Illegal Mexican Immigrant Gets Full Ride to UT Austin

Twitter is getting ugly over the care of Mayte Lara, a teenage girl who tweeted about graduating with a 4.5 GPA from Crockett High School in Austin and receiving a full scholarship to the University of Texas—while being an undocumented immigrant.

Granted, it wasn’t the smartest move. But almost immediately after she tweeted about her successes, people began to respond in anger, pointing out that many American citizens are saddled with college debt. ...

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wait what the fuck

if you publicly admit you're undocumented, doesn't the government have every right to find you and catapult you back to taco-ville?

There's a law in Texas called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which prevents Mexican kids and teens from being deported

> Q: When did you move to the U.S., why did you go through the DACA process?
> Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy that allows certain illegal immigrants who entered the country before their 16th birthday and before June 2007 to receive a renewable two-year work permit and exemption from deportation.

I’ve lived in Austin for the last 15 years. I went through the DACA process because it offers help to students like myself. DACA provides me with a permit to work and study here in the United States (therefore it provides a Social Security number). It doesn’t offer a full on residency, but I’m hoping that sooner or later it will open up that path so I can become a permanent resident from the country I was raised in and have lived in my whole life.

You have to go back

1. The main issue here is that she got a full-ride at the expense of actual Americans who are drowning in unprecedented amounts of student loan debt.
2. Why don't you pursue naturalization or becoming an actual citizen?

You have to be a legal resident to become a citizen. Eventually, there may be a law that allows illegal immigrants to become citizens.

> Interviewer: Explain what you’ve gone through since your tweet went viral. What would you want to say to critics? Supporters?
> Ibarra: I plan on becoming a resident and then a citizen at any given opportunity. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Also, a lot of people think that because I used a Mexican flag emoji, I’m not grateful for the opportunities this country has given me. I’m extremely grateful. The only reason I used that emoji was to show that I’m proud of my heritage, and to show that we can do great things. The tweet was also made in like two seconds. It was a tweet. People shouldn’t be taking it to heart. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love this country and the doors it’s opened up for me. I’m not bragging about anything, just highlighting my success. And to my supporters, thank you, thank you, thank you. All the messages and kind words honestly mean the world to me. I’m super grateful for the support I’ve received, it has definitely made things much easier to deal with.

>nice legs
completely irrelevant you cunt

>4.5 gpa
how the hell does that work

No one wants to do it because it will make them look like an ass. Why do you think Trump is losing the Hispanic vote badly.

>eventually there may be a law that allows illegal immigrants to become citizens
You wish

Some American classes are "harder" and they are given 5.0 points instead of 4.0 points.

If you take one 4.0 class and one 5.0 class, then your average is 4.5

>Losing the vote of people that can't vote anyway

There are a lot of liberals that stand by them.

Trump has about 40% of the hispanic vote. I'd hardly call that "losing badly"

>Why don't you pursue naturalization or becoming an actual citizen?
Why bother when you get more things by being illegal. I guess crime really does pay and it seems to pay really well.

>1. The main issue here is that she got a full-ride at the expense of actual Americans who are drowning in unprecedented amounts of student loan debt.

Then the residents of the state of texas can petition to have that law removed from their books, or can elect state congressmen who pledge to nullify that law.

There is no real reason for anyone outside of texas to be too upset about this in financial terms, except maybe an out of state student who would qualify for a full ride to UT, but had their slot taken by this person. Still, if they qualified for a full ride to UT, they probably have other options.

What does this university's decision have to do with Texas law? Texas law says illegal immigrants in Texas qualify for in-state tuition. It says nothing about full rides.

>GPA of 4.5

What the fuck? Did she get a bunch of "extra credit" for a shoebox filled with "Participated" ribbons?

It's modern American highschool user. In the south. All you have to do is show up for most of the week and you already have a 3.0 without even picking up a pencil.

listen burgers i love you but faggots are the biggest cucks in denial and if you dont watch out now they will ruin your nation within the next 4 years just like Europe

this is the last chance to revert. another four years of bullshit and there will no one to rebuilt old america again

Oh America is already fucked. Trump shutting down the borders will only buy us a few years to get our collective shit together. They're already here and the government numbers are no where near accurate. Even in the midwest whole cities are overrun with them.

