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Not even a Big Mac?

gimme back dat filet o fish


burger king is better

As if burgers don't exist outside of America.
People here eat nothing but burgers and other McDonald trash

>filet o fish
That's one hell of a buzzword for a fucking fishburger that you can buy in droves in the supermarket and probably actually taste like fish.

Yeah well, we have whataburger and you don't.

whataburger best

If anyone goes to a burger joint and gets fish kill them immediately

It's just a brand name.


That burger looks so good but when you actually eat it it's flavor is equivalent to the burgers we had in high school expect I didint have to pay 4 fucking dollars for that trash

>If anyone goes to a burger joint them immediately

so few post and so much salt

>not going to a burger joint 14 times a week


>he doesn't enjoy burgers

>that gif

Post based Americans

this seriously

im glad I live in texas

is that a waffle and blue cheese butty?

>liking a cheap rip off of a charcoal grilled burger
>not only eating burgers cooked on the superior flat iron

also im fond of you cunts


I understand if you're going to a signature restaurant known for their burgers, but not Mcdonalds..

There burgers are pretty decent
I mean if I went to a real burger place I'm sure they would actually have a good fish sandwich not a shit piece of cod on a bun with some tartar sauce

I love Cheez-Its


The only reason any burger in an ad or a commercial looks good is because it's not real. All those burgers that are used have food coloring and other chemical agents to give them that delicious, glistening, plump, perfect look.

This is how they actually look. Pic related.

>he slipped

mcdonalds has the best fish ever fuk you

I heard they actually drill screws into these food advertisments to hold their shape perfect and other things to them like you said chemicals

>Just a brand name

I've never been so glad not to be a European.


>American love
>loving someone who will just start a war against you
Russia, NK and China should just team up and nuke you

You wouldn't mind if I moved in with you then

I'm just talking about the taste of burger kings burgers at least with any other burger place you can forgive the burger slave for slapping everything together because the taste is pretty good

Are you the same Finn that keeps posting this in every thread? If anyone ever tried to attack us we would probably nuke Helsinki just out of spite.

>finland defending russia

video related, did pol enjoy this movie?



'merica, fuck yeah

usa could fuck up all of those cuck countries at once 2bh

Sometimes they'll "laminate" it as well

Personally I fucking hate Burger King though, when I was younger I worked at a BK in Denver. Every fucking one of them were mexican, and only the manager spoke any english, which meant I was the token white guy that got to handle both the window and the front registers. I was swamped every fucking day and if I let a vehicle sit for more than 3 seconds I got chewed out, meaning I had to just up and abandon people at the front if a car pulled up, which was pretty much every time. Once I had to heat up some coffee for the drive through and went to the back to heat it up in the microwave but because I had no experience in the back I couldn't find it amongst the god awful clutter. I tried to ask one of the mexicans where it was but she looked at me like she was fucking retarded and only said "Que?"

I started to get pissed because I was wasting time, trying everything I could think of to get her to understand "microwave", I said shit like "CALIENTE" "MICROWAVO" and even started doing microwave sounds while she stood there like a fucking idiot. No one else even bothered to look at me, just sat there with their heads down droning away like brown slaves. Eventually I just tracked down the manager after like 5 minutes of trying and just had her do it.

Fuck Burger King.

I was just explaining how they really look. Regardless, I'm still going to eat a Burger King whopper. I never thought they tasted bad, they just look really unappealing in the box. But I'm not a fast food person, honestly. It's cheaper, easier, and in my opinion more delicious to make your own burger at home, and in a sense healthier too because fast food burgers are fattening as hell obviously.

literally another thing down there that will try to eat you

that's one happy nigga

too early to get a fish sandwich? :^)

Difference is, our bird is a symbol whereas birds in Straya are your conquerors.


kek, is that real?

Kek, this fucking movie.

ive actually seen fatter police than that kek


I wonder who took this picture

I wonder if he would donate one of those guns to the less fortunate.

Man's paradise, is it not?

I bet he is an altruistic person and he would watch your back at all times like a guardian angel

He's got every reason to be happy.
Tell me you don't want to eat that burger.

Cinco Hombres is king.


fucking BASED

Five guys ftw

Filet o fish sandwiches are pretty good tbqh. Always thought they looked disgusting before I tried one. They also include them in the McPick 2 deal, which is nice.

Wendy's is the best if you're talking about the big three burger chains.

that baconator from wendys and their fries tho

that shit is good


> > > rip my sides

>tfw you'd be attacked by a heard of dindus that only recognize the cap and typeface

Delete your account.

Cajun fries dear lord

yeah nah we don't want muslims sorry ahmed, we left you for a reason

> ruski loving fin

kill yourself traitor

you're deferentially the same shitposting fin from trumpgen

hahaha thats fucking beautiful.

Their burgers are okay, a step above McDonald's-tier, but nothing special. Fries are really good, though.

Their new burgers, the Dave's burgers or whatever, are great too. Do you they still make spicy baconators?

>tfw gonna pick up a McGriddle from McDonalds in a couple hours

i can't decide what i like more, mcgriddles or the bacon egg and cheese bagel

Sometimes I get a filet o fish on Lent.

ur jealous

probably the best fast-food burger i've ever tasted.
god bless texas





>mfw American History X is playing on the TV right now


>make an american love thread
>turns in a discussion of burgers

I never saw, anybody nor do I now anybody who eats or would eat that burger. Why are they still offering it? WHY?

Which daywalker would it eat? Show us your true colors now!


Been a while since micromancer has graced the internet.

McGriddle definitely.

Go shit your pants in Walmart faggot







I just got the worst food poisoning of my life from McDonald's a couple of days ago. Thought I had the Zika virus and shit

Never eat at a McDonalds that's staffed by niggers. The Hispanic ones seem okay.
