ITT: Posts from Nuclear powers only,
non-nuclear cucks gtfo
ITT: Posts from Nuclear powers only,
non-nuclear cucks gtfo
Do major Uranium miners get a pass?
Who here /responsable for Israel having nukes/ ?
Fuck the police
we were close
here comes dat goy
The nukes you borrow from the yanks?
Ssshhh.... don't tell
oh shit waddup
Also anyone in the blue zone is both a cuck and a faggot.
How do you feel about those who first split the atom?
It's a textile factory, you guys! Trust me!
Nah it's a Hamas weapons depot, easiest way to stop the west from looking for it.
Saffer here.
>mfw Afrikaner
m8 not only that but we've also cucked the US with our anti-nuke laws and thanks to rocketlab we could have nuclear-armed ICBMs in 12-18 months if we really wanted to.
Id zay Germany getz a pazz zince the Wezt wouldnt have figured it out AT LEAZT az early az they did wizzout ze Germanz
>This is what NZers actually believe
Although we not capable if making them, we store them for you guys for the inevitable WW3 breakout
Why is South Africa blue? They had their own nuclear program...
We prevented Germany from acquiring nuclear power during WW2. What do you think of that?
So literal cancer = not cucked?
You'd rather live in Africa and South America?
Alright Adebowale Akua.
Can't we just make shielding to protect nukes from any nuclear detection capabilities then smuggle them into the countries of another nuclear power and detonate them?
They'd have no fucking clue who dunnit and probably be too dead to even try to attempt retaliation, we could just delete Russia, Israel, Iran etc.
r8 my arsenal pls
>Nahal sorek
i seriously don't understand why pakistan and even india are allowed to be a nuclear power but germany is not (is germany not allowed to be a nuclear power? why aren't they?)
They aren't allowed.
germans could develop nukes by themselves if they wanted, they just like the feel of that short American leash around their necks.
Is it enough just to have nuclear bombs on your soil?
Germany for a very long time benefited from "nuclear sharing" where they hosted US nukes. Once the Cold War ended the US withdrew most of their nukes, but not all of them. Germany has no reason to waste time and money building nukes when the US provides them for free.
feels good to be able to post in this thread
fuck pic related, get vaporized
No that just makes you ultra cucked
Get out cucks shoo
ur a big guy
You guys kind of had nuclear capability before we did. Lord knows why you didn't just nuke your border to spite us and the Soviets.
Israel has acknowledged capability
we're so cucked by the germans they could use ours i'm pretty sure. And realistically they could probably build one just by snapping their fingers
Nuclear Weapons run down:
MAD Tier, Devastatingly Accurate warheads: USA
MAD Tier, less accurate warheads: Russia
'You'll get fucked up if you don't have nukes with us': France, UK, China
Deterrence tier: (((Israel))), India, Pakistan, NK
Latent: Could assemble nukes & delivery in under 18 months: Germany, Japan, Iran, South Africa
Long term- could produce an arsenal in under 5 years: SK, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Australia, Canada
Less than 10 years out: Brazil, Egypt, Portugal, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Argentina, Turkey, Indonesia, Austria, Switzerland
Would live in nuclear free, prosperous country.
Jewish scientists
You rang?
What kind of discussion do you hope this will cultivate? What sort of conversation are you trying to start? It's like you're trying to start an argument from a neutral standpoint. Is that all you do here? Just try to start arguments to pretend like there some sort of reasonable discussion? I mean, any sort of side that you pick in this thread is either your country not having nukes and going, "my country is NOT BAD" or you do have nukes and you go "all of the other countries ARE BAD". I mean the quality of this thread has to be bad just based on the premise it has.
Get out cucks
We paid for them. Our research became theirs. They had to obtain much of the materials elsewhere early on (like France and Norway).
The countries that can develop nukes but dont want, can post in this thread?
>accomplishing any project within 5 years
mamma mia
W-w-we have Weapons grade plutoniom, I-is that enough?
Also we have biological weapons that we keep importing each year from other continents.
Last year we imported 163,000 units of it.
Australia have plenty of Uranium
But we already have freedoms, so good luck getting it
Yup, We can.
>Implying we didn't have to evacuate Tasmania for a place to store all our nukes.
Name calling gets you nowhere, person.
You're right, nuclear power is illegal in Italy, they can never have nukes.
I think we can safely paint israel white, nobody doubts they have nukes anymore, they just won't admit it like the jews they are.
Focus on the real enemy first: Saudi Arabia.
I've read that there's a group of countries that are capable of building a nuclear weapon in such a short amount of time because they posses the ability as well as the platforms to carry the weapons that they are practically considered nuclear armed.
Germany and Australia are two that I remember, I reckon Canada would be there too.
Here is one way.
They stole our triggers and nuclear secrets. by all rights we should nuke them.
For good reason too
If we would admit it muricans like obeaner would try to get us to get rid of them. And seeing how our politicians, particularly the left, are incompetent morons, it would happen and we would be left without any deterrent to invasion. If we don't openly admit it, it's not open to negotiation.
We tried to make a nuke once (essentially the plan was to put it on a mirage III, use JATO to get it in the air and then bomb Moscow.
The reactor melted down tho.
Close enough?
Yeah mate we're 100% nuclear capable. We just don't have nukes ready to launch (that the public knows of, some RAAF guys rekon we've got some stashes).
The Americans built nukes in 1945. I'd be surprised if countries like Germany couldn't build one.
>Suspected Capability
Nice meme
Stick to watches.
We have a shed on a airbase where we still have some american warheads. Thanks america.
aaaaaaa, no
I doubt many countries lack the ability to build a nuclear weapon of some kind given enough time.
This list was more about countries that could make one so quickly that it would be built and launched before anyone could detect it or stop it happening and that you may as well consider them nuclear armed if it came down to a life or death situation for that country.
What about countries that host other countries nukes?
Nukes are fine. But who /nuclearenergy4ever/ here ?
Feels good to live in a country where 74% of the energy produced is nuclear, clean energy, while our neighbors need to buy our power to even compete.
>be Germany
>stops using nuclear power because "muh Fukushima"
>immediately turns to coal and get addicted to the French atomic power.
Commonly known as cucks
Stupid Swedes. You're supposed to contain the biological weapons, not release them into your population and inject your women with them
Thank God South Africa denuclearized before they let Mandela out of prison.
Germans are addicted to that Big French Rod
I cannot begin to fathom the nuclear powered white genocide.
>implying we don't have a few hidden from when our program was shut down
Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands and Japan
Who needs nukes when all you have to do is send a boatload of kikes to annihilate any country in the world within a few generations.
It's all about biological warfare.
Dont fuck with poland, we have shit tons of kikes here