Is love real or just a meme? i've literally never felt love...

Is love real or just a meme? i've literally never felt love, when people say they can't stop thinking about someone and they need.

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It's real user

sounds pretty lucky

Trust me, it's real and a huge fucking pain in the ass.

inb4 some autist comes in screaming it's just chemicals in your brain

just a meme. There are no love. There is obssessivness in "having someone", because you need to fuck / prostate yourself before society.

It's ultimate blue pill that force you to reproduction and cooperating with others in society, so you give birth, pay more money and create another slave of the system.

I fell in love with my girlfriend in hollywood. Like I got butterflies in my stomach when I saw her, and I wanted to marry her some day. We lived on a small isolated island and we would look at the stars, go for long bike rides, talk about every single thing we thought or wondered about, tell each other our worries (both had dysfunctional families). We dated for two years.

Today she has a baby with my best friend of 10 years. Took a long time to get over, and I think I am over it now. I haven't spoken to either of them for a few years, but they send me a text asking if I want to hang out once per year. I usually just don't respond.

Maybe it's just a meme and I was retarded. I don't really know.

Get a big dog, that's the only live that lasts until death tear you apart.
But yeah, you can love the right woman, you should not confuse Eros and live though

High school***

Not hollywood

Love*, tears, love*

Fug you autocorrect

It's a label you can put on a flow of feelings and ideas you have about someone, it doesn't mean it will last forever.

I was that autist back in the day and those thoughts still creep into my mind sometimes. .

It's real, but rare.

Love is a complex emotion that depends on several factors, what people usually call love is nothing more than sexual attraction Plus jelaousy. But love can be a lot more things, at least there is:
Eros: sexual or asexual attraction by beauty, romantic love, artístic appreciation, obsesion
Philia:love to your equals, friendship
Ágape:unconditional love, Christian love, charity
Storge:love to your family, patriotism

>tfw meet girl just like myself
>same background, etc
>talking all day
>find that all our interests are the same
>literally everything, and it's not shit like watching anime or liking shit music like Arcade Fire
>literally "not like the other girls"
>walls of text discussions everyday
>tfw 2000km apart

I'm fairly cynical with people, especially women, these days but this was probably the biggest "paradigm shift" of the past 5 years of my life. Even if nothing comes of it, I'm feeling more motivated in a strange way with everything I do knowing that people like that still exist.

I'm not 15 either, I've already had a fair share of disappointment in relationships and thought that an attractive girl being nice to me was 'the one'; that's why you should be wary of 'love' when you're younger.

I think what I'm experiencing is a bit like love, though it's a bit more platonic than sexual, which is unusual for some why usually masturbates 3 times a day ;-;

My wife lived 4000km away when i met her.

Weve been married for 4 years now and probably had maybe 1 fight about her mom.

What im saying is if you want her, go and get her, but establish what you are looking for.

In other words, be who you are 100% tell her your beliefs and if she stays after that, it means things may work out.

Also, i get to shag that sweet Brazilian booty too

>It's ultimate blue pill that force you to reproduction and cooperating with others in society, so you give birth, pay more money and create another slave of the system.
>le slave of the ebil system :DDD
Wew lad

Of course it's real. Do you think people stick together for a lifetime and raise children because they got nothing better to do? Do you think you would be here if there wasn't somebody that loved you?

I think this explains it very fittingly:

>dynamic IP
I'm this user just so you know.

That's a nice thing to hear. At the moment I'm working an internship at a good company and should graduate from my uni straight into a 40k euros job.

When that happens I will probably make more serious moves to 'go and get her'. She's a bit younger than me too so it's not as if she'll run away within that time since she will still have uni, etc.

And we talk a lot everyday, I've never met someone who I could sit talking to all day like this; with most women you're forcing the conversation along talking about vapid shit, and with the lads you're usually having a bit of banter over some stupid shit, but it's quite literally walls of text back and forward everyday between us. But the point is that we nearly agree too much, we're just very similar people in both our views on religion, spirituality and art -- I'm not one to keep up a fake act either, this is just one of the happiest accidents to happen in a long time.

Where did you meet your wife? Online? Hope it stays this good for you man.

>I'm not one to keep up a fake act either

Speaking of that, this whole thing started with an argument online; like I said, we're pretty genuine with one another

Its real and it never really goes away.

its just hormones
if you dont get over it by the time you graduate high school you have genetic issues

Why even live?
Whats your driving force?
I pity you.

The feeling of love is caused by dopamine. Dopamine can be extracted from the brain resulting in having no affection for others.

We're just robots being programmed if you think about it.

Everything is superficial.

Were you sexually attracted to people when you were 5? Nope.

You probably are now through because of hormones.

Oh, and God doesn't exist.

I remember when I was 13

People (women) have a shitty idea about what love is. They think it's just an emotional state and after their initial romantic period when they should be growing together and cultivating a family, they start panicking because they don't "feel" love anymore.

Met her on this old website called Orkut, i think it was owned by Google and from what i remember it was full of brazilians, i speak portuguese since i lived in BR for 11 years.

Definately dont give up, the best thing i. The world is having someone who i can say "i love you" to and "gas the kikes" and she will just laugh about it.

She doesnt agree with me on everything but thankfully she grew up with the traditional christian family where
>divorce is not an option so choose wisely
>respect your husband at all costs
>your husband is your leader but he is also who protects you.

She is a VERY traditional christian but she is not very religious in the sense that she thinks everything is the devil's work.
Both me and her value reason over feelings which is massive.

Also we have a no "subliminal message" rule, which means that if you want something just say it or dont expect the other to decipher it

>having someone who i can say "i love you" to and "gas the kikes" and she will just laugh about it.
>yfw this girl is probably more redpilled than me

>the traditional christian family where
>divorce is not an option so choose wisely
>respect your husband at all costs
>your husband is your leader but he is also who protects you.
This girl sounds quite similar, she's a passionate Christian after some hard times in her life (like myself), but also lenient enough to be light-hearted and funny.

It's quite a funny thing that I'm feeling right now, it's as if all the various skills and talents I have built up over the years finally have a direction outside of my own desires, and that leaves me feeling much more motivated, and the Christian aspect also leaves me wanting to be more of a 'man' in the literal Russian Patriarchal mode of providing a good life for my family.

This is early days for me to make declarations of love, but I can't deny that I have really been swept off my feet by this woman. I don't know if you have read much Russian literature, but it's a similar feeling to what Tolstoy is always describing: very pure affection without mention of sexual attraction.

Nice talking to you man, it really motivates me to persevere in this. By the way, what age were you when you met her? Were you working at this stage?

>see cute girl in the streets
>instantly imagine what it would be like to cum on all her holes
>just want to grab that body and fuck it
>unfortunately i'm white so I'd go to prison for just talking to her
>feels bad man

Fucking women.

Men cannot love woman before they've had sex, it's a gradual thing for us.. Our love and women's love is two completely different things. Don't confuse your hornyness for love, ever.