Any faggots here on roids like trenbolon and test. Did u have any "really" bad side effects like hair loss or your liver dying. I don't give a single shit about shrinked balls or anger issues.
Any faggots here use roids? tell us the "really" bad side effects u got
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getting a heart attack at 23 while in the sauna seems like a "really" bad side effect to me
/fit/ usually has a steroids general.
Water weight and terrible stretch marks.
>while in the sauna
>in thailand
Yeah those 'saunas' are brothels. Even Tim Sharky said Zyzz was fucking overdoing it on the drugs and whores in Thailand. Congenital heart failure my ass.
You don't get paulmboism from tren and test, Its from GH
this isn't politics
you shrink right back to a realistic size if you stay off them and lifting heavy goes right back to being hard on your body.
Took sust 250 for a year. Got mad acne and balls shrunk but lifted like a mad cunt. Jumped off without taking anything and went into deep depression. Went away after 2 months.
9/10 would do again.
He may well have died from other causes, but it is well documented that steroid abuse annihilates the structure of the heart, particularly the left ventricle. This ends up increasing your chance of a ventricular tachycardia and ending in myocardial infarction (heart attack).
There is no way around it - either use less steroids or accept your almost certain fate.
No post-cycle therapy at all? After 12 months?
if the side effects are similar to medical steroids, never ever.
>random anger spikes
>constant hunger
yes. tren and test e
no. mild acne on delt/trap area
christ, either call it a heart attack or a myocardial infarction, nobody thinks you sound clever writing both.
I love test, my favorite hands down. Tren is a real whore when it comes to sides. If you have balding in your family prepare to shed like a mofo. Also, you'll be short on breath all the time with tren and have a short temper.
You will permenantly lower your test levels even with proper PCT
>Source 3 years of cycles now leaving me with a 332ng/dl aged 24.
Was fun while i was on tho lol
Isn't that within normal range?
You were probably already a low test beta to begin with.
Inb4 Tim Sharky killed Zyzz conspiracy
Convince me not to cycle test c
I've never done roids
That's one hell of a brow ridge.
Yes its technically "normal" range but it's definitely far lower than I was before I started and definitely not normal for my age.
Don't use unless you're planning on going on for life imo. It's never just one cycle and doing more will fuck your shit up
My father's coworker would do steroid for some time, start pissing blood, stop using them for some time and then repeat.
>this thread
>Asking Sup Forums about the side-effects of steroids
Are you fucking retarded? If you listen to any of the advice here about fucking steroids you're an idiot. There are places on the internet that promote steroid abuse that I would recommend listening to above Sup Forums because at least they know a fucking thing or two about them.
Some people drink alcohol and other abuse it, the same can be said about steroids.
Overall steroids are safe.
How beta do you have to be to actually take roids?
Anabolic steroids =/= glucosteroids
no. It was really bad I wouldn't recommend that part. I started working fucked up hours and dropped the gym and test all together. Big mistake.
Nuts went small for a week and excess water weight, after that back to normal ripped me.
She is scary. Or is it he?
Didn't know about this Zyzz character, glad to see at least -some- douchebags get what they deserve
The only reason any WHITE man would need steroids is if he is actually a shitskin and due to their inbreeding, low test.
No normal white man needs anything other than natural protein and dedication to achieve OP's pic.
It's not hard. If you're white.