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Which city is this?
Keene NH man.
I think women want to be told how stupid they are. I think they get turned on by people making them feel like retards
what an edgy cunt
He gave them exactly what they wanted. That was really stupid.
This guy is a nutjob. lmao
"oh oh oh I don't bloody believe it my goodness oh my such meanness and aggression! thes no raaaayson to bey so voylunt:"
yeah. he could almost be good at this if he could maintain a clear train of thought, but all that marxism baloney pretty much ruined it.
That was fucked up, but I'm glad he did it.
>implying he was wrong about trotskyism
fucking kek
He might not be accomplishing much in terms of a debate, but it's still fucking hilarious
Thanks m8.
What a self-absorbed, entitled little fuck. I'm all for being loud and proud about your opinions, But this man has autistic, flip flopping opinions. Not only that, but you can tell he got such an adrenaline high from yelling at 4 defenseless women. What a fuckin guy.
The firl in the blue plaid got wet
kek, absolutely based.
pretty much. He raped them with angry words and screams.
What a cringey fucking retard.
This dude is fucking insane
Wow he sure kept his cool.
What a fucking retard, i'm sure these women will rethink their ideology after being yelled at by an aggressive white male.
Burn In hell commie Cantwell fucking rules, he lives off his own radio show and can do crazy shit all he wants without repercussions in the libertarian and heroin capital of America
That was entertaining lol. It wasn't an effective way of combating feminism, but it was good enough for me to subscribe.
At 3:23, the girl in the red reached over and grabbed the girl in the blue's hands and held it. I didn't see any consent there, young lad.
Hahahaha *grins* dirty fucking sluts deserved to be yelled at. This'll teach 'em to mess with straight white men! Whenever they go about preaching rape culture they'll remember being yelled at by a hysterical fat dude with a failed radio show, and the girlies will think twice. Perfect! ;-)
When you try to talk to them calmly and logically tou get bullshit like pic related
I hope people itt understand that this is how Chris naturally speaks. He basically only yells. This video isn't much different than one of his podcasts.
I think at this point this is the only effective way to fight feminism. They will never listen to reason and facts. But in this vid, you can literally see the fear in their eyes. They will absolutely think twice before staging a "protest" like this again.
Butthurt Commie detected
you might be surprised most "liberal" women love boorish dominate men, sexually that is. They hate them in every other aspects of their lives. That's why you see them date betas then go get sexually fulfilled by chads.
TL;DR: Women love to be dominated
I'm sure the boorish dominant men they're after aren't fat and middle aged.
They were almost raped! Woah. Scary!
Ancap, actually. Chris is too aggressive and loud for me.
Defenseless? He wasn't attacking them. He was just countering with his message and didn't even need a sign to do it.
If he was beating them I'd be right with you. You sound pretty foolish and media brainwashed if you have to say defenseless women because you can't rebuke him any other way. You just have to play the women's card don't know?
nice arguments he threw at them
really made me think
Based Cantwell
Just some crazy guy yelling meanie things at pretty women. Watch the video with your dick out, you big rapist.
>ask a question
>she politely answers
>call her a whore
yeah, but they don't start off fat and middle aged
God I wish I could get him and that black niglet of MTV (racist and sexist much) in a room together.
I'd laugh so hard I'd shit
I did not know that /r9k/ dare to leave theire cuck shed.
Lel, I was expecting an incoherent string of rage, but then he made the trotskyite comment and redeemed himself. Addled millenial brains would initially think,
>controlled oposition
Although our grandfathers killed commies on a grand scale, nuked japs and generally didn't tolerate this kind of subversive bullshit, so i'll take
>muh dead white males
For $1000 Alex
Based Cantwell. Fucking slags deserve it. Ladies, do you wanna protest rape culture? Why don't you try going to the middle east? Or Africa? Ya' know, where they rape babies to cure their HIV/AIDS.
What a fucking chimp out.
>Dont talk to me or my save space ever again.
You can see how scared and unsure of themselves they are at the end.
