Ask a Georgian who got back in Georgia after 5 years anything
Ask a Georgian who got back in Georgia after 5 years anything
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When can we finally take back your lands from Russia?
When Russia stops playing 'Im the third rome hurrr' game
Little Georgian hearts are very cute, I used to always have a Georgian qt to give me some. ღ
Why do you choose to live in a literal shit hole? Are you just a stupid sack of dog shit?
I hope the person who thought that ღ and ლ looked like a fucking heart and it was a good idea to make some retarded symbols with it dies in a fire
It does look like a heart
where were you for that 5 years
Georgia is Russia. Get out of here hohol
so hows life in Georgia? What do you guys do for traditions, or fun i guess, there?
Are you an oblast yet?
russia IS a third rome - you sould have stayed in school Gogi
Byzant wasn't even Rome
But there were three Romes.
The kingdom, the republic and the empire.
OK maybe ღ looks like one
But the second one does not. And its really infuriating to see people go 'omjei you use le smaileis' when they see georgian script
I'm sad that you asked.
I doubt you even know what hohol means
Very little what can be considered fun. Traditions - lots. We decorate stuff, build more churches, learn national dances. and build more churches. Oh and our xmas is on 7th January
Not quite yet
Let me borrow my big bratan's typical response
Where are the proofs?
How butthurt are you about Russia?
Is it common for your folk to be butthurt towards them?
Praise Lika!
Is it as violent as people say? My sister wants to travel Europe and one of her friends from the Ukraine made a point of saying do NOT go to Georgia, the people are violent and will start fights at the drop of a hat, and this was from a Ukrainian skin head.
Shen xar sayvareli
Say hi to Sakashvelli for me suka
what do you think of armenia OP
As a neutral observer, isn't Delaware the shittiest state? Hope you got to go someplace cool while you were here
It's always been my dream to do a ~10-day trip to Georgia. What should I see? Also how the fuck do I learn your alphabet, they arr rook same
What the fuck is up with your weird language?
I'm perfectly fine with Russia, at least I can talk with russians without them saying things like 'das racist' and other brainless western things. If they dropped all the territorial drama we could chill
Well I'm gonna be lying saying we are not violent but as I know Georgia's tourism literally went boom and everything looks really modern in here now. So dunno man. Its perfectly safe in capital and surrounding regions, I can say that much
Sakesvhili is in Ukraine
Kinda bros, kinda traitors.
it was fine. was staing in clayton. Cool people and ok food so that was more than enough for me
Capital, the sea, mountains as well and of course our grape valleys. 200 different type of wine here mane. I cant really advice anything about alphabet rather than finding a Georgian and asking him/her to help you with it. Those 'group lessons' and online stuff does not really work because grammar is really hard
You tell me. იმიტო რო ჯერ კიდე არ ვიცი რომელმა გენიოსმა გამოიგონა ეს ანბანი
>Kinda bros, kinda traitors.
How so, also
>Literally Elvish Language
He's right, you're a fucking idiot.
A Hohol is the stupid ass haircut
are you religious?
>all those little hearts
Dude your language is adorable
Our Georgia is better.
Georgia has the best flag in all of Europe.
I take it you are armenian to be that interested
We got backstabbed by armenia several times, the last two ones were particularly painful. The war after independence as armenia thought it was a good idea to attack us while we just became independent and in 1992 helping out russians and abkhazians by sending military.
Yes it looks like elvish but it does not sound like one trust me. Learning words is really easy but grammar is really hard
Not quite religious, although most of the people are.
Please stop
I've heard that Atlanta is like somalia of USA. I doubt that
We dont really go as "Europeans" but yeah, not gonna deny our flag looks really cool.
Not even a rare flag.
Gtfo nerd no one cares. I hope Russia invades again
Georgia is in the caucasus
ბიჯო ილოცე რომ გერმაბიამ ვიზალიბერალიზაცია არ ჩაგვიგდოს თორე აი მერე მართლა პატრონი მოგვეტყნება
არჩევნებზე რას ფიქრობ ?
