Why do the Maltese use English as the main medium of instruction in schools and colleges instead of their mother tongue...

Why do the Maltese use English as the main medium of instruction in schools and colleges instead of their mother tongue? Is there any other country in Europe that does this? It seems like something only a third-world ex-colony would do. It seems so un-European.

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They were a British colony so English became popular and taught. It's likely taught today because it's very useful and widely used, I'm not sure why it would be used over Maltese in schools though.

At this rate it is predicted that Malta will undergo language shift to English in a couple more decades.


lots of regions in France used to have their own language too but now speak French. I'm sure there's more in other parts of Europe too.

We still have a bit of hope for Welsh.

Also, while many aboriginal languages in Australia is dying, there is a language called Tiwi spoken by almost all people in the Tiwi islands. I would say that this is the aboriginal language that will last the longest.

Probably. The only connection they really have with the rest of the country is Australian rules football. Beyond that they may as well be a discrete entity compared to Australia.

Interesting place

Maltese and English are both official languages of Malta, both are used in primary and secondary education, Maltese is more used than English in the Parlament, political parties and the Church and barely anyone has English as a mother tongue



Because they have a huge self-hating problem. They're arabs who are huge christian-boos and speak an arabic dialect (even thought they will give their life to negate this). So speaking english is a way that makes them feel less dirty.

Maltese is used in schools where the majority of students are maltese such as primary and secondary schools. In tertiary schools such as universities and colleges english is more widely used because of the more international background of the students.

That's not what I meant. In those places English has already replaced the native language of the country as the mother tongue of the people. In Malta, people's mother tongue is still Maltese, but they prefer using English for business and education.
So you had maths, science textbooks written in Maltese?

Most textbooks were imported from outside of Malta so they were in written in English but the lessons were instructed in Maltese and the exams I remember were also written in Maltese. We have no choice when it comes to business and tertiary education but to use English since Malta is a very small country and we deal with people from all over the world.

We are still mentally colonized.

Croats, bosnian muslims, montenegrins are all using serbian language & macedonians are using vintage serbian.

Southern Sicilians are indeed a good people

how can you study maltese it's a tunisian derja dialect. here derja is not studied neither used in literature

we have some darija and berber (especially berber) schools in melilla. standart arabic is never used.

You mean croatian language

outside of schools standars arabic is never used
also derja refer to a mix of berber arab french italien and turk (based mostly on berber)

>That's not what I meant. In those places English has already replaced the native language of the country as the mother tongue of the people. In Malta, people's mother tongue is still Maltese, but they prefer using English for business and education.
so they're just further down the path you say Malta is on

we call darija the street arabic people speak
and berber is basically an standarized pure invented tamazight WEWUZIANS claim it's theirs
we have a lot of those "not a single drop of arab blood" berberists


Melilla is an african and spanish city. We are africans and local population is berber. We're not "moor'd" because our muslim population is native to this city (that's why they're berberists anti-arabic, they never got moroccane'd) and the rest of us that are christians are also african in majority. It's a complicated thing.

Hmm didn't know about this

ayy yes they are trying to make a standards tamazight similar to standard arebic so we can unite tamazgha from morocco west to libya east from tunisia north to mali and niger south :::

Not even spaniards do. Mřič (Melilla in tarifit) has a local berber population that never got assimilated into none of the arabic countries that started to appear in North Africa. They got inside Spain when the "muslimization" process was still at an early stage among berbers and thus melillan muslims aren't (except moroccan immigrants) too religious and still exists a lot of pagan beliefs and cults mixed with a way more moderated and calm islam. Their identity is also clear, not a single one will consider themselves as arab and react aggressively against them. They consider themselves "rifeños" (a berber geographical region) africans and spaniards. To a lesser extent some christians also consider themselves rifeños and africans but don't get confused, the spanish national sentiment is ultra-strong here.

they are far from being pure berbers
the only pure berbers are in chneni village in tatooine in tunisia literally 100% berber (e-m81) unlike others especially the closer to coast who are mixed and no one can deny it

I understand that for Tunisians, Tounsi or Derja or whatever you call it is the spoken language and not the written language. Writing would always be done in Standard Arabic. Does Tounsi have a proper written form? I mean if you have to write an informal note or chat message/sms can you actually write it the way you would have spoken it? But in Malta, the standardized written form of the spoken language is the spoken language itself. Maltese people write as they speak in Malti and not in the Arabic used in textbooks in Tunisia etc. It looks like this:
Il-Malti huwa lsien li jikkonsisti minn elementi lingwistiċi mħalltin li jirrappreżentaw il-perjodi storiċi differenti li għadda minnhom il-pajjiż fil-passat, passat iddominat minn ħakmiet barranin matul is-sekli.
Can you understand this sentence?

Northern africans got mixed by centuries of strong civilization appearing in the mediterranean and I'm surprised there's even a 100% genetically berber village out there. I just say that they consider themselves pure berber.

Maltese is a mix of Semitic and Sicilian. It evolved from Siculo-Arabic. I don't know what you're trying to say here.

>Why do the Maltese use English as the main medium of instruction in schools and colleges instead of their mother tongue?
We don't

Maltese people look like Arabs, they aren't Europeans

Yeah I figured now. My bad.

WE use latin with numbers i also use latin berber (more letters)

Is Berber your mother tongue?

Just saw a Malta and got excited. My bad I didn't read the thread beforehand.

because the eternal anglo cucked them forbidding italian as their national language. t. carmelo borg pisani

They replaced Italian with English and Maltese as our national language at that time.