Reminder that "muh rapes" is a total myth. When Russian soldiers entered Germany in 1945 German women willingly flocked to them. In their shame, their cucked husbands invented the myth of "muh rapes" which was later turned into propaganda by NATO for the Cold War
Reminder that "muh rapes" is a total myth...
I actually believe the same thing has happened during most "rapes" in history.
Don't you find it funny how German women now are reporting migrant rape less? I honestly believe they want to fuck the shit skins - when someone finds out they say it was rape but don't prosecute or reveal who they fucked.
My family is from Armenia (formerly Soviet Union). I remember my grandmother's 2 older brothers telling me about their experiences in Germany at the end of the war. At the time I didn't see anything questionable about it, but thinking back it was totally rape. Still confused why they told me about them raping girls at the end of the war when I was like 8 but whatever
B-but women have always been the main victims of wars, even Hillary said so!
>Still confused why they told me about them raping girls at the end of the war when I was like 8 but whatever
get back to r9k and stay there nigger
>aryan moral standarts
Thinking conquering mongoloids didn't gangrape entire German towns after years of suffering in war and wanting vengeance.
by the way it wasn't even mostly russian rapes
> Och halt, mochn' ma halt's Bein' breit
Women are and always will be disgusting animals.
In hungary they russian soilders raped elementary schoolers. They said they will take them on a vacation and took whole classes of girls away for a week of fun.
They are all Russians to them m8.
So then, tehnicaly it wasn't rape. Good for them.
Old men and grannys tell stories like this, so it could be fake idk.
History fucking repeats, well called bong, nothing new under the sun
>German women willingly flocked to them
Damn this women really looks like that...
>implying this one girl didn't willingly fuck them so no one did
maybe she likes it rough
could be, Russian soldiers even raped their own women they freed from concentration camps:
>advancing Soviet troops raped large numbers of Russian and Polish women held in concentration camps, as well as millions of Germans.
Looks legit. And then I guess they were all assassinated by KGB so that it would never get mentioned in any memoires even during several self-flagellation periods.
>implying its something wrong after what nazi did with soviet people
>Women, even in WWII, were more privileged than men
>Western women currently experience privilege on a scale never seen before in human history
>Men are disposable
Sup Forums denies these three things, but they are eternally true.
You see this is indiscriminate equality.
Everyone got raped equally
true communism achieved
It's kinda funny how "THE VICTORS" live in 10000x times worse conditions than the defeated ones. Cool.
Well the muslims gonna change that soon
Can I ask you lads why Russians are so good at criticizing women on here?
Don't get me wrong, I respect you guys for it. You are more misogynistic than me, and that's saying something. But why are you guys like that? Does Russian society still allow you to keep your women in line?
No they won't. You're blowing things out of proportion. For every 1000$ Ivan makes, Hans has 25000$.
Besides, by raping women we only proved how subhuman we really are. Hitler was right after all
>Does Russian society still allow you to keep your women in line?
No, but feminists are weak in easter europe. You acn beat the shit of your wife daily, nobody will give a fuck
What is it like to hate your own people?
You sound truly pathetic when you talk about yourselff as a subhuman, please man up you silly cossack
I am not even slav. My mom is a gypsy, father is Ukrainian with turkic blood. So I know what I am talkiing about. I make 102,5$ per month, while some fucking trash man in germany makes 5000$
A leaf
Totally out of context you faggot. He talked about one Viennese slut.
The story ended with a young girl getting raped almost to death and begging to be shot (or something to that extend, I can't remember 100%)
This fag posts it in EVERY single anti-German thread. He's a basement dweller, he participates in a lot of threads
1. There was a lot of rape
2. No, it was not by orders from Moscow
3. No, it was not "more than usual"
I bet if you ask some French people on here; they can tell you that American and British soldiers raped in France too.
Your retarded at the time Slavs were half baked underfed undereducated monkeys, and they ducking raped and pillaged
Dude, the "LIBERATORS" even raped in Ukraine.
