Front National wants to ban Bitcoin

Front National wants to ban Bitcoin.
They argue virtual currencies cause harm to monetary patriotism and "true economy" (in opposition to speculation).

Reminder : FN wants to exit the Euro zone.

I have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand it makes total sense for a nationalist to want to ban Bitcoin.
But on the other hand, fuck the kike bankers.

What's your opinion on virtual currencies Sup Forums?
Should we ban them?


Marine dont wants "kike bankers" as you say, she wants return of the Franc (sounds like a movie i'd like to see)

Bitcoin is imaginary neckbeard money.

>monetary patriotism
>pay with Euros

are they on crack?

Returning to the Franc wouldn't get us rid of the (((bankers)))

> Reminder : FN wants to exit the Euro zone.

yeah, well when Front National actually runs the country and makes France France again, they can ban bitcoin.

This is putting the cart ten thousand kilometers in front of the dead horse.

Ausbro typed it for me

Bitcoin is degenerate lolbertarian currency, mostly used to purchase degenerate things, however how would she ban it? it seems impossible.

Bitcoins are an easymode tool for virtual moneylaundering operations. Just like those poker websites used to be. Perfect for organized crime and international terrorism. Should be banned immediately.

wow...this is utter bullshit.

Bitcoin is the only thing that can save normal people from the Euro and this bitch wants to "ban" it? How is she going to do that exactly?

Fucking idiots. You cannot ban something that is electronic in nature and so easily transferable.


This, the only use for buttcoin now is buying illegals good like firearms and WEED. The goll rush is over.

>I don't know Le Pen want to go back to the French money the Franc the post

Your flag looks like got drunk and fell over

GL with banning BTCs
dumb and dumber

what Sup Forums has become.......

Better watch it with the ((())) before you're imprisoned Pierre

>to monetary patriotism and "true economy" (in opposition to speculation).

Fuck anyone in this thread that does not understand the importance that Cryptocurrency will have in the future. Only way to kill the bank is through BTC. Morons.

>implying the kikes wouldn't overtake bitcoin, too

life = eternal running from kikes

not when its worth $500 a pop

>Banning bitcoin.

What? Are you going to put a gate to the forest?

Ccan goverment really solve nything without declaaring it illegal?

Yes, it weakens the tribe.

> Ban BTC
> Weaken Globalist Banksters

Pick one and only one faggot.

wtf I hate nationalism now

Everyone knows that a one-world global currency is the best!

FN really are currently the closest thing to National Socialism in this world. You got something there, guys, give it a shot.

>Le Pen Pizza dought is the last hope we got
>lol no fuck her she want to ban my bitcoin

Since when having a cryptocurrency part of traditional french value ? Is it that important to you you'll prefer having the multiculti win just so you can buy illegal goods and make it easier for any not retarded criminal to launder his money ?

What Sup Forums has become where internet money is more important than your culture.

>Everyone knows that a one-world global currency is the best!
No one is advocating this you faggot.

Sup Forums claims to want fascism. Wouldn't this include banning porn, drugs, and degeneracy, with strict penalties? Bitcoin makes these black markets easier for the proles.

If you care about your country, bitcoin has no place in it.

i got half of my money on bitcoin. In my case it works because brazil is fucked and the inflation is rampant. I can profit when dollar goes up or when dollar goes down. Personallly i belive they want to ban bitcoin because they know they cant charge you taxes. Secondly the tecnology of the bitcoin the blockchain puts the state in a bad position. They figured out a way to make payments, and make contracts that is fully transparent, fail proof and curruption proof. therefore the politicians see it as a manace. Im not saying the blockchain technology will take ou the state but it will make too hard to the state to steal our money and will take out part of their power in the future with digital contracts.

i wish i could be that rich !

Bitcoin was a pump and dump meme
There certainly will be a shift to digital currency at some point, but it'll hopefully be something that wasn't used for such blatant fraud
Presently it's only good for drugs and it's not saving you from anything

all the transfers can be traced on bitcoin. you will need another currency to buy it fully anonymous. Bitcoin is not the problem, the state is afraid of the blockchain technology and the fact that it will be harder to get tax money out of it. In fact i hope they start using the blockchain technology in brazil to make the accounts of the government fully transparent.

dude, you live in USA. come on. You can buy anything with bitcoins nowadays. i live in brazil and i pay energy bills with it.

They are bringing the economist of those plans to France. Your wish will be fulfilled.

How do you ban bitcoin?

>If you care about your country, bitcoin has no place in it.

Banning bitcoin is like trying to stop a wave, is natural, is bigger than you, and your arms are too short to even try. Since the begining of the internet it was ssomething bound to happen, a force of historical nature where people has been always trying to break control from factic powers and be free.

What do you really expect to do? Ban all digital currencies? How? The internet goes beyond your frontiers and even in China the iron grip ofnthe goverment on it can be easily avoided, only passive control has worked and on a small degree.

You're literally forcing people to accept and see value in one specific thing, like trying to force beauty standards in art or one specific school of philosophy into the human mind. You literally cant do it

if you make it impossible to transfer your currency to a broker that exchanges it to bitcoin. If you turn this very operation illegal. Then i guess its banned. There is a work around but it will be harder. something like oppening an account in the USA and then transfer your money there. then buy bitcoins then ask for a bitcoin card(its prepaid you fill it with bitcoins and you can buy stuff with USD). Then everything works. so the ban is effective only for those with not enough information.

Front National devrait s'occuper de son pays qui devient l'afrique avant de se lancer dans des projets qui n'importent pas