Have you woken up yet to the scam of Trump?

Do you idiots actually believe ANYTHING that comes out of this guys mouth when's literally flip flopped on EVERY single issue?

Other urls found in this thread:


I was gonna be convinced by you but you started cursing.

>flip flopped on EVERY single issue
so he's not a racist then? :^)

>so he's not a racist then? :^)

Here's a quote from 2000:


>''So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.''

Your move Sup Forums. I thought he was one of you.

Hillary is far worse. That's the only thing that counts.

Nothing more pathetic than a neo-nazi, don't blame him.

Why? Sup Forums isn't a nazi board. Did you fall for the memes faggot

I am now a #CruzMissle

Pats not a nazi though he worked with nixon and reagan

Still better than Hillary.
And I don't vote 3rd party.

>$0.05 has been deposited into your Paypal account

Though that image is a known fake. Otherwise you'd be posting a link to a news story about it rather than posting an image macro.

this. we must stop the american merkel.


I've never been a republican supporter until this election. A lot of republican ideas I don't agree with. So this quote is actually what I like about Trump. This man is playing everyone, and it's amazing. Nothing he says really aligns with republicans, he just needs their voter base to get in and pursue his own, quite genius, ambitions. Primarily, the downfall of political correctness.

You know what I'll admit there's a chance Trump is just a master manipulator and we're all fucked.

However, with Hillary, we're DEFINITELY fucked.

Are you stupid?
You can't believe a damn thing any of them say!
They all lie!



Yes no one should vote someone who's flip flopped on every single issue. That's why most aren't going to vote for Hillary Clinton, the candidate who actually has flip flopped on every single issue.

>flip flopped on EVERY single issue?
I changed my opinions on most things after coming to Sup Forums. I can't blame Trump for changing his opinions based on his experiences.

If anything, he's better known for standing firm on issues which he takes a lot of heat for, such as Muslims.

>there's a chance Trump is just a master manipulator and we're all fucked.

you're just now realizing this?

let me ask you, if Trump had a better chance of winning by running as a Democrat, do you think for one fucking second he wouldn't have because of some principles or something?

He absolutely would have run as a democrat if his chances were better.

You're right. A meme and your pissing and moaning has made me a Berniebot or clintoncunt or whoever the fuck the cuck who the left is shilling is

The fact that he is destroying the Republican party and half of what he does is Kaufman-esque satire is literally the entire reason I'm voting for him.

To be fair, you came to Sup Forums when you were 18 and changed all of your opinions sometime around the middle of last week. You can be excused for being an easily manipulated child because you're not very bright, but Trump is a grown man who lacks principles.


Anyone have the Trump gif driving with baron?