In Kiev we had to hide girls wherever it was possible so they won't get raped. Read about Poland too, it was bad with red army there
In defence of slavs I'll say that most of them are westernized now
Do not pay your attention to him. I bet he's envious as hell
> I bet he's envious as hell
Envious of who? lol
I can't recall which book it was in - but there's a Stephen E. Ambrose book wherein American soldiers talk about being on some river in Germany in 1945. The Red Army was upstream of them pillaging a town. The morning after, nude bodies of women and children floated downstream. The Americans had to fish them out and bury them.
Russians are savage. They're effectively deranged children.
Read "Panzer Commander" by Hans von Luck. He was a prisoner in Russia from 1944 to 1949 or so, spoke Russian (among other languages) and even though he claimed to learn to like Russians, he admitted they were savage man-children.
>In Kiev we had to hide girls wherever it was possible so they won't get raped
I would also hide my children when an army swept by, but sure, I believe that some were raped. I do not believe that if a girl hadn't been hidden, she would have been raped for sure though.
I just find all these stories very strange, because there was no rape by Soviets here in Norway. Soviet soldiers in Norway actually were much friendlier towards the locals than the Americans and British that came to steal some glory (by far).
>while some fucking trash man in germany makes 5000$
You don't actually believe this do you?
>Reading CIA-sponsored propaganda
>The Post
Sure, there were a lot of psychos in The Red Army (not more than in any other army). But it's wrong to say that The Red Army or Russians were savages.
Of course not, it's a general thought. Germans are thousand times richer.
you got lucky I guess.
American soldiers did the same.
Alpha as fuck
Front-line American and Britishers didn't really. Front-line Red Army did.
Rapes happened in Liberated France, Germany, and Austria, but not until rear-echelon got in.
In fact, at the end of the war, the amount of American rapes in Austria was so bad that there was a riddle: "What's the difference between an American soldier and a Russian Soldier? The American bathes."
Makes sense. Thanks.
This kind of posts and thread should be permabanned.
Let me guess. Germans? Or people who just make more money than you do
Russian society is generally gender role positive.
nobody is being misogynistic our women mostly like being women and I just heard on my workplace "why the fuck your husband is birthing what wallpapers to get? It's woman's business to run the house" they take pride in it.
women see their purpose in running the house and making children positively, that's what they genetically are made for.
We simply don't have ultra left ideology and first world problems.
As for war rape?
men were dying and women just got surprise sex, that is nothing.
But in general our society is ultra INTOLERANT to mistreatment of women. Women can't fight, women are meant to be protected etc, that's chivalry not misogyny
Mods on Sup Forums are really strange. It's like they encourage all the shitposting here
I guess both in some way. But hey, we can't change shit now, so it doesn't even matter anymore
i wonder why
The red army were slavic subhumans and raped fucking everyone. Your story is completely nonsensical and unfounded. What woman in a non-cucked country would flock to the niggers of the white race over the pure aesthetics, intelligence, strength, and character of during and pre war aryan.
Im pretty sure that woman wasnt so "so what" when 10 subhumans raped her all the night until exhaustion.
In my 31 years of life I have experienced and learned that women are incapable of see and understand the reality. They are always "whatever" "I dont care" and that kind of bullshit until they get affected.
> nothing new under the sun
Lel m8, we have the same saying, only it's "nothing is new under the MOON"
I bet it's from some classic literature
>husband birthing
bitching obviously, fucking auto correct
>Front-line Red Army did
Eh, that sounds a bit strange. The Front-Line is generally, you know, at the front fighting and pushing.
I think the difference is that the Red Army were less structured and massive than the British/American armies on land when the Germans were pushed back, so that possibly there was more rape when they pushed in.
But the narrative is that the rapes were encouraged by Moscow and the Generals (with the fake Stalin quote out there), and in millions. It's not a shocker that soldiers rape, many soldiers rape more than a few soldiers. Many men are capable of raping.
how do you people even buy cars with 100€/month?
Sense of banter failure detected. Pls vacate pol immediately.
>Hitler was right after all
Rich people here are still rich because their income is in dollars. Most people bought cars before 2012. Nobody really buys them anymore.
Oh yeah, every time I go to Central Station I see ARYAN people, I see how Western Civilization crumbles every time I look at our AIDS statistics. Every time I see underage children smoking and drinking near my school I LAUGH at Germans and their "ideas"
No shit, senpai
Nah. This is just shitposting.
