We post things that trigger Sup Forums
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Racism is bad unless it's against white people, right guys?
Also, kindly stop using that Tumblr newspeak around here.
ledt and right picture is the same face she pulls, that is actually quite impressive.
I'm getting a reverse psychology vibe from that picture.
>Tehehe! You're going to have to chase me, silly boys!
>all racism blows
>its still fun to troll stormfags
Fuck off, says Stalin, great man and great leader
Posts that trigger the shills edition
The nose knows
bleached is exactly the same amount of shill as blacked
Aye, niggers are for exterminating, not interbreeding
This is the most triggering thing for Sup Forumstards
Filthy coal burning whore. Shell end up a single mom after Jamal bails on her or ends up in prison.
Shell end up sitting out another mulatto kid from another nigger. No one will want her, she will be 35 and realize that teamwhiteboys have jobs and take care of their women and children. She will be loose, broke and will be in deep depression from the black cock carousel she rode through her 20's
Lies stated as fact, yes.
I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that he looks impossibly gay or that he also looks like a mouth breathing retard.
Would you like some AIDS with that?
Communism has never been tried
why is it always redheads that are with black guys 90% of the time?
Oy vey! But it is what I an my fellow Jewish masterminds are doing to you! We has controlled your Goyim world with our medias, banks, and stock markets and universities. I will now make your white daughter to become cuck for big black cock in next video you know you are going to watch while claiming it is only research for next posting on Sup Forums, ve.
I'm indeed rulings the world
This is not Sup Forums. Who cares about this midget whore
Works two ways white bitch.
Honestly, as much as I love being white, I think our women are worse than the (((jews))).
I'd rather dilute/whitewash some ethnic race and get with a cute black or asian, or even better blasian (seriously, 'Amerie' that girl who sang that song 'one thing that got me trippin' has music videos that beat porn for me as a teenager).
White girls are all lefty feminazi cunts anyway...
I'm not sticking around them just to ear how I'm bad and avil and 'just want one thing' just because I was born with a dick. Fuck those cunts.
>why is it always redheads that are with black guys
90% of the time?
Where there is fire, there is burnt out matter left behind
>he doesn't practice his selfie blue steel
Go away grandpa
>cell service
Why bother?
she has to not be completely busted for me to actually potentially feel anything
when girls do this kind of stuff, its because they cant get laid as much as they want
Hope you enjoy the beatings then
Dude, like how many people on Earth have AIDS? fucking white fags have it at a higher rate than anyone, asshole.
And anyone who would not admit that there are some black bitches out there that are fuckable is a fucking faggot himself
Here how it happened :
>Goes after the high school jocks
>Get pumped and dumped
>Ignore regular guys because high standart
>Silverback niggers give her attention
>Get pimped and dumped
>but get more like from her whore friends on facebook
Waste of biological matter desu
I don't care about Cole Berner.
I just don't want her anywhere near me. Ever.
Also, her coffee colored child -- in the off chance that she bears one -- will die of nerve gas overdose 60 years before his life expectancy at birth.
fucking nigger women are so ugly and disgusting. How pathetic can someone be to unironically shill for them? Only sjw's shill for nigger women because everyone else realizes how disgusting they are.
Oh dear oh dear...
2/10, made me reply
>no explicit language
whats this supposed to mean?
>Where there is fire, there is burnt out matter left behind
Maybe you are on to something, they need to feed that fire with some coal.
I really still don't get it. Every time I see a raced mixed couple, in real life, 90% of the time its a red head with a black guy. Its really strange. Does something about being a redhead make you want to fuck black guys? I point this out to my wife and see shes it also. its pretty damn funny. She cant explain it either.
When I see a white guy with a red head i just laugh, knowing he is a cuck, and that she is most likely fucking a black guy behind his back.
I can't be that mad. I honestly thought she was midget with downs syndrome when I saw the thumbnail.
I am just as triggered by this as I would be if the races were switched.
she looks busted up bruh, you can have her
someone should re-make this for Sup Forums and facts
So "the jews" created my little pony to destroy white countries or what?
If this is true, whites are fucking weak and jews should rule the world.