Our best bet is to cut our losses and hold on to a few states.

what frightens me about you is your youth

they have a bigger white complex than euros (in some cases) and you faggots have been far too isolated to see the shit your merkel 2.0 is going to import if Trump loses

also the whole shtick about giving up your rights/open borders/shitting on your beautiful constitution along with all the commie marxist bullshit is scary

>implying anything she said was relevant
Women are literally all attention whores

>liberals voting republican

It's terrifying. Sup Forums doesn't seem to understand that even a Trump victory would just mean potentially 8 years to work on a plan to save a few white states.

White babies are already in the minority right now and we aren't going to start having large families anytime soon, Trump will have to deport the tens of millions of illegals, which is probably an underestimate and cut welfare to give white families a fighting chance. It's just not going to happen.

The future is looking bleak and it's looking like our only home is 8 years of Trump to slow things down enough that we can throw all of our energy into white nationalism and get something like the Northwest Front strong enough to give whites a fighting chance.

If someone says their GPA is >4 it means they went to a meme school and can be ignored


So you either pay your back tax, or you get the fuck out. Simple.

This. Went to hs in south. I never did a single homework assignment, took a few ap classes, NEVER studied, and got a near 3.5 gpa. I'm not saying I'm smart, I'm saying no white kids in the south take high school seriously.

In a high school of her size, you have 50 try hards to compete with. There's very little to study, most subject matter is painfully basic and even 1 hour a day of study makes you near valedictorian levels.

Most of your grades come from having to finish 2,000 worksheets you get for 'homework'. Also countless project posters which you ONLY get an A on if you decorate it well and it looks girly.

I'm impressed she's valedictorian, she put in a lot of time doing bullshit work. She'll make a great bitchy office manager that thinks rules like coming in on time and dressing nicely are critical to company success, and she'll let you know everyday.

It means their school offers AP courses which are weighted 1 point

30 percent of her school is proficient in English. less than 10 percent is proficient in math.

Women ruin Company cohesion so fast and so hard i fucking hate Office cunts hr is a special kind of cancer within the Company itself

LOL. She went to the shittiest high school ever!!

89% minority enrollment! 21% college readiness! Oh for fucks sake, can they even let us know she went to a school for retards?

Only if the school chooses to weight them differently, which most don't

UT Autism

1)theyre giving out full scholarships for 4.5 GPAs now. I'm sure her ethnicity had nothing to do with that. Gets full scholarship for being mexican. complains about unfair treatment of mexicans

2) I'm pretty sure all you need to do is recite your ABCs to be valedictorian in that school.

3)I'm pretty sure I went through more racial abuse than her but she gets rewarded for being hispanic

What the fuck? How did this happen? Aren't you required to show your citizenship papers for your universities when enrolling?

Most legal Hispanics are closet Trump supporters though

>4.5 GPA
Bet she's got better grades than 99% of Sup Forums I say let her stay she's a hard worker. I mean its not such a bad idea to keep intelligent immigrants.

So she took a scholorship or grant from a legal person and is proud of that? It's not like we lack deserving students. She also displaced resources in grade school.
. on a side note 4.5 gpa.s are retarded. That's basically like saying you got a 110% right.

Where are the noods?

How will he lose the vote of people who can't vote?



The curriculum is standardized either way, she also had to pass the same standardized testing as the rest of texas. Add to that, her SAT / ACT scores to match. They don't only look at GPA you know.

You're a scumbag leech, fuck off.

>recieved free ride education
>intends to further demonstrate the necessity of strict immigration laws
Now let the cunt tell us how all about how she intends to hemorrhage USDs to her family in their thirdworld shit hole, thus further diminishing the US economy.
I mean, good for her, she can read a book and turn in homework... but then why not stay in your shithole and go to THEIR collages, help YOUR people, and betterYOUR homeland?
Oh, I know why, because like any non-symbiotic parasitie you're happy enough to feed yourself at the expense of your host.
She needs to be first in line on the day of the rope.