How cheap is Ukraine? I can expect about 1500€/month after uni. I wanna feel not poor once
>German sniper overlooking a town in Bulgaria or Hungary from a highpoint
>Witnesses trucks carrying Russian troops enter town
>They go into one bar, drag the bar man and bar maid out
>Tie the man to a light post
>In turn each Russian soldier (about 30 of them) took turns in raping the woman
>They killed her afterwards by putting a flare up her vag
>Somehow the bar man unties himself
>Goes mental on the first Russian soldier he can get his hands on by hacking at him with a meat cleaver
>He cradles his wifes corpse while sobbing
t. Sniper On The Easter Front - Sepp Allerberger
>CIA sponsored propaganda
>The post nr. 2
>1500€/month after uni.
You fucking serious? You can rent some sweet apartments, buy ps4 and 100+ games in a few month
>In hungary they russian soilders raped elementary schoolers. They said they will take them on a vacation and took whole classes of girls away for a week of fun.
I don't know about Russia but from what I've heard from my granps here in Italy women willingly sold themselves to soldiers, allies or not.
I've even heard stories about mother selling their children to pedos.
I think the OP is correct. Even the idea of "the rape of Berlin" was something that only became a 'thing' in the 80's\90's, and it was feminists scholars basically saying "look at how many women were adopting their children out!". There isn't any first-hand testimony that I'm aware of of soldiers raping women in the streets for sure.
If anyone can contradict this I'd be interested.
>buy ps4 and 100+ games in a few month
Why would he do this, all he needs to do to have fun is go show some young Ukrainian girls his passport.
Dude you shouldn't even talk, street walkers in italy when they're not nigerian they are moldovans/ukrainians.
>newfaggots replied seriously to this pasta
>some young Ukrainian girls his passport.
Or this.
No wonder. Ukraine is ruined. Girls try to make money the only way possible. By being a whore.
But hey, we won WW2, we are free from NAZISM
You truly are a fucking retard.
Pretty sure one of the top things women fantasize about is getting raped by multiple men.
Google that shit. It's true.
what a load of bollocks, coincidentally that's what your mum said to Ahmed last night
I will be a programmer, it's one of the highest paying professions in this cunt, my friend hit the jackpot, he's getting paid 2500€/month, but he doesn't have paid vacation and shit like that
Having sex with subhuman slavs and having sex with white men are two VERY FUCKING DIFFERENT things, user.
Good for you
Mate you should respect his sexual preferances.
Where the fuck did you read that?
Men also fantasize about raping women and locking them up in basements, doesn't mean they actually want that.
Those women were loot.
Speaking about female abuse in ww2, how come frogs and begiumfags shaved their women heads when germans left? I mean srlsy, you suck german cock and let them have your bitches and once Hans left you gang on poor girls? Uh-oh good thing she's unarmed, still brough our guns just in case.
Reminder that comfort women is a myth.All Chinese and Korean women are sluts so it was never rape.
See this user, guys? Typical subhuman. All you need to know.
>a land of blonde white women who love being women
How is Russia not paradise?
Nah..the point is the Russians btfo the Germans. Women want to be seeded by alpha males which happened to be the invading slavs...
>No wonder. Ukraine is ruined. Girls try to make money the only way possible. By being a whore.
Just another maidan and everything will be ok, just another one.
The Germans still lost. Isn't that bad enough?
Why are the French so swarthy? Further confirmed for not White.
Sure, whatever you say
No, it won't. We are cursed to live in complete shit.
Opinion discarded
I don't really look how you think I look. I don't even have Asian features. I am actually not that bad - around 6,5/10. So no need to be rude
> German women willingly flocked to them
Not really.
The >muh rape is falsely extrapolated from nationality of children born in 1946 in one single hospital. To the whole female population of germany - childless or not.
>what is breeding.
There was a car wreak in England where the missile died and she had like 12 fucking kids. Now even 12 kids doesn't sound too bad, because humans are bad at long term thinking; till you realize those 12 kids in 20 years will each start have 6-12 kids themselves and so on, they will all impact the school systems, drive down wages, take all the shit jobs young people used to be able to do to get xp, overfill the hospitals and have full citizenship.
For more information see the American southwest sense the 70s