ისევ ნაციონალები მობრუნდებიან მგონი !
why do your fellow Georgians act like criminals and niggers here
It's part of caucasus culture, mon petit clown
his language doesn't have 3 fucking different unique writing structures
his alphabet was created after BC
his labguage doesn't have more than 5 different accents
his doesnt read what he write word by word
> are you even trying CC rest of the fuckingn world
why does Georgia get its own flag, but no other US states do??
Is Georgia a country worth visiting or living in? The Caucasus mountains look so fucking awesome
>his language was made by an armenian
ძაან მეეჭვება ეგ. და გერმანია გაგიმაზავ ჩაგვიგდებს და ჩემ სირს გავალთ ევროპაში. ამ ფრანგმაც იმიტო დაწერა შენ ქვევით რო მართლა ნიგერებისავით იქცევიან ჩვენები და არავის ვუნდივართ
Because only scum and criminals leave country. Rather than to defend it and help they try going the easy way, just like all those rapefugess.
it is. If you are ok with children apply as a teacher here as other shitloads of people do and you will find out. The place is like one of your Hollywood movies
South Ossetian immigrant here, fuck you.
Your language looks like Thai
Dirty turkroaches
That looks like some sort of weird fantasy language.
Did you see the airport or the coke museum
Also, are there any ISISfags/terroristfags in general there? I know that there are a couple breakaway republics within the region but not too sure if anyone like ISIS has a strong presence in some regions
>his language was made by an armenian
I refuse to acknowledge your existence
I had some people telling me that it looked like 'Mordor writing'
Its funny because armenians themselves have a copy language. Check Ethiopian font and than look at armenian
Nope. Honestly I just stayed in Riverdale most of the time as I was working as a translator there and I had to write things. On papers for some reason
No, anything muslim is a big NO here. People have a strong hatred towards towelheads
but still
a fucking armenian made your script man
t. xachik mamikonyan
Its been proven that its a typical armenian 'whole world is armenian thing'. The only ones who take that as a fact are some russians and Armenians themselves. try harder aleksej
south ossetia isn't georgian clay
Hey bro, I'm visiting this summer for an exchange program and I'm wondering if you have any tips for me.
Maybe about the street food, (should I or nah), best view, any cultural demands about greeting eachother or something...
I'm staying at the Laerton (Iliko Kurkhuli) in Tiflis, any cool places I can check out anywhere near? Oh and is public transportation ok?
>No, anything muslim is a big NO here. People have a strong hatred towards towelheads
I love you
It is, its the people who arent even Caucasian and dont belong there.
Youd be surprised to find out that very little that goes as 'fast food' here. Mostly some georgian pastry. You can buy them on streets but do that only in tbilisi, outside regions might be using outdated food
Nothing about the cultural demands, you will just see a lot of people drinking wine and they might just suddenly invite you to drink with them a bit. Considering you are slovenian you can even make some people understand you because, well - Russian. Even I can understand some words from every slavic language just because I know Russian
Try visiting old capital Mtskheta if you are interested in old stuff and history. Public transportation is ok and cheapest way to move around, but taxis are cheap as well. It will be better if you can find someone who can help you out here for the first days
>russia IS a third rome
Choose one
Rome was a Southern European empire, so were the Byzantines till 12th century
Do you know anything about the gun laws in Georgia?
how strong is christianity in georgia, whats the main christian group? orthodox/catholic/etc.
you seem to have 5 cross's on your flag so that is a good sign
You are allowed to have knifes/sharp stuff in houses and to use them on anyone you want. Would be strange if it was outlawed because most people have fucking swords
Guns require special permission which you can gain by filling in and answering some strange questions as I remember. Not many people bother about guns because its generally a safe place here, even in regions
Thats a strange question considering we border Russia and had byzantine as a neighbour. Orthodox. We are a third country in world to accept christianity as I remember. around 85% population is christian. Mostly are zealous christians to the bone. People support church more than government
Literally who?
What is the lyrics of Apareka-song? What those girls were singing?
>It is, its the people who arent even Caucasian and dont belong there.
They've been there a thousand fucking years. Eventually you just have to let this sort of thing go.
Do y'all circumcise as a tradition like the Americans?
