>these bantz
These bantz
>These lies
>getting anything done in the senate
pick one and only one
>deeply concerned for working families
>lives a life of luxury inside the stagnant US political system
>Trump doesn't care about working families
Why do they just blatantly lie, someone on her team has to know his policies
Do these Twitter wars actually convince anybody? Everyone who's following either of them is already firmly pro Trump or pro Hillbot.
Delete your posts.
More like Hillary's exact polar opposite, if that's true what Hilly says about her, but then again it's Hilly the shilly
horey shit she's playing the woman card HARD isn't she
Because Trump isn't deeply concerned for working families, right?
Not one soul is genuinely convinced of her tbqh famalams
>do nothing senator who lied about her heritage for better hiring prospects and feigns concern for the poor for their vote
Oh boy, Crooked Hillary at it again with her circlejerk of charlatans.
You and Hillary have something in common
Your both criminals
>deeply concerned for working families
Yeah she's Trump's opposite, since Trump will actually DO something for working people instead of expressing "deep concern"
how long did it take you and your legion of anons to come up with that, and what happened to all those guns you deleted?
I'm sure a lot of people use hillary's tweets to convince friends and family to vote for trump.
Or honest, right?
I know a bunch of American women who are voting for her literally just because vagina, no questions asked
thats all she has
>Hillary, the liar, the indecent, the uncaring advocating for someone.
Gonna have to say she's just hurting Senator Warren.
>honest mentioned first
>from a proven liar about a proven liar
Can't make this shit up
her claim to fame is lying about being native american after checking the 'white' race box on college applications and failing to get accepted that way.
she has accomplished nothing and is only in the spotlight because she is slandering trump with the racism lie. the man has literally said nothing racist.
>concerned for working families
which is why she is supporting one of the most evil individuals to ever disgrace american politics who has a proven track record of destroying lives, flip flopping, actual racism and running smear campaigns against sexual assault/rape victims.
uh huh.
>not using her native name
Dats racist
I'm #MentallyHill now.
Hillary is only concerned for families that aren't whites anyway
Please let this catch on
the only reason she's a democrat is because she heard the party was a big tent and her teepee genes kicked in
I like it.