I know this is mostly a white board, but hear out a black Swede.
White women seducing black men is a form of racism and oppression. A poor black man and victim of his own weak flesh is forced into interracial mating and there is a high risk a resulting pregnancy will occur, further diluting the rich African heritage of the black man.
Would Sup Forums agree? How do we stop white women from oppressing the black man. This is to our mutual benefit.
Pic related, it's a poor black man, probably about to have his genetical heritage diluted and destroyed.
I know this is mostly a white board, but hear out a black Swede
Other urls found in this thread:
muh bump
I know what you're trying to do ;)
have to agree, whenever any white (male or female) has sex with a POC, it's literally rape because of power+privilege, regardless of context. Whites literally cannot obtain consent from POC because of the oppressive power dynamics between them
What's that?
Get some stormfag to say "you're genes should be destroyed you stupid nigger uhuhu"
How about staying your nigger ass in Somalia
Sweden, it's not funny when you shitpost like this. It just makes us more depressed and concerned.
It's hopeless. This is your future
Let's trade places. You'll find many of your kind here and I'll find many of my kind there, although perhaps not in Stockholm or Malmo
This is true, crackas always finding new ways to keep the black man down
You must be sleepy, because what you just wrote makes no sense at all.
How so?
What kind is that?
As a fellow black swede, I disagree. We are free to have sex with white women as we please, just as they are free to have sex with us as they please. God knows they want it.
Also, it's not dilution if it's a black man impregnating a white woman. It's dilution if a white man impregnates a black woman. Women can only have a child each 9 months, whereas a black man can impregnate 10 white women and also impregnate a black woman to make pure babies. Impregnating white women is a form of racial propagation, not dilution.
yes, nigger genes have no value
They honestly don't though. Niggers are fucking useless
im half black half white (estonian mother) and i agree
i wish i had been pure african
now ill never have sex with a pure black girl and not feel like im making dilluting her pure genes
Because now's not the time to laugh at yourself.
I'm sorry to tell you this, my oppressed person of color, but when you impregnate 10 white women you are enslaving your 10 POC offspring to white servitude. This may come as a surprise, but the government wants you to miscegenate because then it becomes easier to control you and your race, because your brethren will be forced more and more to rely on the state. You've been fooled with illusions of "racial propagation", and now you're playing right into their hands. Soon your people won't have any freedom left at all, bound as they are to the will of the elite white government, who you can be certain will not fall into the trap that you are falling into now
I'm thinking more about a black child that will grow up with a white mother, sharing her inherent sin of being white, in part. This is not good for our people, fellow kang. Only racial purity is.
Disregarding Faggot OP but using his thread to raise a pertinent question.
If straight white males are oppressive by our very nature, if we are literally unable to be the victims, if our very existence is offensive of stifling to every other demographic in someway, doesn't that imply that we are the greatest?
When liberals make their little hierarchies of oppression, aren't they basically making a list of humans from best to worst?
When they put measures in place to "level the field" isn't that essentially like a golf handicap?
Why are liberals so ready to discriminate and stereotype?
>black Swede
No such thing.
Visste inte att det var andra svarta svenskar här :)
Let's leave the politics out of this, nothing feels better than defining a white girl and we all know it
And why do niggers see fucking white women as a major achievement. Like its almost like they use them as units to measure their success in life.
"Oh he doin well, he fuck three white biches"
"Jamal not so good, jus two azns and a big black bitch"
Do they not realise its not that offensive to a white guy anyway? For us its the status quo, its weird for a white guy to NOT fuck a white girl, theres no claims to be made, in fact its almost like a horror story, talking about which minorities you fucked when drunk.
White women are part of my family, my mother, my sister, one day my daughter, they are of me and I am of them, niggers are so desperate to be part of it, to get in the mix, why do niggers hate themselves so much?
Fair point. It's hard to resist the temptation though.
The blackness compensates for that though. The child bears no sin.
>I know this is mostly a white board, but hear out a black Swede.
Claims to be black, but correctly uses a comma and capitalizes the referenced nationality. Yeah... I'm afraid I'm not going to suspend my disbelief just yet. I don't know what the rest of the post said - I just think it's funny that Leftists often post as "blacks" to advance an argument... yet they cannot make their assumed "blackness" believable unless they dumb it down. Ironic.
niggers have no loyalty to their race because they have no culture
>The blackness compensates for that though. The child bears no sin.
