>buying cuck Lego instead glorious slav Cobi
Buying cuck Lego instead glorious slav Cobi
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need to compare quality but those ar and aks look neet
also compatible with other brands
Why does the lego policeman run after the criminal with a megaphone?
never forget.
dog bless the swat team
Based Poland strikes again
it's a policeman from uk.
Criminal is a nigger
Notice how the Lego is depicted as race neutral or singular race, while cobi has white police and brown skinned criminals.
BASED Poland
>gigantic black guy
more polish cuck fantasy
Doesn't Poland also sell lego-like ww2 toys?
to give him a stern telling off.
>nigger criminal
you fucking asshole i just spent 20 minutes trying to find that model on amazon when suddenly i find it and there is no giganigga
Fuck is that real?
>suspected criminal is black
>cops are white
>note the handcuffs+black dildo in legocop's van
because you have a nigger president, fucking cuck.
>putting race/politics in toys
absolutely disgusting
I hate how lego now makes flesh and brown minifigures instead of just yellow ones
der unterbewertet post.
>fucking four pictures to show off the concept of a fucking hinge
i dont even
thats a flashlight you fucking irish nigger go stick another potato up your arse you guinness sipping donkey fucking wanker
Holy shit I need one of these
How is this legal
>dat swole negro figure
That's pretty funny.
Flesh colored figures are only in licensed themes. Most licensed themes are based off of real, human characters so it makes sense they'd make their inspirations skin tone.
Even before switching to flesh colored skin, Lego made black minifigures. Take Lando Calrissian in the 10123 Cloud City set as an example.
nigga moving parts are the most important features for any toys
Europe Simulator 2016
fuck i found it on the UK version of amazon only
We are a free country user :^)
>sending an entire Swat team against one nigger
What the hell could he commit?
>America, land of the free
>wants to restrict international commerce because of his widdle feels-feels
pick one fagget
Yes LEGO should add more diversity in their shit
He was evolving into a giganigga
He stole our chicken tendies
bcuz guns r bayyyd
10 years ago Cobi was shitty but now quality is pretty solid
Funny as hell.
memes are real
somebody post the pic with dead soldier and refugees
Holy shit, It's a good thing these weren't around when I was young, my family would have had me committed.
Remember when Lego designed black minifigures and they looked like stereotypical black caricatures?
>fake Soviet and Polish flag
shit nigga I don't know
>a fucking leaf defending cuckbricks
>that liberator face
not wanting the one that says SIEGFRIED
Committed the crime of being a nigger.
Did you get this from the recent 'Manifest Destiny' podcast on radio.therightstuff.biz? Skyrim btfo.
It comes with chocolate?
the box says so
no,the in game code give you a chocolate for your tank crew
Just because there's choking hazard warning, doesn't mean it comes with kinder egg.
Holy shit, that machine gunners face. He looks so happy
LEGO Technic >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
nigguh knows how to heil
I think i have that Lego set somewhere.
This set was designed in the sixties before Denmark had a single black person living in the country.
Holy shit I wish I had kids
> Dis? Nein, not ammo, sausages.
Bonkles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Technic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
It was a wot reference ;)
27.94 €
Seems kinda steep for LEGO knockoff.
>set w/ black being useful
DROPPED (unless a pole can confirm that he is actually stealing that girder)
At my local dollar store
That's a loudspeaker, mate.
I remember my Harry Potter legos all having yellow skin colour.
muh stack webm related + 3 biggest sets that wouldn't fit in there
>had this one as a kid
>too young to understand it properly
Now that I'm a grown man, I find that I actually want to play with Lego Technic. When I was a kid, it was basically just my dad building cool shit for me, and me being a spoiled brat.
Are... are we witnessing the Real, 100% Sup Forums approved toys?
What a day to be on Sup Forums
>black man is fucking huge as shit and manly
>portraying whites as mean masked anonymous oppressors
>portraying black man as oppressed sexy badboy with a confident facial expression
>having black men at all in your fucking lego bootleg toys
wow i never thought slavs would be this cucked, do you want girls to fantasize about black badboys? do you want boys to think it's ok to have niggers live amongst us, normalize diversity? europeans shouldn't even know what a black person looks like until the age of 12
way to go poland
Yes you are. Mexico
Titanic, comes with (((Iceberg)))
Where is the space program set?
>tfw my dad bought me a technic car and hogged the entire thing after I opened the box, putting it together on his own
Do legos even have black guys? They're all yellow right? Anyway, fuck you Poland and your knock off nigger shit.
We're just aware niggers are criminals, Mehmet.
Don't project your fetish onto us.
>Where is the space program set?
Yes where is it?
in poland, "bad boys" are just that, garbage. its only the cucked west who have girly men unable to please their women, so the women have to fantacize about fucking chimps in tank tops and tatoos
if you wish to have a sufficient variety of parts to be able to build anything you desire, get ready to shell out some 2000 EUR when starting from scratch
Stop being such a pussy. Being a dad means exactly that. You destroyed your mom's vagina, and sucked money out of your parents for years. Let him have some fun.
>tags - mindbreak
heil cobi
I'm obviously going to do the same to my kids though. The cycle of life must go on.
>pushing diversity even in the most basic construction site set
sorry cuck boi but it looks like poland is on its way to become a very tolerant and diverse society, finally !
yeah why do you think that happened tyrone? propaganda, long, slow brain washing of the masses by the kikes pushing this kinda shit in all the medias, niggers in your bootleg legos is just that
at least it isn't NTR
ReaRead that as, "block Reich"
Movie/cartoon/game based sets have black minifigs.
I dont think regular sets have them. Or atleast i cant remember any.
>that sun
only if you enjoy playing with dolls
My uncle works in construction, he says they get the nigger to do all the hard labour stuff that nobody likes doing while everyone else just sits around and drinks beer and when he's finished they get back to work.