Black guys hate girls/gay guys like this anyway. Everyone just pump and dumps them.
When you base your entire self worth over other people's opinions on you, you're not of much interest to anyone.
All these girls and gay guys who are into getting used have horrible self esteems.
Lmao, OP's thread backfired and now he's gone all out by posting interracial porn
Reported. Enjoy your ban
Saged, also
>even whores don't wanna fuck niggers
they can have her, ugly and probably deserves the choking and beating she gets.
That's why women like this like fucking animals, the rape fantasy.
as a person who wears a mask myself, I can tell you she's just as empty inside.
Because majority of white men treat us as if we are disgusting. That's why at least I had the decency to marry an east Asian man. I would never have so little respect for myself to stoop to dating a black man.
Don't say that you want to fuck them, just in case their phone is tapped or something. You're also only paying the escort for their "time".
This backpage is from my city. Neat.
Also, the no black men thing has a lot to do with them being independent and not wanting to get fucking robbed.
shill detected and successfully triggered
we can do this all day faggot
Implying that ugly fattie could trigger anything at all
>posting police hooker ads
no black men because they are usually NO SHOWS. hard to justify wasting tax payer money to arrest horny men if no one shows up. plus with white guys you have the added benefit of them being some sort of professional, so that makes the bust even sweeter.
I know pol is dumb, but goddamn, come on.
It means no explicitly saying that they're exchanging money for sex.
Because lawyers.
>fiji islands
nigger detected. You arent fooling anyone.
I'm fascinated by the redhead female black male thing. I see it all the fucking time. My neighbors daughter, who has two brothers, who are all redheads, has been dating a black guy/s since she was young. Not sure if its the same one or not.
>police hooker ads
You'd be surprised how many of those are legit.
I respond to backpage ads fairly often, because I run a hotel and when I see one where they're taking pictures in one of my rooms I call them up, pretend to be a John, and then toss them out.
Hookers bring pimps who bring drugs who bring addicts who bring homeless and then your TripAdvisor goes to hell and after that you can't recover.
experience : dealt with prostitutes as security guard at motels, befriended a few (never fucked them, you really don't want too) as well as knew a friend who's sister was a prostitute
when they do not fuck black guys, it's because their pimp is a black guy.
They don't want their girls fucking other black guys.
I know it's weird but that's the truth, so when you see
"No black guys" it's cuz their pimp is black and won't allow it
Delete your country
I know this is bait but why would you ruin the genes of your children by pissing them away? There are so few fucking redheads you can't really just do that.
she is ugly as fuck.
>Only white woman
This hair LOL
kill yourself
Jesus Christ..... what are those people?
>soft skin
Is this not all women?
Yeah bc law enforcement would rather arrest a white guy then a black guy?
>proving hes mad that better looking men than him would choose an average sheboon over a nordic whore
>canacuck thinks his opinion matters
>"only white women"
kek as if any white woman who isnt rosie odonnell with down syndrome would want to be within a 5 meter radius of a below average reject like you
I'm more of a latino or asian fan anyway.
The result of this is the same as a BM/WF relationship. Their spawn will have no White features, but will instead look like the ugly monotoned monkeys you see here in India.
>tfw you stump black genes.
What's AI/AN? I know A/PI is Asian/Pacific Islander but i'm not sure about the other one.
English blokes BTFO
lmao how butthurt do you have to be to make this image? i just can imagine some fat neckbeard in his basement copy and pasting his racist rant while his highschool crush gets fucked by some 6 foot black football player. LMAO STAY KEKED BETAS
lmao i like how this thread started with posts that would trigger Sup Forums But everyone just immediately started posting the opposite because no one here can take MUH white people being made fun of for more than 2 seconds. Real thick skin you got here guys. nice safe space youve set up for yourself
>womin make us pussies cause we rapist and animals
>get with 3rd world country monkey cause we pussies
lol what a faggot. this is where anti-bullying got us, eh?
unrelated but does anyone have the wood pill?
only blacks will fuck this gremlin anyway.
She will soon be team unwed mother, and then team welfare mom.
>that face
they can have her
punavihreä detected
why are these people not banished to africa? it would be a win-win situation for us and the nigs