That's not how this works. The child will grow up with an inferior white mother, full of white guilt that she will project on to her black offspring who will never feel pure or whole because of it.
Is it so hard to believe that a black man in a western nation does not wish to adhere to the ghetto culture?
Of course. Liberated* niggers
In Sweden, black citizens get better grades in school and are overrepresented at university level. I suggest you read up on facts instead of blurting out your prejudices against blacks. Obviously blacks in America have been discriminated against and placed in communities which force them into a life of crime and poverty so I can see where this prejudice comes from. You should understand this isn't the case everywhere though.
checks out
So, what you are saying is that the "MUH DIK" meme is true?
Well,thanks for your honesty, nigger. It's appreciated.
Pick one
Sadly, whatever grade a POC receives is meaningless, because grades are a system of measurement arbitrarily implemented by whites. It literally doesn't matter if Swedish POC do well in school, they are still fundamentally oppressed because they are trapped within the white education paradigm.
Meanwhile in the US, American POC suffer the tyranny of affirmative action, i.e. white guilt, which does not emphasize merit but rather operates on dogmatic quotas, diluting the contributions of truly intelligent American POC as their less-competitive brethren receive admission to high profile schools simply at the whim of whites.
The only true way to correct this problem would be the elimination of affirmative action and the creation of black-only schools.
It's funny because niggers actually believe "white people place niggers in ghettos"
Niggers simply don't have any respect for their environment and can't think past the next time they are gonna get their dick wet.
Niggers don't view the American education system as anything more than extended daycare. Which is why they are un teachable and usually end up in an "extended stay" day care facility.
You have a point. Using white grammar and spelling is also a form of oppression that needs to be reevaluated.
There are no black swedes. You're a black man with a swedish citizenship. There's a huge difference
Just because the system was created by whites doesn't mean blacks aren't as good or (in many cases) much, much better at it. Basketball springs to mind as an obvious example of a sport created by whites for whites, which blacks were so much better at that you hardly ever see a white basketball player.
In Sweden, the same is true for the schools. Sure, the schools ought to be changed, but that doesn't change the fact that blacks perform better and will do so even in a black or neutral school.
So how do you explain the fact that the only places where blacks live in ghettos or in shitty conditions are places where white men have ruled or rule over them. The closer blacks come to equal treatment, the better they perform. Sweden isn't perfect, but the fact that blacks are almost treated as human beings here means that black kids do better in school and virtually every other field of society.
There is no such thing as a black Swede, you are a foreigner, and you will always be a foreigner. You belong in a noose. Get that stock photo shit out of here.
I was born here and grew up here the same as you, so if you point me to the law that says you're more Swedish than me because my skin is darker than yours I'll gladly acknowledge that I'm not Swedish. Until then, fuck off.
>black swede
You get what you deserve
The issue is that it doesn't matter how "good" POC perform in such systems, they are still performing to the standards of whites. When a POC does well in school or plays an excellent game of basketball, they are merely prostrating themselves at the altar of white creation, giving up their indigenous identities so that they can follow the white man's rules. Even if POC demonstrate mastery over the white man's system, it is an empty victory, since all they have proved is that they are very adept at giving up their POC soul in exchange for white values.
It should also be noted that even if POC perform better than whites in a given context, it doesn't matter because of white privilege.
Frankly I feel like one of the major issues in American society is that incarcerated POC are arbitrarily prisonshamed by privileged whites. Prisons should be celebrated and glorified; they are literally cultural centers for tens of thousands of POC. Perhaps if society viewed POC prisoners not as an underclass to be shunned and feared, but rather as a collective of brave artists and iconoclasts, then prison life would not be so oppressive and damaging to POC. Frankly we should be encouraging as many POC as possible to go to prison for as long as possible, so that they can enjoy all the culture and pride that comes with interacting with their brethren in a safe space. Just imagine the Harlem Renaissance playing out again and again, across the entire nation, each prison uniting as POC prisoners rediscover their roots and explore their artistry.
Agreed. English is a system of linguistic oppression and POC should avoid using it. Instead, they should rely on the methods of communication employed by their ancestors.
Because they are incapable of ruling or governing or taking care of themselves en masse
Be glad you are in a white ruled country
gravel truck simulator.jpg
delete your account
>black Swede
How does it feel to destroy a country
>Black Swede
You are confused.
>There are no black swedes. You're a black man with a swedish citizenship.
That's called being a black Swede.
Would you prefer "African-Swede" instead?
