Can someone red pill me on genetics and eugenics?

Can someone red pill me on genetics and eugenics?

Are they really expecting us to believe that humans have known how to domesticate animals for 10s of thousands of years, and yet it never dawned on us once that inheritance is an obvious pattern that can be exploited?

What if our entire population has been genetically selected by an ancient civilization or some strange bottle neck?

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go to /x with your alien shit

You're clinically retarded.

Newfag you might actually be too stupid to save

No I mean what if a tribesman decided he liked blue eyes so he made a law that only people with blue eyes gets the food for their babies?

Can't statistics tell the difference between domesticated and evolved mutations?

Everyone knows it works but they think its unethical.

Iirc there's sperm donar services where you have to have a certain IQ and most of those women's kids end up super smart.

I can't answer your question and I'm not really sure any actual academics can either because any mention of eugenics basically gets you called hitler in the scientific community

We still don't understand human genetics well enough to even begin to understand what "the best genes" are and we ESPECIALLY have no idea how the body works as a system, which means the gene that makes you as brilliant as Einstein could also give you childhood cancer or make you schizophrenic

Every Western nation on the planet was considering eugenics in the early 20th century. Shit, Britain and America actually started gassing disabled people.

If Germany hadn't gone full retard it wouldn't be as frowned upon now.

Ok, but I'm curious how much of this has already happened in ancient history.

he said
>alien civilization
fuck tards

It isn't exactly rocket science . .

lol oh shit my bad read it wrong

better question: what are the prospects like for a degree in genetics?

heh, thought you were just trying to get 1 last troll in before bed

Learn to read

Where did he say that, moron?

longer than we're led to believe

That's what I'm thinking. If there is forbidden knowledge, this would certainly be it.

I can imagine passing the secrets down through the generations and for some to understand the purpose of seemingly arbitrary features of modern humans.

No you didn't. I read "alien" too. I am throughly spooked now. Dis sum Mandela effect shiet

eugenics is Sup Forums material
ancient history is /his/ material
ancient eugenics is very much /x/ material

Not gonna lie, I read it too after I saw his post and I originally wrote it.

We don't have to completely understand in order to manipulate it. For example, if we attempted to fuck with the genome and create a super-smart human... we could end up with 100 Artists, or 10,000. But eventually we'd get it. The power that is at stake dwarfs WMDs. Intelligence is the supreme power. An IQ of 200 or more is as different from 95, as 95 is from a fucking Gorilla.

I'm asking for a scientific themed red pill, not we wuz kangz for white people. Science is for /sci/ so where do I go now?

from my understanding they want to bring about the anti-christ by creating him with his genome

dna is software, it contains logs, just like any other software

it contains complete dna of everyone you ever had sex with

you're just a client, running the software

once you die, your logs will get analyzed

or you can call it judgement, if you want

We are currently undergoing extensive dysgenics.

We steal from the best, most successful people and give resources and advantages to the weakest, least successful.

>welfare, affirmative action, foreign aid, hyper-advanced healthcare, degenerate pop culture, pushes for socialism

We are subsidizing weakness, and the effects are going to be disastrous.

Nah just read it wrong. srry guys. sry op

they basically shove it in your face at this point

you're asking about something for which there is absolutely no supporting evidence

>it contains complete dna of everyone you ever had sex with
[citation needed]

We have. We've been practicing eugenics and selective breeding on plants, animals, and ourselves basically forever. Why do you think Jews are so insular and also have the highest iq (and a genetic predisposition to parasitizing nations)? The man in charge cuck everybody else all throughout history to get his superior seed into the population.

But I have read numerous scientific studies of statistical relevance in the code pin pointing domestication of animals, so couldn't we do the same for humans?

They already say human DNA went through a bottle neck of variation at one point, but no one has an answer. I'm suggesting isolated incidences of eugenics most likely happened spontaneously throughout ancient human history and a few of those might still be ongoing.

that's my belief, as an algorithm and software expert
apart from this happening in one species of fruit-flies, i don't have any scientific evidence, it's just my conclusion based on infinite number of things

The first animal that man studied was man. They've become excedingly good at it too.

That is why we exist in society as we do, it has all been carefully enginnered throughout the ages. The end goal is a slave population that does the bidding of the elite.

>The first animal that man studied was man.

i'm not an animal, don't call me one

feel free to believe your whole family are apes, though

I'm thinking a mix of this + "climate change" science going on.

>scientific studies of statistical relevance in the code pin pointing domestication of animals
but those studies are performed with the prior knowledge of the kinds of traits we artificially selected for as well as DNA of the animals prior to domestication (e.g. the aurochs). if any kind of historical selective breeding of humans has occurred then it's likely of small scale and little relevance. there's no evidence to suggest historical eugenics of any significance.