I bet you're fun a parties.

>I'm proud of my heritage
Then get your spic-ass on back to Mexico and try to make something of it instead of shitting it up in the US?

>Anyone who knows me knows how much I love this country and the doors it’s opened up for me.
i bet you fucking do, the legitimate people that missed out because your illegal ass stole it, not so much

>liberals leaving home to vote

Wtf is the bullshit I'm a citizen and I don't qualify for in state tuition anywhere because I grew up abroad.

How the fuck does this spic get a full ride at UT when I lived in NY for ten years, got a 2000 SAT with my shitty local education and a 4.0 GPA and don't qualify for shit in NY?

Send the narcissistic bitch away

You realize far more white people are welfare than hispanics.

Also, go to any midwest town, you'll see the hispanics at work, and the white trash an niggers laying back on welfare. Because of welfare, is why we have illegals in the first place. Its more profitable to stay unemployed and pop out babies than it is to actually work.

And Trump has said nothing about welfare reform. You don't need a wall to stop illegals, you need to abolish welfare and minimum wages.

Its not a race issue, its an economic issue.

>Hey it's okay that me and my family downright stole from your countries tax system, knowingly and literally rode on the backs of legitimate tax paying citizens in order to get a free education, despite millions of other citizen US students drowning in loans debt, and did this for decades
>because i'm totes smart and attractive
Trump can't kick her out fast enough

Because there are still more americans than mexicans in the states? Because it's hard to get welfare if you're illegal? Because they have like 30 kids who deal drugs etc?

>i don't qualify for instate tution
> I lived in NY for ten years
You're lying or you're an idiot, if you live in NY for more than 12 months most schools let you qualify for in state tuition.

>You realize far more white people are welfare than hispanics.


>Also, go to any midwest town, you'll see the hispanics at work, and the white trash an niggers laying back on welfare.

Every midwestern town I've seen has hard working white people all paying taxes, while spics share housing and get benefits, whilst not paying anywhere near the same as whites do. One example being free schooling.

The reason we have spics is so business owners can pay spics less money than they would have to pay to whites. They can pay spics less because they don't play fair. They don't play the game like whites do. They don't have to help pay as much in taxes as whites do.

The whole system is stacked against white families.

We've had welfare for a long time. We've only had massive spic immigration to all the states in the past few decades.

I applied for in state and got denied because I had to do at least one year of HS there, despite having lived there for almost half my life.

>abolish minimum wage

>stole from the tax system
Except Texas has no income tax, and they paid sales tax on anything they bought which in texas can be up to 9%, when they paid rent, they helped the landlord pay property tax. UT is a state school funded by those tax dollars which they contributed to..

So tell me again how they rode on the tax payers back?

Well at least you have to contribute to society to keep renewing.

How the fuck you get to UT while undocumented?

This article doesn't even go into things like emergency room care which spics use for everything from a broken bone to a nosebleed.

Go to any spic infested town and the emergency room is literally unusable because of these leeches.

Also you have to live in NY immediately before registering for college (but not less than 12 months before ) if you didn't do a year of HS there.

not more profitable, just easier

>business owners can pay spics less money

They'd pay white people less money too if they could, so you proved my point. its an economic problem not a racial one. white / black / yellow whatever color you skin, the only color that matters is green.

We know already. We've had like ten threads about this.

>implying liberals aren't either high on election day and forgetting to vote or ran out of gas for their car and can't drive to the poling place

If this doesn't convince you to vote for trump, then I don't know what will

Fuck it I'm voting for Trump illegals can get fucked.

What a well thought-out and deflecting statement!


That whore's legs aren't even nice, she's like 4'11.
>Also, go to any midwest town, you'll see the hispanics at work, and the white trash an niggers laying back on welfare.

Hurr durr, you see more hispanics at work. I'm sick & tired of spics bragging about how much they work when they fucking work for peanuts doing shit jobs that anyone could do. Work smarter, not harder.

>that flag

Can you vote in America?

full ride is only tuition. there's housing and books and other costs she will most likely have to pay herself. I doubt she'll be able to afford it, honestly.

