Insurgents capture Russian T-90 in Syria
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>inb4 they take it back to their camp
>inb4 that camp gets bombed into oblivion
The crew fled in abject terror outside of Aleppo and it was intact.
>inb4 they rigged it like the japs did back in WWII
>Russian T90
Syrian Army has been recieving T90s since last year
Any idea where we can donate some money so that those lovely rebels can attach wing mirrors to this thing? Y'know, so that they can see the frontline?
Is this a T-90?
that's actually a really fucking good idea
>Insurgents capture Russian T-90 in Syria
>no snackbar screaming sandnigers on tank armor
Looks like T-72
T-90 is a like a T-72/T-80 hybrid.
I think this one is a T-90A so it's more up to date.
No difference between Iraqi Army and Syrian Army, what a bunch of runners.
>T-90 is a like a T-72/T-80 hybrid.
Actually yes.
>untrained sandniggers operate a soviet tank
>arms get mangled
>eventually get ammoracked
I'm still waiting for proof :^)
Friend or foe, it matters not.
That tank kills all.
T-90 Arriving in Tel Aviv or the USA tomorrow then?
Feed me buritos
You will pay for the wall.
Can any tankfags comment on condition of shtora? Looks like it got crackz0red
You will be annexed by France
>knock knock
Who's there?
No, It's a T-84
Shtora is a thing which jams lasers only on one frequency, so it's useless agains any modern systems which shift it's frequency like several times per second.
I hope the sand niggers get their arms caught in the turret ring cogs
Just put some mirrors around the tank then
I actually want to see a tank covered completely in mirrors. It would be like an invisibility cloak.
Armor means nothing when you lack air superiority.
hey look a tank covered with mirrors is behind me
>our tanks will reflect out the sun
Seriously this shit looks rad
I think you already know the bank account muhamm8
More like don't drive lone tanks and cover them with infantry.
>that pic
good tank desu
Man, why is the SAA so grossly negligent in everything they do?
Russians are going to see their premium gear paraded by Islamist monkeys and they're going to get pissed off and pull-out,. leaving Assad to hang dry.
The ineffectiveness of the SAA is fucking depressing.
They are simply incapable of doing anything. Look at Darayya in Damascus, 5 years encircled - they can't fucking flush the rats out.
If you look at the way Arabs fight war, it's like everything else they do: corrupt, inefficient, undisciplined, un-cooperative, disloyal and generally unwilling to even learn.
Europe fought a world war in 5 years that wiped out 60 million people in total war.
Arabs conflicts devolve into their traditional tribal warfare attrtional skirmishes fought on a part-time, weekend basis.
Basically when you get back from work, you grab your rusted to shit AK, a couple bottles of water, and you go shoot your AK from your balcony into the area where the hostile Sunnis leave, firing over a wall without aiming.
Then you go back for tea and fried rice dinner, and next day you go drive your taxi.
>Then you go back for tea and fried rice dinner, and next day you go drive your taxi.
Pretty much, and if that gets boring you can always go to Sweden.
Are those "spotlights" supposed to attract heat seeking missiles, or are they just actually spotlights? They're on the toughest part of the track after all
This is what happens when you don't have a Kommissar behind ready to shot the cowards.
The first time I saw this pic I laughed pretty hard.
The russians arent rolling out and operating MBTs like that in syria, they're modified versions used by Syrian Army and allied groups
>knock knock
Who's there?
>Superior German engineering
Can't one of these goat fuckers at least take the fern out of the barrel before taking the picture?
How many of those did you even make? like 3?
Many we sell these things to all around the world.
We sold it to almost whole Europe, Canada got some 2 and we sold some of our tanks to sandnegers 2.
We also sell weapons.
that a trojan horse
>Superior German engineering
Manufactured by Turkish and Polish immigrant factory workers with the same pride as they had when in Arbeitslaeger.
woah dude keep that on the dl
Lol but germans didn't make the Abrams tank. Lol so they can't be superior.
Gonna be funny when they get an arm caught in the autoloader...
Abrams is a lot better than Leopard tbqh
Cost is a LOT cheaper, has much better communication systems with other armored units, and is much more versatile.
How much do they want for it?
I'll give them 40 goats, and a case of lipstick.
> rat shills for mudslime
Nice, usual catholic way.
well we have like 150 of them so at least that many
autism speaks
pretty sure chile bought some as well
Aren't Abrams the most expensive tanks to operate since they run on jet fuel and ther engines can be a fucking nightmare for logistics?
>muh T series garbage
Abrams can take it we'll be fine
Unfortunately thanks to the kikes the Iraqi's gave them some of those as well
Yeah, M1A3 will probably have a GERMAN diesel power pack.
supposedly they can run on damn near anything
Russians aren't smart enough for that brev
MAYBE the lucky bastards who survived on the eastern front long enough to make it to the outskirts of Berlin, but other than that I doubt you'll find any ruskies from any time period smart enough to do that
Cyka my ass
Kebab are not smart like you Ivan, they do not use men as perfect shields
Maybe in 100 years if they are still around?
Naw, Ruskies just like Murrican troops are required at all times to have a manual when operating the thing
You get in deep hit if you don't
чёт в гoлoc
I just hope they treat it well, it will probably be abandoned again if it doesn't get precision bombed to ashes.
The only time Germans will ever make another tank that bests all is if they are working with American engineers
You lost your edge faggot and we are the only ones who an bring it out of you again
>not gas turbine like the T-80
kind of disappointed, was hoping they would capture a "can use literally anything flammable for fuel" turbine one so they could execute someone on film by sticking him in a big blender, pouring in some kerosene, then blending him up and pouring him into the fuel tank and driving away
>We also sell weapons.
No you don't
America, Russia, and China sells weapons
You yell out on a street corner and get a couple disgraced politicians to throw you a few stacks
It's an active protection system called 'shtora'. It's designed to fuck up laser guided missiles and rangefinders from other tanks.
And we'll happily annex the northern ''flanders'' region. We had a thread about it 3 days ago it was very comfy. Many Flemish wouldn't mind it. Also rightfull clay which isn't our since the 1830 rebellion.
besides, a fucking leaf.
>ther engines can be a fucking nightmare for logistics
They would be with any other tank's communication system but with the one we have the only logistics problem we have is the tactfags can't keep up with how far in their pushing
Desert Storm was nothing. You truly want to see a shooting gallery put us in the deserts of China against the chinks with our up to date Abarams
...jesus christ what the hell is wrong with you.
If that was a compliment thank you
If that was a question please use English
If that was an insult I got within for yah
Nippon you never cease to amaze me at your ingenuity
>tfw rebels have more tanks thank your country
Slav war = best war
You lost, Redditfag?
>The original designation of the T-90 Main Battle Tank in Russian Service was T-72BU, using several features of the T80U such as the Kontakt-5 Armor; It was redesignated the T-90 for political reasons in 1992 due to the T-72's disastrous service with the Iraqi Military in the First Gulf War.