Got my dick hard.
I can't believe he broke that woman's leg.
So many white knights in this thread.
Up voted :^)
he wasn't wrong
Am I supposed to care that he burned your shitty flag? He isn't wrong about your country, either.
Wow, he basically raped them. Hope he gets arrested.
White people can do anything and get paid....
He technically verbally raped all 5 of them
So can anyone? Just go yell at some people and make some money. Drop any pride you have. Beg for money on patreon, donations, whatever. Getting an audience is hard but once you have even a small one you're probably set.
Well, it's was way more effective this way. That thing called "logic" doesn't work with most women. They accept your point if you're dominant. Not loud, but selfconfident and a bit agressive.
He came off worse to be honest.
Anyone outside the debate who saw this would immediately take the feminists side because of how angry and retarded he sounded. Which is the opposite of what you want.
Women seek validation. If you don't get it, they'll work for it. Which means sex.
Yeah other white people voluntarily give him money. Blame your race if they don't pay up. Don't blame ours.
While i would never be this much of a loud mouth cunt, holy fuck I am jealous of your free speech murica.
I don't know what's worse anymore. Misguided feminists or the kind of angry sperges who amp up a heated debate with like 4 of them standing on a corner, for youtube views.
>weird fat beard dude yelling at polite women and calling them stupid cunts and whores
I've seen some genuinely interesting and entertaining videos where some well-read guy goes around asking questions from insane feminists, and then subtly verbally BTFO feminists just by asking simple questions. This guy is no one of them.
Drastic times call for drastic measures. I guarantee you at least one of those chicks wants to fuck him now.
Actually logic will work with most people but a lot of the users here lack charisma and people skills so they sperg out. There are clever ways to get someone to see your point of view like asking them questions that cause them to question their own belief system instead of asserting your own belief. This creates an inescapable cognitive dissonance within the person that they have the option of internalizing for later consideration. Most people will not admit when they are wrong in the middle of a discussion because of pride. You gain nothing from getting someone to admit they are wrong most of the time, besides an ego boost.
There are other ways to discuss topics while getting people to see things your way but the key to be inviting into your world as opposed to being destructive to theirs. You will emotionally cause the person to shut off, this is a primal survival tactic that lies in our subconscious which bypasses the avenue we usually use to take in new info. Seeking areas where you agree and using that as a jumping off point alleviates tension and plays upon humans' natural desire to fit in, be accepted, and seek validation but sperges usually b line to points of contention.
Feel free to disagree with me and prove my point.
If at every feminist rally, there was a person like this who chimp out and called the feminists retarded whores, instead of politely explaining why the wage gap is a myth, you can be sure there'd be a lot less feminist rallies.
you're right
God bless you user
Wew lad. I agree tho
I agree.
The gender pay gap thing is getting infuriating at this point, it is factually incorrect. Yet you can google 'is the pay gap real' and the entire first fucking page will be links telling you it is.
It has been proven that facts simply hold no water with these people.
All of you are fools. Do you realize the severity of what these women are pushing is?
They are trying to persecute innocent white men with the redefinition of rape to the point where if two people have drunk sex and the girl regrets it she will say 'rape' and ruin the guys life. This listen and believe 'yes means yes' bullshit is ruining innocent white men's lives and intimidating the rest of them.
Is this guy an anarchist?
>I agree.
>The gender pay gap thing is getting infuriating at this point, it is factually incorrect. Yet you can google 'is the pay gap real' and the entire first fucking page will be links telling you it is.
>It has been proven that facts simply hold no water with these people.
Get ready to pay this whore piece of shit money every month for 'menstrual leave', while she bitches about a wage gap.
Welcome to the real world user where misguided people wrongfully accuse people on suspicion and bias.
Yelling and calling people names is sure to reverse the trend.
This is much better
Well at least Catherine Hakim seems to have her head on straight
>look at somebody standing up IRL like I'm too much of a bitch to do. How do I deflect my crushing guilt and shame away from how much of a useless fuck I am? I know! I'll chastise him and project my insecurities upon him!