>"climate change" science

what did he mean by this? you mean agenda 21?

We have prior knowledge that whites have blue eyes and everyone else doesn't. We have prior knowledge that blacks are closest to apes. We have prior knowledge that asians have small pps. There is an alternative answer for some of these features and people wouldn't want us to know that for various reasons. If it is documented in history, that will help red pill. If it is documented with statistical tools, that will help red pill too.

Is there any evidence of selective breeding in humans? We got a lot of shit skin manlets running around the arctic still, so I'm not entirely buying the varying conventional evolutionary explanations.

>We have prior knowledge that whites have blue eyes and everyone else doesn't.

dude, human eye is blue by default, it's only about how much melanin is placed over it

every race has blue eyes, even the aborigine


this is wrong you need to look into this topic more

mainstream history...

I'm not questioning the mechanics of it. Obviously brownlets have way more melanin at birth and on so almost all of them will have shit eyes their entire lives. Not my problem, dwi.

No tears please it's a waste of good suffering.

>We have prior knowledge that whites have blue eyes and everyone else doesn't. We have prior knowledge that blacks are closest to apes. We have prior knowledge that asians have small pps.
yes, the diversity of life on earth is enormous. but there is no implication that any of these traits have been artificially selected for
>There is an alternative answer for some of these features
yes, the prevalence of these traits could be the result of any number of evolutionary mechanisms. however, artificial selection is possibly the least likely. why jump straight to eugenics? it could be natural selection, or genetic drift, or simply the result of sexual selection and subsequent assortative mating.

or are you telling me yakub actually genetically engineered the white race

I don't know what Yakub is. I suspect the vast majority of human features are a result of natural evolution. I think you're the one who is jumping straight to conclusions by eliminating the possibility for a eugenic prehistory and how small or large it could be.

It should be easy for a biologist to explain how the effects of eugenics would die out or what scale the operation would have to be to get lasting effects. This isn't a discussion of evolution anymore at that point.

you're the one that needs to look more into it, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about

yes, obviously they do
but white people carry the recessive gene even when their eyes are brown, and light eyes pop up in a pattern that we don't even nearly understand

Yep, there are at least a dozen genes affecting eye color. Still, blue eyes is isolated to northern Europe. None of the North living people anywhere else got blue eyes like this.

there are no two types of blue eyes, you either get the melanin gene activated or not, there is no special blue eye gene, every single nigger has blue eyes underneath

where the sun is weak, more people are born without melanin in their eyes, so the pattern is not exclusive

no one can explain why in fraternal twins, no matter the race, usually one will get all the melanin, other none

so no, they are not even nearly isolated to north, they are the most prevalent there, that's true

People have been practicing Eugenics either conciously or unconsiously for a long time, up until recently when the equality meme came about. Now watch as things degenerate into a worthless mass of retards, that serve no purpose other than to buy cheap shit.

Well on the bible, after humans built the tower of babel, god punished them by splitting them all over the world, and created new languages so they could not communicate.

This may explain why humans evolved differently.

What are the odds of that though?

China don't give a fuck thought, they will come with some gundam sized humans meanwhile everyone is fucking and trying to be PC.

But we are animals.

You're just conditioned to view humans in a certain way. We are highly evolved apes, my friend.

you are conditioned to see yourself as an evolved ape

the evolution theory is a fucking joke

>Everyone knows it works but they think its unethical.

This, I spend 30% of my time on this site telling people to end their genetic line and it rarely ever sinks in. Most people are too stupid and selfish to accept this about themselves or the world, that even if they do carry something relatively important, there are millions of other, better breeding stock with those same genes as well.

What this guy said.

We have knockout mice, and designer babies. We also know that schizophrenia can be linked to a bacterial infection in the brain. If we never bothered to research things in the first place, we wouldn't be discussing this.
Dogs are a bad example. We didn't really consider the effects breeding would have on their health, so most of them are susceptible to health problems.

Are your hands rough? Do you think they were born rough? Or do you think they evolved over time due to environmental factors and experience?

Eat shit motherfucker. If you don't believe some wierd ass shit can happen over HUNDREDS OF MOTHERFUCKING MILLIONS OF YEARS, like the creation of a brain, eyes, other aspects, all to combat or better navigate environmental factors, the same way your weak ass human hands get rough to stop from splitting skin and blistering everyday at work... Then i'v got some bad news for your intelligence son. You are retarded.

Are your hands rough? Do you think they were born rough? Or do you think they evolved over time due to environmental factors and experience?

Eat shit motherfucker. If you don't believe some wierd ass shit can happen over HUNDREDS OF MOTHERFUCKING MILLIONS OF YEARS, like the creation of a brain, eyes, other aspects, all to combat or better navigate environmental factors, the same way your weak ass human hands get rough to stop from splitting skin and blistering everyday at work... Then i'v got some bad news for your intelligence son. You are retarded.

lead by example user

Is it unethical if i want to have children with a white, tall girl so my kid isn't a brown manlet like me?