Do your women like fat men?
Also has is anime ok or a big no no?
Why did you come back?
>Finnish education
Why aren't khinkali and khachipuri more globally known?
>tfw moving back to America soon and no fucking chance of eating delicious Georgian food
Wait, is the sakpatenti hq or something law-related there, in Mtskheta?
wow Georgia sounds great, looks very nice from the pictures ive seen, do your people slay mudslimes when they invade as well?
Really makes you think
are you a Braves fan
Wait, aren't georgians catholic?
Not that again.
Its basically a traditional Georgian song how a guy sings about a girl's beauty and about the inevitable 'twilight' in life. Something like that
> I've been living here for 4 generations already
>This is our land and it was always ourss!!!111
It does not work like that in Caucasus friend.
Ewww no. Someone would get killed even to think of that
No they dont. Anime is just about spreading here so weeb stuff is kinda welcome? I guess?
To help my country in some way
There are Georgian restaurants in america, some even run by Georgians
Should be. they have several hq's around Georgia
Let me say it like this
Georgia is the only place in world where Shias and Sunni muslims have to pray together because there is only 1 mosque in capital and people DONT allow more. you figure out the rest
My ex is a fan of em, so no.
Sasha... please.
Your opinion about Saakashvili?
So what do you look like? Are Georgians turkic, caucasian mutts
He did some good things in here, like made country more western looking and improving our standing as well
But he still was a tie eating ДЦП and a despotic scum
First of all Caucasians dont really look like some mountain niggers, we should be thankful to mudslims for 'enriching' us at some degree. Around 80% would be white, but then again we dont really look like European white at all. others are mixed/typical sandniggers. You kinda need to visit the place to understand
>>It does not work like that in Caucasus friend.
Yeah yeah, I know. keep on keeping on then I guess.
Maybe don't listen to retards like dick cheany so closely next time, it should be less embarrassing at least.
ker letnik?
How does it feel to have a cool flag?
Do you read&write on двaч? How did it happen that you know Russian?
Feels pretty good m8
I dunno, maybe because fucking 70% of population knows Russian? And maybe because back when I was in school we were still learning Russian
I dunno what you guys are told there but what most of the population feels towards everything Russian is not hate, its just negativity. Wouldnt have Whole Moscow on a vacation in Tbilisi otherwise
Why did you order the execution of innocents in the south ossetia war?
I work in the immigration department as a manager in GCR and someone from the georgian military that was a lieutenant requesed asylum beacuse he disobeyed orders to execute civilians
Moscow is several times bigger in populace than the Whole Georgia...
You mean why did our shit for brains president order
its simple, Ossetians were using russia as shield to sometimes throw some stuff at us. This retard one day - night I mean, it was 3am, ordered military to bombard their main city and then to storm it. It wanst execution like Russian media tries to tell everyone, it was just plain killing of everything living
Maybe we could go in ukraine and both ask him there, they have him as a governor now.
I know sergei. I just used it as a term to say that we have almost 1 million Russians staying in Georgia right now and most of them are as tourists here
why is Tblisi full of faggot hipsters?
where can I go to meet genuine Georgian youth?
Because its the summer and every tourist and faggot alike tries to look like a hipster
Go in new town somewhere where people live and you will find them, not in old town - its full of those pricks
So never?
Morala bi bit drugi, zakaj?
Aha! Vedu sm :)
Are Armos and Georgians friends senpai?
Ja, sem se odlocila da ti olajsam stvari, kdorkoli ze si.
Does not seem soon to me
If you take history,politics and religion aside we are.
How do you feel about the greatest hero that was born in your country, Josef Stalin?
Si že nardila izpit za avto?
He was a hero of USSR. As a person he was a typical traitor scum, but he was a good leader.
Is it true that people in your country drink to Stalin?
Ja, a ti si tisti ki se je ponudil, da bi pri njemu lahko naredila izpit?
Some do, but he is mostly hated here.
Uff, čestitke
Res, je pr men bi ga lahko delala zastonj (seveda le če si qt na fotki)
Are literally all of your words made out of little asses? Beautiful