It's official.
The Amazing Atheist has endorsed Trump.
Are you ready to accept him into the group?
It's official.
The Amazing Atheist has endorsed Trump.
Are you ready to accept him into the group?
Other urls found in this thread:
man trump has some weirdos
Sharpie in pooper, fat man.
He doesn't endorse Trump, really.
He just views him as a much lesser evil than "Shillary" and also a heck a lot more entertaining. He won't vote for either of them but if it comes to Hillary and Trump he wants Trump to won because it would be a fun four years and will give him a lot of content to work with.
Do you think this will secure Trump the banana growers' vote?
We attack on all fronts for maximum efficiency, so yes.
welcome aboard
Why would you accept an cultural marxist?
> milo "coalburner" pinkilgton
> amazing banana man
the fist berniecuck defects, how many more?
Nah, he said mean things about Texas years ago
United we stand, divided we fall.
Where's the link, fucker?
That does it, if that degenerate supports Trump I can't support him, I'm a #CruzMIssile now. I mean it this time. #WriteInCruz.
You serious?
As a atheist myself. Yes, if he endorsed Trump and stop with this SJW crap.
atheism is unacceptable. we can talk once he embraced Christ.
I'm #ArtilleryForHillary now!
>he won't vote for either of them
So he's "voting" for Hillary and "endorsing" Trump to add himself to the LOLOLLOOK AT THE PEOPLE THAT ENDORSE TRUMP pile. Gotcha.
for some reason I can't hate that dude anymore, I don't know why
I mean he's stupid as hell, sticks bananas up his and preaches cancerous ideologies but, still, feel no hate towards him
what's happening to me?
I hate you faggots for reminding me that this exists. Do you keep this in your " fruit in ass" folder?
>Hating allies because of religious beliefs
I gladly alongside my Christian brothers for a Trump win. Trump TRUMPS religion.
Trump = love
Atheist out
Hahahaaahahaha literally a fruity ass ahahahahaha
The best reason to vote for Trump is that he's very Pro Second Amendment.
Once a government disarms the population, they can do whatever they want. The population has no way to stop them. You can vote, but they can pack the ballets, control the media, even do fraudulent vote counts to control the vote. So, what can the people really do about it? Nothing.
You are ALL fucked.
Vote Trump
Hello TJ
That's inevitable when you start getting Bernie supporters bailing and following Trump, which is what this guy is
Literally the last 10 seconds of the video.
Are you his boyfriend? You have low standards
Who cares? I say we just ignore this prick and let him get more support for Trump. He doesn't want to be part of "the group" anyway.
Even if every single American was armed the government could still fuck up the populace with drones, tanks, jets, etc. The whole 2nd ammendment is needed so the people can rebel against the government if needed, doesn't really work against the one government who spends the most on the military. FYI I do support the 2nd ammendment
What is the context behind this?
He may not be perfect, but we need all the allies and help we can get.
Yeah these fags keep that shit as their desktop background. Can't stand this shit.
>Not perfect
Up until this he was the antithesis of everything we hate.
TJ (Amazing Atheist) is streamed that to a couple of girls he knew as some sort of internet sexplay thing.. One of the guys recorded it and leaked online.
Everyone's voting for Trump.To hell with that Clinton bitch.
but Sup Forums doesn't hate religion Nigel-chan. It's actually quite revered here, from what I've seen
Kek I didn't know he still has fangirls
It doesn't matter if you are a coalburner if you're a faggot. It is about kids, really.
What a degenerate.
>Smokes weed (DUDE WEED LMAO)
>Supported Bernie Sanders up until now.
>Only supporting Trump because of the "lesser of two evils" bullshit.
>Rubs fucking chocolate on his ass during online sexplay.
No, I don't think we're ready to accept him into the group.
>the amazing atheist
Why the fuck do Trump attracts the lowest of the low for goodness sake. This is why ppl think of us as a joke
When was this posted anyway?
I hate some of his opinions, but he is entertaining as hell. I watch him regularly. He is sort of my hero.
what a degenerate
Im a fuckin #CruzMissile now
>Lowest of the low
You're thinking of Bernie, desu.
>has no job
>has no social life
>has no real friends outside of his stoner buddies (who also can't stand him)
>begs for money online
>does drugs all day with money
>is for gun control and constantly misrepresents arguments for gun rights
>sits on his fat fucking ass all day doing absolutely nothing
>has talked before about times in his life where he's been so lazy that he did not even want to get up to piss so he pissed in a bottle
>has admitted his fantasy is to "be cooked in an oven and eaten"
>acts tough on camera but has pics online of him in pink panties and posing like a girl
>says socialism is good
>constantly repeats libtard lies and misrepresentations about Trump
kek, so much asspain, so much misrepresentations
>But he's funny
>so much misrepresentations
Nope. Just the truth.
And of course he's a die hard Bernout who has fantasies of Bernie being some kind of hardcore badass.
No because he abuses bananas.
how is this worse than being a drumpkin?
Oh you're just a shitposting troll. Carry on.
Is that sad or what? TAA doesn't even have genuine fans outside of his echo chamber of SJWs.
Are you actually from Malaysia? I have a question for you
Yeah, Malaysia born and bred. Ask away
well, you say he fantasises about Bernie yet you fell for a serial liar, someone who made fun of disableds, someone who run a scam and his only defense is
he is a thin-skinned idiot, his tactics were great when dealing with low-iq republitard voters, but now the fun begins.
Terrible b8.
Do you hear of Malaysians trying to come to Australia on holiday, but they get turned away at the border or something?
I work in a big hotel chain and Malaysians never fucking turn up, and 95% of the time their creditcards are declined when we try to pre-authorize them.
Some Malaysians did finally turn up the other month and said they had already paid everything through an agent (we never saw any of this money so we told them it wasn't paid)
Any idea what the story is?
Why am I supposed to care if some banana lover says things?
Yes and no. The government has the firepower to put down any citizens rebellion. What an armed population does is makes it difficult to get away with the small day to day shit that becomes routine in authoritarian societies. Routine home searches are much more dangerous when you don't know if the homeowner can deploy lethal force. The US government could easily squash you... the busybody lady from the local social service agency can't bust in your home to look around for perceived micro aggression violations just because she wants to. She needs a resource expensive security escort and still risks a deadly confrontation. This results in much less meddling than otherwise would occur. SJWs would have routine home inspections for ideological purity if they could simply vote their way to them with no resistance.
Sorry can't help you there, sounds like they're getting scammed. Australia is actually one of the top places Malaysians like to travel to. There are a shitload of Malaysians there studying or even working, even I studied there.
Though you have to understand that since we only ever hear about "how great the government is" over here with our media being controlled and no freedom of speech, that I rarely read the news anyway.
co tam seba, kibel wypucowany?
cool, thanks friend
Is it physically possible to be an atheist and not be a fedora at the same time?
I'm not even american so.. w/e. I'm not the perfect epitome of a human being either anyway.
Will this meme go viral again?
> It is about kids
Yes. About upbringing the next generation of society, able to go to new places and to do new shit.
But anglos fund socialists around the globe and breed disabled degenerates in fear of their domination safety.