I'm not connected to Africa other than my ancestral lineage, though. Are you a European-American?
>Checks flag
>Checks out
Lmao who are you trying to fool negro
Only after 5 generations could I even consider you somewhat Swedish
but then again..............
fuk off back to africa m8
But I have no place there, no close kin. I do not speak any African languages, I'm just black.
>I'm not connected to Africa other than my ancestral lineage, though.
Every part of your biology is nigger.
Also, if you don't look like you could be the sibling of a founding father, you can't be an American.
I don't understand why you'd exclude yourself in this equation. By all means, you should move back to Europe. But alas, you're just white. You probably only speak English and you have few or no kin in Europe as well. It's even worse for blacks in this regard as I'm sure you understand.
>Founding fathers were Injuns
Kek no. My ancestors didn't immigrate to the USA, they created it.
This is the funniest part about Swedes telling me I should go back to Africa. Have they heard of the Sami people? Last time I checked they came to Sweden thousands of years before the "Swedes".
>How to bait Sup Forums and slide threads: The Post
>alas, you're just white.
>alas, you're just part of objectively the best and most successful race
>You probably only speak English
>You probably only speak the only language that matters because your country is the best
>you have few or no kin in Europe as well.
All Europeans are my kin.
>black Swede
No such thing. Swedes are a Germanic people i.e White.
Thats true, but niggers shouldnt worry about their genetical heritage, as they have a continent full of niggers, raping and killing each other in niggerish fashion, and building the great nigger civilization that is Africa today and has been for the past 100.000 years.
Im more worried about the white woman, that has no other genetic stock or place to go after her country gets full of niggers or mongrel babies.
They didn't conjure the land, only named it. Don't be obtuse.
>Have they heard of the Sami people? Last time I checked they came to Sweden thousands of years before the "Swedes".
Well no, the Sami are not the natives of Sweden. They arrived about the same time people started populating Sweden. Sweden became united in the 1200's under the Svear-tribe, with roots going back to the time the Sami arrived as well.
The original name for Sweden was Svea Rike = Kingdom of the Svear.
Anyone investigating this will soon find this to be true, but it's mildly pushed on people that the Sami are natives, as you parrot here. I think I tracked the wiki page on the Sami in Sweden to have changed around 2010 because the leftist leader commented on this and repeated what you wrote.
Sweden isn't the Americas.
What joy you must feel.
It's not a name it's a country. And its dirt was well earned.
I do.
Was he wrong user?
>black Swede
stopped reading here. there is no such thing as a black swede, a black german, black european. you are niggers which don't belong here. fuck off to africa. FUCK OFF! your fucking genes will taint europe until it will become another third world nigger infested shithole with no history, traditions and so on. just fuck off, you damn coconut
>have no arguments
>resort to name calling
Germany right there, ladies and gentlemen
still better than you'll ever be
your not welcome in the european homeland. you should be banned from land ownership
not if he is a fucking nigger. blacks are africans and can never become european. it does not matter how hard you try. a fucking pig born in a horse stable won't become a horse after 5 generations.
>I do not speak any African languages
implying there is a such thing. before the white man you spoke with handsigns and click sounds to your fellow negro. half of africa speaks french or english, because it is supperior to your previous system. be thankful to the white man, that you can even communicate like a human being
I'd ask for a timestamp to prove your niggardry, but your skin is probably so black a marker wouldn't show.
I do not think any black person considers themselves European, nor any Arab either.
It's fine to put your ethnicity or colour ahead of your host nation like Black Swede, or Black Brit, or Black French. You're still signaling that you're of black African ancestry, just not living in Africa.
low quality bait
This is true, how did you know
>>have no arguments
my argument is, that if you niggers would just move to africa, you would not be "oppressed" by white women.bascially what you are saying, is that you don't want to assimilate into white socity, because you wan't to preserve your "genes". we want the same thing. the solution is, go back to your homeland (africa) and fuck black women. leave our homeland alone.
it's strange, but somehow despite being separated by time and distance for so long it seems like blacks and whites were made for each other.
As a fellow nigger I have to say this, turn in your fucking black card you fucking cuck. You're getting your dick wet, be grateful I don't put you in chains and sell you to the dutch.
Based nigger?
Where are all the Australians???
Their baits were awesome. This is just complete shit.
C'mon, Aussies, come back!
Shill, or troll?
>posting on Sup Forums
Niggers don't have any rich heritage to dilute
lol u wot