I want the best for my children.

>hundreds of millions of years

topkek, you're a fucking tool

How i managed a double post is beyond me...
Call it cancer.

your kids will just end up a grey-brown shade of mystery meat

Genetics may be a thing and we may have patterns.

Darwinism was never a serious theory and it doesnt work that way.

Eugenics of course are real and active since we started growing plants and domesticating animals.

Please don't tell me you think complex life is anything but hundreds of millions of years old. Please don't actually admit to thinking complex life poofed into existence.

I bet you were walking and talking your way out of your mother's cunt too right.

You have no idea how DNA works, do you?

Stop dude, you're spreading misinformation and Lies. Go read up on basic biochemistry and then we'll talk

yeah sure, it all happened far far away and long long time ago, and eventually the frog really turned into a prince

no one does, but i sure am way in front of you in terms of understanding it

what an irony, you didn't read shit, it shows

>tfw high iq, no family history of heart disease or cancer yet documented history of longevity and overall athletic build
>despite being the one percent in terms of genetic lottery I will never be able to impregnate hundreds of women every year to improve the human race because it's "unethical"
>germany and sweden are importing millions of inbreds to culturally enrich their white women.


You have no concept, the vastness of space-time.

You're likely a terrible programmer with at the most 3 languages under your belt.

You claim to know DNA (Physical bio-electrochemical information that is reactive and manipulative of it's environment), by comparing it to computer code.

Seriously.. read a lot fucking more son. Don't watch those youtube videos on any of it either. It's likely how you got any conclusion you got.

I thought that only occurred in prego women who absorb some of their fetuses developing cells.

Scary stuff.


It would be really sick if semen could actually do that.

You're a computer programmer, I'm a biochemistry student. I think I am more of an authority on this.

And yes I didn't read every single one of your shitposts before replying, because I thought that nobody would be so retarded as to keep spouting your nonsense.

>You have no concept, the vastness of space-time.
you neither

>You're likely a terrible programmer with at the most 3 languages under your belt.
you don't know anything about my technical skills, this is pure speculation

>You claim to know DNA

>youtube videos
youtube is a medium, unless we're talking about a specific video or specific publisher, this is again pure speculation

i can make a youtube video where i claim that you are NOT brain-dead
and according to your logic, that automatically makes you brain-dead

>Seriously.. read a lot fucking more son.
i'm not your son, and you can take that false sense of superiority and stick it up your ass


you're a biochemistry student, that by default makes you non-objective in this debate

you entirety of knowledge and understanding is based on 10 year old material that was peer-reviewed

now fuck off

the majority of the population is being made into a unpleasant slave race, while the elites and their kosher friends strictly keep breeding within their group

However, microchimerism speaks about foreign cells in a host body. Not foreign DNA in a host genomen.

So because I have spent years studying this shit everything I say is invalid? That's quite the weird conclusion isn't it.

Where do you even get your ideas from? Like give me some form of source for these ideas because they are utterly wrong.

1, I do and I don't. No one truly can.

2, Name them and give me some basic lines, or i will continue to speculate.

3, (i'll give you this, my wording would state your reply correct, however) "but i sure am way in front of you in terms of understanding it" I have serious doubts in that

4, I know youtube is a medium. That is why i'm also saying, that most of the materials you're going to need to read up on are not yet in audio-book format on it (i'v checked, I do love a good audio-book, it's nice to see how one would read the material and how they might articulate it)

"you can take that false sense of superiority and stick it up your ass"
You're not my son, boy, I'll give you that as well. But i'm not trying to act superior to you. I'm trying to slap you across the face for your stupidity.

You claim evolution is a joke, and you scoff and laugh off the concepts such as "life evolves over hundreds of millions of years".

Software engineers should be good problem solvers. Don't shy away from the existential ones by attempting to create ones that don't exist so you continue to have a job, like fixing some phone apps or making sure the networking in a hospital is running on windows 10 instead of xp now.
Don't compare life to a computer code you twat. You've probably got your hands on Quantum Mechanics and read or heard about what a few top physicists have said about it "being like computer code". You're barely scratching the surface of very complex topics. And neither you nor I will go into depth about this topic on this board, and we both fucking know it.

>My bad

Kill yourself

>However, microchimerism speaks about foreign cells in a host body. Not foreign DNA in a host genomen.
What? I never said anything about DNA in a host?

