>"user, how would you define your political affiliations"
How do you respond?
>"user, how would you define your political affiliations"
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
National socialism, European traditionalism, realpolitik
I dunno, I just shitpost.
I believe in Family and traditions which made our country great once.
I am against the corruption of our youth and our flawed social justice system that is embracing self destructive behavior and notions that dissolve the nucleus of the family
also pic related, never label yourself, always be on the moral highground
I keep it simple and just say Right Wing
Economically left, socially right.
I think politics structurally has the problem of attracting individuals with psychopathic tendencies and eventually has to end in governments that stop representing the bulk of the people. I believe in personal responsibility but think there should be a basic safety net, but autonomy is more important. For that matter I consider the left right paradigm a false dichotomy because problems should be solved on a case to case basis, in relation to what's actually true, not based upon feelings first.
I'm a socialist...of the national variety
>justification of autism, and why I am actually better then neurotypicals
That pic
Zionist. I shitpost on Sup Forums all day to manipulate those dumb fucking Goys to believe what I want them to believe.
i liek trump
>i dunno, I don't follow politics
>now let me suck on dem titties
Leave me the fuck alone
"Well, I consider myself a moderate GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW. How about you my friend?"
white nationalism.
Doesn't matter what form of government we have. We can decide that when we have our own country.
economic-Left, social-Liberal and immigration-Right. Realpolitik.
I wont let one political ideology dictate the way I have to see the world. Different situations need different solutions. Today you may need borders arround your country and tomorrow you may even need more immigration.
Limited franchise republican ethno-nationalist
Peace through power
>I'm for children being raised in an environment better than the one I had, and for the soverignty of my country because I love my american culture. Beyond that I don't take sides.
fucking commies gtfo Sup Forums
I'm a liberal, which means I believe every individual should have as much freedom as possible in living their lives. I value small government and believe the government should only work in the national interest, because the government's job is to run this country, not to engage in personal politics.
So naturally I oppose religion trying to grab power, and idealists trying to make their ideology mandatory for everyone. I also loathe emotional politics. Realistically, everyone who screams and moans about socialism or islam can live their lives however the fuck they want under my system. However, the buck stops at forcing OTHERS to live according to those rules.
Mostly libertarian but I support some minor regulations where absolutely necessary.
>inb4 who will build the roads
I will build the roads you cheeky little cunt.
"I don't really like talking politics." and then proceed to subtly be conservative.
Typically I can sway most people my way because I've already disarmed them at the start. They're not on the defensive because I'm not "the other team", I'm a guy they're actively trying to convert. When I respond negatively to them, it's more of an "I don't know about that".
Gotta be wishy washy.
Anarchist individualist
"Trump is literally Jesus Christ in the flesh."
Well, you know my position is like
Gas the kikes, 1488, etc.
Just because we are having a good laugh about niggers, jews and otherkins, you think we must all be storm fags like you? Think again, Heidi.
Social democrat... Master race
You mad bro?
Im a Christian and I am offended by your comment. Please take it down.
Dark Enlightenment