Man Google loves Clinton

Man Google loves Clinton.

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a huge orwellian hillary face watching me search for pornography, that's definitely going to make hillary more relatable

>did google manipulates search results?

of course OP

>There a stunning number of links between google and her campaign, and the all stem to one person: Eric Schmidt
You can't make this shit up folks

((( )))

Nice dubs. Too bad this thread is probably going to slide

what does the ((( ))) thing mean? I see it more often lately

She's a whore


thank you friend

Looks like I'm swapping to Bing. Just great..

shame this vid will never go trending on youtube. Remember when her "wiped it? What, with a cloth?" clip got viral for a day or so and then was immediately removed from trending videos? Since then youtube seemed to have made sure that no negative Clinton vid ever gets trending again.

They are filtering results here in Australia too

>Trending on YouTube


Eric (((SCHMIDT)))

What should it say?

Why aren't more people bumping this shit? It basically proves the 1% are manipulating the sheep and some form of illuminati are dictating elections. Google is a fucking trillion dollar company and someone has them by the balls.

It's like I've been saying... Everyone just needs to use Bing.

With a whisper, not a bang.

absolutely disgusting


this rustled my jimmies

Checkout that logo for that Hillary Clinton PAC.

Holy shit, don't even hide it

It feels like something here should have been illegal.


Nope, private company.

Libertarians will defend this.

Not every german name is jewish, you know

Sure but given this is 2016 and google has so much influence over what people see and hear, should similar rules RE impartiality not apply? Or is it just the UK that they have to at least pay lip service to impartiality?

But for a business to make an "in kind" donation such as this (what could be found to be $1,000,00,000 worth of advertising) then it would be illegal.

Reposting from Sup Forums

More to it that that. Jared Cohen, head of Google Ideas, is likely to get a job in any Clinton administration.

>Specifically, Assange claimed, “The chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, set up a company to run the digital component of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

>Eric Schmidt did in fact create a company in the last quarter of 2015 called The Groundwork whose website is empty except for a single placeholder logo. Breitbart has previously reported on The Groundwork and how it was reportedly developed to install Clinton in the Oval Office. However, whether or not Google itself is a part of Schmidts’ involvement in The Groundwork remains unclear to the public.

The worst part, oif this is true there is literally nothing anybody can do about it. Super-nationals like google have so much power the only thing they are accountable to is the US government. Ensure they're on the right side of any administration and they can do whatever the hell they like.


That'll teach em.

Shit dude you could have at least fixed muh spelling.

Sorry bro, it's good information.

It's fucking depressing is what it is. The true extent could be much greater. I mean first there was FB censoring 'right wing news'. Now we have google directly affiliated with Clinton's campaign. Of course most here have long suspected jewgle and faceberg are up to this kinda shit. But to have it confirmed just hammers home how powerless we are to do anything against it.

>we're powerless
Their advertisement means nothing to how you vote. When they come after that then you should shoot them.

The fact that this isn't being bumped on Sup Forums shows you just how depressing this is. A board devoted to people discussing conspiracies and they don't even hop on a story that has fact behind it that could expose the entire political process.

DuckDuckGo it is.

Is Moot a #shill4hill?

I think they censored gamergate.

I'm pretty sure they're actively tampering with votes these days. Austria was just too close for me. The postal voting was all to fuck there with some places having 150% turnout. It's already got out that 'at least' 4000 ballot papers for the Brexit referendum have been sent to EU nationals who're not meant to have a vote but will vote the way TPTB want. Fuck there was postal voting fraud at the last UK general election too.

Your voting system is already fucked. The cabinets or whatever you have don't represent the majority of voters.

Ever since google purchased Boston Dynamics they have been in bed with the Gov if I recall correctly. This does not surprise me at all. It is fucking sickening though.

been using startpage,

FPTP a shit.

Good point. I'm sure DARPA contracts come with all sorts of strings attached. But the Google team are probably acting in their own interests here. They strike me as the sickeningly liberal 'progressive' types as do so many in Silicon Valley. Probably some kind of virtue signalling. Like champagne socialists sans socialism. 'progressives' for progress' sake.

>FPTP a shit.

pic related.

>Libertarians will defend this.
Nope. No freedom of information. This practice is hidden, it is fraud from Libertarian point of view.

I am not sure what to think anymore. Are Americans selling out because they know what is coming? Or are they just fucking delusional retards who will be slaves to the system once the cognitive dissonance goes away and totally filled with regret and remorse. Broken inside emotionally till they day they die.


Holy shit, does Shillary watch House of Cards for campaign strategy?

This video must spread

That's exactly what I was thinking!

I'm still waiting for just one mainstream media outlet to pick this up.

Moleneux would report this.

Most of them are.
Mueller instead of Müller for example comes from samuel.

Google is already walking it back. Earlier today if you searched 'Hillary Clinton indi' nothing about indictments would appear in the auto-correct. Now its the top suggestion.

>using auto-correct

FPTP is superior to any proportional system.

Proportional systems make it impossible for an independent local candidate to gain any representation in the house of commons.
FPTP is designed for this very purpose.

The party politics system is the problem, not FPTP. You aren't voting for a party, you're voting for a person. If it were up to me it would be illegal for a candidate to advertise themselves as a party's leader like this last general election did.
Most people weren't voting for Milbot, call me Dave, Splurgon, Cleggers or are Nige. They were voting for a local candidate. Then any retarded decisions the local candidates make get blamed on a party leader rather than themselves making them less and less accountable.

I think local issues shoulda take the back seat to national issues. And FPTP really is a poor representation of people's will. How can a party that takes 4 million votes, third largest by share of votes and almost three times the SNP end up with just one seat to the SNP's 56. That is fucked.

I wouldn't get rid of local MPs, but maybe make their catchment bigger. I mean it's local councils that are the real power locally. I'd go for a system much like Scotland's, which is 60% constituency, 40% PR.

The worst aspect of FPTP is that it favours labour and the tories. We're unlikely to ever have a government that isn't headed by one of them if we keep FPTP.

If Eric did break the law... Presidential Pardons for everyone!

i am surprised to see how bluepilled burgers are over the situation of things

memes and trump banter wont be enough they are throwing all of media and their manipulation against you guys

>a party
You are not represented by a party, you're represented by a person.

>local issues should take the back seat to national issues
National issues are an emergent phenomenon of local issues, they are the collective behaviour of local issues. Removing accountability from your representatives doesn't make them better at "national issues".

>The worst aspect of FPTP is that it favours labour and the tories.
Only because people are treating it like a proportional system.

> I'd go for a system much like Scotland's
Why? Because it only half favours parties over people?


>american democracy

Normies simply aren't exposed to this. If they were, far more would be in favor of Trump.

...or maybe Trump wouldn't have been necessary in the first place

I'm speechless.

People will literally vote for a CRIMINAL because of "le orange meme xD"