>So because I have spent years studying this shit everything I say is invalid? That's quite the weird conclusion isn't it.

that's YOUR conclusion. you know what's mine?

because you have spent years studying this shit everything you say is not automatically correct

>Where do you even get your ideas from? Like give me some form of source for these ideas because they are utterly wrong.

it's impossible to pinpoint, i've been spending huge amounts of time over the last 20 years reading and studying science, religion, history, genetics, you name it

>because they are utterly wrong.
that's just your opinion
no one has such an authority you think you have, not even your teachers or giants of science
ben carson was the first dude that separated twins with conjoined brain and he straight out rejects evolution
are you saying ben carson is retarded, too?

Ah, now I see it. It was that retarded slovenian who implied that. Sorry mate

>I do and I don't. No one truly can.
ok, so we're equally allowed to have an opinion

>Name them and give me some basic lines, or i will continue to speculate.
i can lie about it so it doesn't matter, and it would be an appel to authority which is a fallacy

>I have serious doubts in that
well my argument is just as strong as yours and it was an answer to your claim that i have no idea about dna, i claim i do. what now, who's right?

>I know youtube is a medium.
yeah, it is. and you don't know anything about my reading or viewing habits, so this was again a baseless answer to a baseless claim

>You're not my son, boy
not a boy either

>But i'm not trying to act superior to you. I'm trying to slap you across the face for your stupidity.
using son and boy clearly implies you feel better-read and superior
which you can stick up your dirty asshole

>ou claim evolution is a joke, and you scoff and laugh off the concepts such as "life evolves over hundreds of millions of years".
ben carson does too, i guess we're both retarded

>Software engineers should be good problem solvers
i excel at problem solving

>windows 10, phone apps
kek, talk about projection

>more personal attacks based on nothing...

a fpbp case again

get off the drugs , too!

fucking brain damaged lunatic

Indeed not everything I say is automatically true. But you are claiming that the gene for blue eyes is present in every white person which is an empty claim since a multitude of genes determine eye color. This, to me, shows you do not have a good understanding of how it works.

You say you have studied science, religion, history, etc. All I can say is that I don't know of any decent scientific theory put forth by someone by studying everything instead of specializing in one field. So instead of learning a few words and very basic concepts, you could actually specialize.

That's just my opinion and probably that of everyone in the scientific community.

And Ben Carson is a brilliant surgeon. But surgeons aren't required to know anything about biochemistry or evolution.


I was going to actually dignify you with some replying to each point...

But I think me just pointing out the time you took to make such a simple formatted reply between posts is enough to say.

You're a fucking terrible programmer.
Your concepts are shit.

>ou claim evolution is a joke, and you scoff and laugh off the concepts such as "life evolves over hundreds of millions of years".
ben carson does too, i guess we're both retarded

That's my favorite point you've made.

I'll make one similar to combat.

A man can be an amazing swimmer, might even be the fastest in the world. But that does not make him a good philosopher, physicist, or evolutionary authority.

I'v met amazing humans who've done amazingly complex things, they are also ABSOLUTELY RETARDED in other fields of study/skill.

So yes. You are both retarded in this regards.
Just like I am a fucking awful basket ball player.

Have yourself a good night Mr.SloveniaGeniousComputerProgrammerOpinionMaster

It is called fucking Selective Breeding
Go look up Samoa for a case study

>But you are claiming that the gene for blue eyes is present in every white person
where? i'm saying that whites with brown eyes often carry the recessive gene(s) for blue eyes, and light eyes pop out in whites way more frequently than in other races, even with both brown eyed parents

brown eyes don't just cancel or overwrite the blue eyes, you can be a carrier even when those genes are not activated for you, and a majority of whites indeed are carriers, while the majority of non-whites aren't

>You say you have studied science, religion, history, etc. All I can say is that I don't know of any decent scientific theory put forth by someone by studying everything instead of specializing in one field.
scientific progress has happened even without specialization, by accident, lots of times
and whatever isn't peer-reviewed, doesn't even end up on your radar, so of course you didn't hear about it

>So instead of learning a few words and very basic concepts, you could actually specialize.
you have zero knowledge about how many words i learned and how basic are any of those concepts

>That's just my opinion and probably that of everyone in the scientific community.
your opinion is filtered by peer review, mine is not, doesn't make you or sc right and me wrong

>And Ben Carson is a brilliant surgeon. But surgeons aren't required to know anything about biochemistry or evolution.
yeah but they are entitled to their opinion, and he knows hell of a lot more about human body than you or me. and you're just blatantly saying he's retarded

i have to go now so don't expect any more answers, maybe if the thread is alive when i come back. cheers

Cheers m8, I'll go an jerk off to some peer reviewed Papers now


12 minutes. You are slowing down. You'll be fired if you code at the rate you fucking type your retarded rhetoric.

He's gone leafbro. We can stop bashing now.


Might as well alter the genetic makeup of an embryo to see some results.

>you don't know anything about my technical skills, this is pure speculation

It's pretty safe to guess they're below average, considering you're a balkan slavshit