Damn Sup Forums, makes you think.
How can MRAs recover from this?
Is he an albinoid? That's cool, he shouldn't hide it.
omg this qt polish beauty
>genetically deformed numale in a gimp suit
Didn't his wife leave him because she went lesbian and he supported it or some shit like that?
I still don't understand how people can be this delusional. He must be literally choking on blue pills every single day.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums DESPISE MRAs. They absolutely despise them.
Were you too stupid to figure that out before you came here to post this, Netherlands?
>if the literal facts don't match your personal experiences you ignore them
hahaha, oh wow.
>seriously arguing semantics
>not trying to understand their views through their language
>tries to grasp common belief interpretation through an internet poll
>random conjecture about how his target thinks
>not attempting to look at any argument they have for any of their views
>quoting the New Testament verses that don't even teach sexism because he has no grasp of how churches grasp the texts
>literally quoting mosaic law
>double platinum mad
Go give Bernie a $50.
>muh definition
That's the main argument of feminism today, semantic.
>I made a twitter poll !
And what the fuck is the argument with ovaries + uterus vs prostate.
Do this retard know we have testicles instead of ovaries ?
>slut shaming
The key and the lock.
tl;dr it's garbage.
Hopefully Onision will kill himself soon.
Made me kek at the end where he takes part of the old testament and relates it to what christains, who follow the new testament, beleive.
But people better not dare read out parts of the quran(?) that muslims actually follow that talk about killing and oppressing people, dont you dare read about that its islamaphobic.
they despise MGTOW
they agree with MRA on a lot of things just think it makes men seem beta essentially asking for political power
>Trap D. Va
This is my fetish
Oh wow, it's literally nothing
I'm not a feminist nor an egalitarian. Equality is a social construct. People are not equal.
In a capitalist nation, you will get paid according to your skill level and intelligence.
Businesses should be able to discriminate against anyone if they want to, especially in terms of employment.
Females in employment are often a burden because because they get pregnant and the government forces these companies to offer paid leave to them.
If a business wants to risk employing a women, they should be able to pay her however much they want to. If she doesn't like the offer, she can find another company which will accept her skill set and preferred salary, even if there is more risk involved.
That makes no sense.
So men should not want political power? Men should allow women to retain all their current privileges?
God Sup Forums is full of dumb people.
They think it displays weakness by asking and not taking and point to past failed mens rights movements.
>asking women for political power
you fucking inbred.. Ever tried asking a woman to have sex with you, you should try it sometimes, it's a real turn-on
But they don't even want men to "take" though.
I had an entire thread about this a few days ago. They want women to retain all their current power and privileges while men slave away for women and society. It's a losing idea and then they (Sup Forums) wonder why the vast majority of men do not listen to them.
That's not what I said faggot. I advocate taking the power and then barring women from having that power ever again.
I am now a #CruzMissile
Ok, I'm pretty sure we agree
You misconstrued the original quote though, he also said that's it's beta as fuck to go and ask for it, instead of just taking it, and not by war or w/e hyperbole you can come up with
I don't feel like linking to it, but I made a thread the other day where we talked about this, and EVERYONE besides me in the thread vehemently disagreed with how you and me see the situation.
It is simply not sustainable to expect men to do their part when women have this amount of power that they currently have. One or the other must rule, and we both know who that should be.
The key difference is "the advocacy of WOMENS RIGHTS on the ground of equality", feminism automatically assumes women are the oppressed gender and that men are privileged in every way.
Onision can't argue at all and just have to resort to insults and "PWNNNNED XD".
I agree with that, the feminization of the west is in full motion.. At work there's on 7/10qt, and everyone is trying to flatter their way in to pussy.. Almost every man I've met is being a bitch these days.. I know very few who still appreciates their masculinity and don't spew the socially accepted feminist dogma, and who don't agree with woman on everything just to try to friend their way into pussy. Too much momentum though
Didnt onision say that if you eat meat you deserve to die some years back?
why dose he wear the mask?
At this point, I know what needs to be done. But the tide is in the opposite direction. I loathe how Sup Forums keeps playing the "man up" card all the time. Yes, I'm a man, but I don't control the world. I just find it unfair that so many people are a certain way, and Sup Forums puts all this pressure on me - and other guys, like you - to pick up all the pieces. Sup Forums is very impatient. If I ever could, I would damn well make sure that society appreciated men again, and women would be stripped of all privileges they currently have. It's the right thing to do.
Godspeed, Norway.
is he a troll?
Not at all, he got rid of Evalion for reddit.
But feminism argues that women are not given the same privileges and rights as men, and that they should be (as they are equal). Egalitarianism argues that both women and men have equ-
>Men and Women soccer team bullshit
Tabbed out.
>make a comment
>login from another account
>can't see it
>Men and Women soccer team wages
riiiighhhttt because if we look at the US views it defines their wages
not you know, the billions worldwide views give for men football
whereas women get nothing worldwide
what a cuck
>faggot mentioning the definition when people don't apply feminism exactly as it's explained
on other news, the grass is green, the sky is blue and nogs dondu nuffin
What a fag.
Why the fuck does that sound just like leafy.
I bet its that sorry little faggot wearing that mask.
nice try nigger but i ain't clicking that
>Women soccer player get less pay. This is why we need feminism.
But didn't they sign a contract agreeing to the pay?
There's a good pic going round on r/the_donald (I know, I know, shut up), of milo trolling this cunt on twitter. I'm not a fan of milo, but I'm pretty certain he made this bitch cry.
found a vid of him attacking milo.
Found it.
naw, they're different, they collaborate regularly tho.
I think it's the vegan soy estrogen that retarded their puberty, that give their voices a squaky quality.
Note that Onision also skips a lot of fragments, might be ADHD
>not being a feminist/feminist ally
thank you australia, gave me a good chuckle!
I'm not taking shit from some pedophillic vegan
Its pretty dumb and he doesn't really make a valid point, but responding to that really feels as vain as responding to a troll.
instead of presenting his 3 arguments in a reasonable way he calls everyone a fucktard in every other sentence, how am i supposed to take him serious? imagine someone trying to refute his arguments with this kind of language, they would destroy his life.
and whats the deal with feminism anyway, no one attacks feminism because they are against equal rights, its just that feminists nowadays dont want equal rights, they want to be able to shut anyone up whos opinion they dont like. i mean jesus chill out, woman can vote, arent held as slaves and dont get stoned or beheaded when they disobey, the western world pretty much treats their woman better than any other part of the world. this is not a matter of life and death and yet he is so angry like someone cut off his clit against his will. not even vegans are allowed to be so angry and offensive and they are talking about issues of life and death.
qt 3.14
You made me click on a cuckold video
dear lord that comment.
its real and i hate it.
There were screenshots that before he deleted some the tweets milo was showing.