>mexican intellectuals

There is nothing wrong with Megadeth.

She went to a very low achieving school, so it is not impressive in the least. Plus she is some kind of vegan freak and I'm sorry but have you ever known an intelligent vegan? The lack of protein makes them retarded, and therefore even more militantly vegan.

Source: her Instagram before she closed it. Basically nothing but thousands of pics of her vegan meals and daily hauls from Whole Foods. Whole Foods ain't cheap. Where does that money come fom?

Some really unbiased sourcing right there.
What the article doesn't cite is the economic benefits they bring too. They buy goods and services, which again are taxible, the companies they work for also pay corporate taxes. You are right about ER doctors, but thats a whole other matter about the state of healthcare in general in the us. Its force people into making the ER their primary care (whites as well)

can i get a pic of these legs plz?

It is a racial issue. Not only are they a drain on our economy, they're committing white genocide across the country. Entire towns with hundreds of years of culture and family businesses are run out and whites move elsewhere, losing their homelands.

This problem is a lot bigger than companies not paying enough in wages.


Then deport her family.

So, she used legal channels to stay in the country? And actually has documents permitting her to stay in the country?

I don't see the outrage.

Yes, I should have used politicfact or some report from a democrat. My bad.

>They buy goods and services

You think they buy enough tv's to offset $15,000 in deficit? One emergency room visit and that would completely blow them out even if they got close to that.

The solution to this is to punish the (mostly white) shitlibs and capitalists who enable these roaches as hard as the law possibly allows you to. We sadly don't have the political will as a country to send these Mexirats squeaking back to Mexico but we can sure as fuck make white traitors afraid to come within 50 yards of one.

The problem isn't whether she's smart or not, it's that she's so brazen and proud about being an illegal, to the point where it's just a huge middle finger to America.

Fuck you. You have to go back, you do not belong here. You're not welcome here.

see Here I am in my 30s and still cant afford $20k for CC.

If the guy who went to school with her who was posting last night is credible, she was just one of those cunts who cheated the fuck out of everything with strategic absences and "bathroom" trips, which is believable to me because I can remember tons of these exact kind of people from school and they were 90% immigrant cunts.

Should have ratted on them back then.

She's literally following the law in Texas.

Your case financial situation has very little to do with her legal status.

Fed tax.....
How's your moms basement?

I live in the midwest, the white flight you talk about is because of labor costs are too high to support the old manufacturing infrastructure. Plants close, so jobs are replaced by service jobs. And in areas where manufacturing remains, a lot of it is in jobs whites don't want.

I spent 2 weeks in Storm Lake Iowa, at 2 Tyson plants, the employees there are primarily Hispanic and Laotian. This is in the MIDDLE OF IOWA. It shouldn't get any whiter than that right? but tyson had a shortage of workers, apparently not many kids dream of gutting chickens and hogs for a living. So Tyson actively recruited immigrant workers, so now the towns demographics have radically changed.

So is it the immigrants fault that nobody was willing to do these jobs? This is no different than the railroad or factory jobs done by immigrants 100 years ago.

You guys do realize that most of the same arguments you use now, were used against the irish over 100 years ago. We seemed to have survived just fine.

Too much Mexican presen in Texas, and Austin is a sick culture of drugs and liberal ideas. Also this girl is Joe the plumber of 2016

Yeah i'm sure she cheated on her SAT and ACT too right?

>stealing free college

wait till the bernouts hear about this guys

lol fucking unskilled labor

>"B-but illegals do all the jobs Americans don't want to do!"

Such bullshit, every job they've stolen could be replaced by an American immediately

I live in Chicago.
The more brown an area gets, more crime is brought.
White people are continuosly being pushed to the suburbs.
And not because of jobs, jobs are plenty here.
Are completely different from

People were not leaving places cause of the Irish.

Does one of these exist for Texas?

You don't know much abous modern US high schools, huh?
If you are from a poor school and are not white, they inflate your scores.

>Irish are just as non white as mexican shit skins
>i am not desperate