Hey Donald DRUMPF - Delete your account ;)
Peace out
Hey Donald DRUMPF - Delete your account ;)
Peace out
if you believe DRUMPF will win then at this point you have reached bernie-tier levels of delusion
>Berniebros literally cucked into becoming shillbots
Can we just have a moment to laugh at them?
Just days ago they hated Hillary with every cell in their body but now they have been cucked so hard into becoming Shillary supporters. It's beautiful.
this is an unfair representation - Bernie clearly has founded a movement, he has started the revolution
great post, okay sign okay sign 100 100 100 laughing emoticon
>oh shit, I got BTFO
>better post the stupid fish meme
h-haha g-guys, I'm quite the f-feisty
this is a problem
Explain to me how Trump can overcome this, Sup Forums. Especially since Obama and Sanders just endorsed Hillary. (And these polls are from before that)
Hillary 2016
You know, the term BTFO has lost all meaning thanks to faggots like yourself who use it any time any fucking event of any sort, real or imaginary, happens, so please stop fucking saying it. Really. You ruined it completely with your nonsense.
Western society is dead
Its ogre
Time to drink up and check out
Said increasingly nervous man for the x time this year where x = le current year
are you guys a #Missile4Her as well?
Switzerland is afraid that we our going to fuck up their precious free market.
I don't give a fuck about any ratings, I don't give a fuck about any shilling, I don't give a fuck about any lies HillShills try to throw at me, I'm voting Trump and it's going to stay that way. Whether we win or lose, at the very least I didn't vote for a fucking reptilian whore of babylon.
Get lost, shill.
>ignoring the huge 8 point dip hillary suffered when Trump won the nomination
>2 point dip is suicide watch
Switzerland you dissapoint
>I don't like facts
spoken like a true Bern-bot
I am now a Tom Cruise Missile
Silly shill, you don't use BTFO to complement yourself and make you seem like you know what you're doing. It only has meaning if someone else uses it for something you said. Stupid fucking medic
I thought he said this
Actually, facts are what drive me. Please continue while I sage your thread again.
>facts are what drive me
yeah, but clearly under the influence :^)
I'm getting sick and tired of these obvious shill threads.
how can republikkkans recover? they support a guy a majority of GOPers won't vote for
"please please oh you dear facts, don't hurt my little feelings"
- you
I think Hillary should just concede now before we pull out the collective jerk off meme magic that makes her bark like a dog during the debates
That was before he knew her and how hard she would work for the American people. She changed his mind about her.
based Polak
$0.02 USD has been deposited to your paypal account
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Hillary 2016 Memetics PAC, a subsidiary of The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS (NYSE) $160.01 -0.06 (-0.04%)
wow, how very fuckung sexist
did your mom not teach you how to behave in 2016 (two thousand and sixteen, for the numerically illiterate)
Lole xD Drumpf Btfo Sup Forums
womyn win. i can't vote tho.
>Explain to me how Trump can overcome this, Sup Forums
The same way he overcame a 10 point difference 2 months ago, they were even 3 weeks ago.
There is 5 months to the general election. He will destroy her, like the rest of the establishment shills.
delete your account
delete your account
Is this the hillshill version of delet this?
>Delete your account
>he hasn't heard
Your opinion doesn't matter, you can't vvote.
Fuk'n saved
this is very unfair, how would you like to see the things you said 8 years ago dragged up in in public
>how hard she would work to get Americans killed
Have you not heard her bark? What is sexist about this?
Deleting shit is all $hillary and her minions know how to do.
>A few rigged Reuters polls to get a three point lead
Journocucks are going to be intolerable.