>The gender pay gap thing
well, it means two different things: to men, it means that a roofer gets paid based on his or her skill, and a good female roofer will get paid more than a crummy male roofer.
to women, it means that a receptionist doing her nails in an air-conditioned office should make more than the roofer risking his life in the blazing hot sun because she went to community college to learn how to use Microsoft Office while the roofer dropped out in the eighth grade.
Finally! someone calling out their bullshit good and proper, if those bitches don't want to get yelled at they should stop insulting common sense in public.
all i see is a bunch of cunts
>Well at least Catherine Hakim seems to have her head on straight
Yeah she is alright, but the fact that this stuff is seriously being discussed grinds my gears. And the actual news presenter seems to advocate menstrual leave, fucking childish idiots who shouldn't have any power in society.
I always find that it's these older women who are generally good with their arguements. Yes they are feminists, but they're generally for equality and not like the younger tumblr feminazis that you keep getting nowadays.
What matters is what neutral people think. The feminists will fall in line as they age if their ideology doesn't become dominant.
The reason why most 'sjw's getting btfo' videos are entertaining is because it's usually the sjw's getting upset and emotional while the people are debating are just stoically riling them up even more.
That's pretty much the main draw of any 'x btfo' video, or comic or skit or whatever. People like to think that they are the rational side while the others are the emotional side.
The guy lost his cool. Listen to his voice towards the end. He is almost on the verge of tears.
This looks like something that came from the other side. Like all the rape culture feminist are sharing this around tumblr under titles like "4 women try to argue with crazy mra that goes absolutely BONKERS XD sooo crazy"
But, that's what you have to remember about about life. You can inject a bit of emotion into what you say, but the minute you lose your cool, you are always going to look like an ass, no matter which way you look at it.
Yeah its the older generation of leftists man, I have spoken to a lot of them. I have even spoken to an old school communist about politics, and I mention all the 'white privilege' 'rape culture' stuff and they find it as ridiculous as I do.
The new left are starting to attack this older generation too though, see people like Germaine Greer and Julie Bindel, they have been banned from giving talks at universities even though they are feminists, just because they disagree with one or two issue with the new generation of the progressive left.
>Feel free to disagree with me and prove my point.
I like his approach, I'll definitely donate in the hope he does this more. As long as drops some serious truths in the shouting its all dandy. He is quite an intelligent man and is good at pointed rants.
I see 9 boobs.
This only works if they are willing to listen to you and aren't pass the tipping point where they are practically in a cult.
Oh the ironing
If that were the case, then nothing would work. Certainly not the hamfisted approach which would reinforce the us vs. them trance.
But feel free to disagree with me, after all, I didn't use any of those techniques I mentioned in replying to you.
This guy is a fucking idiot.
She even agreed that if a women went up to some random dude and grabbed his dick without consent it isn't ok, and could be considered rape.
What the fuck is this guys point exactly? Where does communism come into it?
He's a fucking idiot and this is shameful. What an absolute disgrace.
Whats that pictures story?
Also we are aloud to free speech here too mate
We don't have anything that explicitly states it, though it might be implied.
There have been cases where Australian media has been blocked by law from certain topics, and we have laws against certain forms of speech.
I wouldn't say we have free speech as it's defined in the United States constitution.
This is literally based. I can't believe how cucked Sup Forums is now. Literally fuck off to reddit.
>"Where does communism come into it?"
You have no fucking idea do you? Are you a female by any chance?
>She even agreed that if a women went up to some random dude and grabbed his dick without consent it isn't ok, and could be considered rape.
You missed the point. He was saying that if a drunk woman initiates sexual activity with a (most likely drunk) man and has sex with him consensually but she doesn't verbally say yes, did HE rape her?
Obviously the woman wouldn't be accused of rape, that is a non issue. Her answer is completely USELESS! No man is going to accuse a woman of rape if they have consensual drunk sex, the issue is men being falsely accused of rape after drunk sex.