I recommend Sup Forums looks into Operation Werewolf.
Here's a little intro video:
Also, read the war journal:
It's time to start preparing ourselves.
I recommend Sup Forums looks into Operation Werewolf.
Here's a little intro video:
Also, read the war journal:
It's time to start preparing ourselves.
are you one of those fags who thinks he's a werewolf
good message but edgy as fuck delivery
Our ancestors were edgy as fuck. They were hard as fuck. That's why we made it this far.
I'm familiar with the leader as a friend of a friend type thing.... hes a solid guy by all accounts.
Damn. I guess Sup Forums really isn't interested in actually being a part of something.
Most would rather complain than take any sort of action. Lack of self-discipline.
>why does no one want to be associated with a tattooed and pierced chad degenerate
seems interesting.
I'd do it but not interested in joining some little club or group or paying funding.
Indeed, so much wasted potential.
Stay complacent.
stay degenerate
Watching now
Honor, Strength, and Brotherhood are not degenerate.
You clearly have no understanding of that word.
you pumped you own body full of color which it considers a foreign object
you made holes into your body to insert metallic objects
you pumped your body with horrible food to make yourself appear larger
you mind is on a level of a retarded sjw trans from tumblr, seeking higher meaning by searching for attention from other lost people
and now you're here to talk about strength and honor? and you want me to follow your little mentally ill cult?
fuck off
Holy shit your autism is showing.
this is a /fit/ thread not a thread about tattooing piercings and such this is a thread about working out.
YOU are the only one bringing that shit up.
no, this thread is about mentally ill people trying to recruit other weak people into their little mental cult
fuck off to /fit/, you little piece of shit
i'm not listening to a fucking idiot that has WOLVES written all over his neck
now fuck off
You're one sad, weak little bitch.
I'd slot your throat and shit down it.
Lol at this Mongoloid tattood faggot.
i eat weaklings like you for breakfast
weakness is radiating out of you, you placed symptoms all over your body, by yourself
keep dreaming you're awesome because you put some ink into yourself and fell for the meme that only lost people fall for
you don't have the balls to slit a throat of a fucking pig, and shit is not only coming out of your ass but your mouth too
every single person that is not a complete fucking idiot needs just a 1 second look at you to realize that you're a weak, lost person, compensating with some ideologies on a level of a fucking retard
enjoy your ink, you fucking tool
>WOLVES written all over his neck
he is probably a furry and identifies as a wolf
What the fuck is going on in here?