognize it because on the TV, you don't see the Abyss. You see instead, a cooking show.
>I'll fight against this TV until we not only no longer see the Abyss, but overcome it!
>It's 20:45, and from now on we're broadcasting back!
>Really make you think, huh?
I wouldn't risk it.
C'mon, he could have skipped the holocaust and sent at least 400 more stukes to escort supply lines to rommel.
Hell he could've delayed the genocides and done them after the war. He was already fucking starving the people to death, then he was like "we aren't spending enough money to have these people killed."
>C'mon, he could have skipped the holocaust
Still feel shame over using the Winter War, don't you?
I think love is a strong word, yeah i'd fuck him but i wouldnt marry him.
Everything you just said is more evidence for why it didn't happen. The notoriously efficient Germans would've never done something so logistically pointless. It's a huge waste of fuel, manpower, and resources during a time of warfare.
Now if he just locked them up in concentration camps, and the supply lines were bombed by allies causing the prisoners to starve which then led to the war disease typhus running rampant in the camp it'd make much more sense.
The whole thing falls apart when you look at the logistics, like the magic ovens that mathematically couldn't have burned the claimed numbers of bodies at Auschwitz.
Even if we ignore the magic ovens that burn a thousand times faster and more efficient than modern ovens we can't get past one important fact
wood fuel can't melt jew bones
There would've still been millions of pounds of bones to grind up after the bodies were burned, but I've never heard of any bone mill to grind up the MASSIVE amounts of jew bones at Auschwitz.
They lost the Continuation War, not the Winter War.
how superiority of this man can even be debatable
If this was true what would Jews even get out of lying about the Holocaust?
Who else is voting for the American Nazi Party this year??
Can you actually do that?
Yeah, it's a legit American political party, should be on the ballot
Did you?
Hell yeah
If only they had a chance
Finn posting from Germany, I'm really hesitant to even post anything on Sup Forums, I might get a visit from the anti-racist defence force
>Heil yeah.
he din do nuffinz
Free money, being a holocaust survivor means being ANYWHERE in german controlled territory during the war. So those who were not in camps are entitled to money as well.