>Man-made Global Warming / Climate Change
Is it?
>Man-made Global Warming / Climate Change
Is it?
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fucking leafs man. Those sun spots are common, that one just happens to be big for one.
It's literally nothing to worry about other than we might get some decent CME which can interfere with radio waves/cell phones.
what the FUCK are you doing leaf faggot
>literally nothing to worry
Nice dynamic IP, shill. How much will carbon taxes be?
>thinks it's a dynamic IP when people call him fucking retarded
Damn leaf no wonder you guys voted Trudeu in
But the sun has no spots as of now user. Earths atmosphere is getting colder and its collapsing upon itself
What the hell is a carbon tax?
You have never heard of a carbon tax, you will never speak of a carbon tax and you will never Google search a carbon tax.
we obviosuly made thad whole on the sun bruh
you people are so petty and tiny
See now I had to look it up, and now I'm sad.
Every day reading about other places on the internet drains a tiny bit more of my soul away.
Shhhh sweet burger, it will get better one day.
Would lighting a gallon of crude oil on fire in my backyard make everything better?
Not like it's expensive, its like $1.70 a gallon or some shit.
How much would burning a gallon of crude to nothing cost in your carbon tax?
>>>To Be Continued
By saying, "the atmosphere is collapsing upon itself" are you talking about the Earth's shields? Those always weaken during a solar minimal which we're entering right now. It is pretty interesting when you look at the effects CERN has on the earth's shields as well.
SOME climate change is man made, but that portion is massively overblown by most leftists.
Not entirely but warming is being exacerbated by the huge increase in atmospheric CO2 since the industrial revolution
The problem is not even CO2 emissions since they are low compared to natural causes, we have more potent gasses released into the atmosphere. The problem is deforestation.