hey im new here guys and i see that a lot of people are defending hitler. was he actually bad man or is this all just a meme :D
Hey im new here guys and i see that a lot of people are defending hitler...
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My dubs say he was a good man.
He protected our race. He may have been a villian in the past, but he is the anti-hero we need now.
Nice dubbs :D
Hitler did nothing wrong
The idea that a man can truly be bad is a meme.
Some don't deserve to live however. Hitler was a try hard and thought his actions were pure, probably in heaven.
half of my 100k pop city was sent to concentration camps, go figure.
it's because of him that being white is wrong now
so he did all kinds of things wrong
kek wills it
Not a fan. He had a chance to kill the Jews and failed. Now they run everything. Thanks a lot Hitler.
Only good thing he did was getting rid of jews running his country and setting germany straight.
>There are people who think meme-magic isn't real
>Don't buy into the anglomeme
It's (((trickery)))
And when I mean anglomeme. I mean the anglos control everything meme. It isn't true. It was built to keep the europeans seperarted and warring
Sorry for going offtopic
I just had to say it, It bothers me that pollacks are falling for it.
Also yes maymay magikz gave me rare trips
Now this tread is (((sliding)))
Thank (You.)
It's just an elaborate meme. Nobody actually supports Hitler on Sup Forums, just like nobody actually denies the holocaust on Sup Forums
>1 sheckel has been added to your account.
It's no meme.
Redpill your friends m8
Heil Hitler, Heil Mussolini
>blaming whites
What is the best book about Hitler, his life, and his psyche that isn't written by Hitler himself.
Hitler was a bad man. He probably thought he was justified but he plunged Europe into World War which led to massive death and suffering. He tried to kill some Juice because he was tired of being cucked by their superior IQ and financial prowess. He was incestuous, a drug addict, probably gay.
He had horrible taste in facial pubes which honestly should be the only argument needed to convince you.
Oh and he committed Sudoku like a pussy.
Only jilted beta Germs with no life accomplishments yearning for pride in the ancestry plunge themselves into twisting reality enough because they are insecure and feel they need to defend German guilt.
Don't be scared to say Jew.
Be brave user.
Do not fear them
Hitler did nothing wrong
He is just right.
He did not kill all Anglos when he had the Chance.
But he allied with Italy
If he had removed every Anglo from the planet, there would be no wars. ARYANS could live without fearing for their lives
How can you say that, as a Pole? You only need to look about you to see what the Nazis did to your country.
Listen really hard and you might just hear the sound of a Junkers Ju 87 gunning down some unarmed women and children.
Polish people also joined to SS to kill jews.
Literally did nothing wrong, look at Churchill if you want to find the villain
Says everything about Sup Forums that I can';t tell if you think that is a good thing or not...
You can find more information here..en.m.wikipedia.org
Im by me self not sure if it is good that our nazi army was multi cultural
he was pretty gay, hanged a lot around boys and didn't look aryan at all
Take 6.5hrs out of your life and watch - Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
he is hated and reviled because he didn't finished teh job but deep down we all have a soft spot for uncle adolf.
He turned a broke Great Depression era Germany into a world power. Although I first disagreed with the persecution of Jews, after reading about the Rothschild's and Soros I feel that it was justified. The Nazi war machine is something to be appreciated, with superior technology, and tactics he conquered Europe and to this day I believe he created the idea of an united Europe without the degeneracy. Hadn't it been for the march to russia he would have won and over time I believe create a sustainable and beautiful Europe that would prosper.
You're here forever.
true, the march to russia was his end
imagine him conquering africa, south america, middle east & asia
fukkin hell the world now would've been soo different
Despite what people say here and elsewhere let me put it to you this way... Yes jews died, yes innocent people were put in to camps, the specific numbers are hard to come by because the nazis burned records and if actual historians come up with different "official" numbers, they can be arrested in Europe for "holocaust denial."
Hitler still did evil shit but look at our government, we have racked up over a million casualties in the middle eastern war but we deem it justifiable in order to stop terrorism, IE drones bomb a dozen civilians just to kill 1 bad guy. Numbers wise this actually works and makes sense, not many people care or bat an eye at ourselves mass killing civilians.
The victor writes history, in the end every one, the terrorist, Hitler and the USA believe they were/are in the good. However, what is especially interesting at least to me any way that if you read some old war books/journals, around the time of WW2 the British were universally disliked and even our own troops were surprised to see we went to war against the Germans instead of with.
TLDR: Holocaust happened, not numbers wise people think, we do the same shit but with bombs.