Will we ever get a movie that gives an honest objective non-biased view of this man?

Will we ever get a movie that gives an honest objective non-biased view of this man?

Destroy Hollywood first

Yes. When all the stormniggers and kikes die.

Short answer? No.
Long answer? Not while Hollywood is (((Hollywood))).

Not until the next one comes along and does what humanity and the universe needs done so very badly right now

At the end of Barron Trump's reign and all brown people are gone from the earth

>film portrays Hitler triggering a war that had millions perish as a consequence, destroying the infrastructure in Europe (dooming the continent to import immigrants), letting the Soviet Union encroach on Eastern Europe, all the while deluding himself that all his errors were the works of the Jews
>Hitler actually triggered a war that had millions perish as a consequence, destroyed the infrastructure in Europe (dooming the continent to import immigrants), letting the Soviet Union encroach on Eastern Europe all the while believed the Jews were the source of all his plights

What more do Sup Forumstards want?

Hitler had some good ideas, but in the grand scheme of things, you can't whisk away the notion that he was also an idiot, and that Germany could've won militarily had it not been for him, and his cronies Göring and Rommel. Geez let Von Block and von Manstein do the work already. And listen to Kesselring for fuck's sake.

this. What the hell do people want, an scorsese - esq Rise and fall movie that showed what a nice guy he was lol?

besides, just watch der untergang

A movie that shows how Germany was picked on and cornered from the beginning, and he was just defending German rights as best he could when Britain and France declared war and continuously refused peace. Also, that the attack on the USSR was a pre-emptive attack since the Russians were planning to attack him.

Napoleon first plz.

>Will we ever get a movie that gives an honest objective non-biased view of this man?

Yes, it's called 'Der Untergang'.


Lol, my grandfather would proudly beat the living shit out of you, Nazi lover.

They should really introduce flags on every board.

I'm currently reading Mein Kampf and the material is quite in depth and comprehensive to offer a potential film adaptation without bias one way or the other.

>I'm currently reading Mein Kampf

>reading books is fedora
Sorry, it's probably best I disregard and discredit all literature pertaining to all political and economic theory, regardless of their unorthodox nature or controversy. Thanks for the contributive insight.

>picked on and cornered from the beginning

How though?
>be exacted peace terms relatively easier than those on your allies
>be dealt peace sanctions as harsh as those alloted to France in the 1871 peace (removal of some industrial provinces, mostly those with ethnicities not considered your own: french, poles, and czechs)
>trigger hyper-inflation in your own country to evade reimbursing the Allies in the 1920s, which spins out of control as per your own inability to control hyperinflation ("surely the Jews are behind this!")
>be gifted generous financial aid by the Americans through the Dawes plan
>remilitarize the Rhineland, reacquire the Rhur, annex Austria, occupy Czechia, all the while the Allies nod their heads to reach appeasement with Germany
>based on his memoirs, we know that Hitler had occupied to trigger a war between him and France and Britain when he occupied the whole of Czechia, which was denied to him when France and Britain consented to his occupation
>be notified that Poland henceforth has its independence guaranteed by France and Britain
>invade France and Britain and be surprised when none of them trust you enough to negotiate a peace with them

The only field in which the germans were resolutely isolated was that they were refrained from becoming members of the League of Nations until later in the 1920s.

Der Untergang was pretty good

>pre-emptied strike against the USSR
A Cold war myth to demonize Russia though.

Those close to Stalin can certify that Stalin had more blind faith for the Molotov-Ribbentropp treaty than Hitler ever daigned give it. Stalin was in fact stricken with a confusion and dizziness that lasted for days once it was disclosed to him that Barbarossa had been launched by the germans. Stalin was a man emboldened by the reputation that he would never carry forth a strategy lest he knew that it had the least amount of chances of failing, and thus, those are the reasons for why he'd waited to be allied with Germany, and have their approval on their matter, before invading the Baltic states, and later Moldavia. To think he would dared gamble in a war against the West was hilariously comical.

Hitler had cunning in striking when Stavka was recuperating slowly from their purges, but ultimately, he blast open the door to a war he could not win, and that invited the USSR to the borders of Germany itself.

Had Hitler really been preoccupied with vanquishing the USSR, he should have collaborated more with France and Britain, rather than antagonize them by selfishly invading wherever it was he pleased, and drawing out the war into a Britain + USSR + France + USA vs Germany deal.

I'd probably kick his ass. How old is he? Fucking hell, I could probably kill him with my bare hands if he's 70 or above.

Sup Forums pls

>giving a fedora response and not just calling him a faggot
