I'm listening to this for the first time and loving it...

I'm listening to this for the first time and loving it, however I am aware of the sexual misconduct that Jesse Lacey committed. Am I a bad person if I continue to listen to this? AOTY so far

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Are you aware of the sexual misconduct that I committed on your mom last night?


>Am I a bad person if I continue to listen to this?
Yes, you are a very bad person, very bad.
Now fucking kys

He barely did anything wrong.

Don't let the media tell you what you can and can't like.

But he wasn't the one who committed those crimes! He was just genuinely curious of this album and decided to listen to it! Is it his fault?

out of mana makes this album a 10/10

nothing wrong with listening to music you enjoy
if you don't feel comfortable financially supporting him just pirate it

fucking horrible album, actually somehow worse than Your Favorite Weapon.
>AOTY so far
You don't listen to much music, huh?
Kill yourself.

Pretty much this, it's alright to enjoying good art made by bad artists. Plus, like said, it's pretty overblown by the media.

In case you want proof that the accuser is crazy and music media is just using it to try to push their own progressive image: twitter.com/degvusser/status/930211774623711233

Oldfag here, I guarantee all his peers (thursday, thrice, taking back sunday, mcr, saves the day, the list goes on...) were banging underage girls. As far as emo and pop punk go, from that era at least, pedophilia was basically a prerequisite to get into the club.

>Am I a bad person if I continue to listen to this?
No. I'll never understand how people think this. Listen to music you like, don't think about it too hard.

oh ya some of her friends provided some context and background of how her attitude has always been that way

you're not a bad person for enjoying it, just don't whitewash over what surrounds it, and keep it in mind when you're talking about the album and the band as a whole. you could even think about how jesse lacey's identity as an abuser distorts the album's message (not necessarily for better or for worse)

yes, because they are shit

>Am I a bad person if I continue to listen to this?
no only ppl who would call you that are white kids who don't care about music and focus more on the image of how your music taste representatives you as a person.

sad how music fans have slowly become the new soccer moms where everything they dislike is instantly "evil"

always pretty funny when anti-social justice screeds borrow from social justice gospel by presenting things as wrong because only white kids do them

Do you just lose IQ points when someone mentions white people?

Where in this sentence has he said that all white kids, let alone all white people think this way? Actually reading things helps, as opposed to projecting the aggregate of all your past arguments onto every sentence directed at you.

i didn't say all white people. its just in these situations compared to other races. if something like this comes out. a fanbase consisting of majority will just disavow their fav artist and call you a rapist defender if you continue to listen to their music.
boondocks did a short on how black fans react to their fav artist doing fucked up shit youtube.com/watch?v=HiIla9Mqo1I

xxx and kodak black have white n black fans who don't care about the fucked up shit they did to women.



>could not remember name of the album or artist, remeber only cover with jumping girls, car and building at night
>went to /mu to ask what album is it
>saw this

Thanks /mu