Leafs officially goatfuckers

Inb4 muslim immigration to Canada increases tenfold.

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Loli will be soon.

I've already had sex with animals though. So it's good that it's now legal, but I've been enjoying animal sex for many years now.

>no penetration
Its fucking nothing then

thats hot

Its the opposite the law is made so dogs and horse can fuck women and queers, but men cant fuck any animal

>no penetration

then what the fuck do they mean by "sex acts"?

If you dont cum on your dog, the enemy wins. Dont call it barbaric either. im serious goys

>Its fucking nothing then
I see what you did there

We're going to really need a second wall on the north to keep Mudslimes and degenerates out.


literally all you need is dogs & maybe horses
there is literally nothing else fuck worthy
i mean maybe a zebra but whos got time to find a zebra

jacking off a horse to get its semen

stimulating a female cow to inseminate it

Donkey shows coming to Canada?


>dog files for rape

Licking and sucking.



As that before or after you created a tumblr account and voted for Trudeau

It's like we are going backwards.

Time to move to Canada

Later drumpfkins

So those african firefighters now can legally copulate with leafs? Maybe they will stop their strike now.

Really makes me think...

>Inb4 muslim immigration to Canada increases tenfold.
So that's why they did it.. I see, I see.

Cant the canadian parliament overturn their supreme court opinions?

Hey man just because we've shown that we do the exact thing that we said we wouldn't do doesn't mean we'll go and do it again this time. You bigot using reason and my own words you racist.


Absolute degeneracy. I feel sick thinking about all those mindless progressive drones, with smiles glued to their faces 24/7. SAD!

could a human and cow/dog produce viable offspring?

Canada can get fucked by beasts while here a drawing can send you behind bars


This law is sexist


>no penetration
what? how do I sex without penetration?

Yeah, now we can legally have sex with blacks.


It's pretty much legal in all the gray states, although the prosecution could try to get an animal abuse charge if they cared.

I always thought beastiality laws are strange.

So, animals are not afforded the rights of a person, we can kill and eat them, or force them to do things there may not want to do. So we can infer that legally they are property. But why then is the line drawn at fucking them? We can fuck any other property. It just seems so inconsistent

Animals can feel pain.

Slaughtering them (in a painless way and not the shit that gooks or muzzies do) produces something of value (meat), while fucking them produces nothing of value.


>no penetration involved

So what if you fuck a horse? You're not going to tell me that the vet stuffing his entire arm up there is OK, while doing the same with your dick is cruelty.

it's not exactly healthy behavior


Why would anyone expect anything less from a bunch of maple niggers who gave an award to a book about a woman fucking a literal bear, and also bought it in droves.

Well, no, but it's not really animal cruelty, either.

Just wondering about the inconsistency in their law.

Possibly fear that some STDs other animals have could jump to humans. When I was in school they taught us that that's exactly how AIDS came to be, some niggers fucked a chimp and caught it, then passed it around. Might be they teach something else today, might be that wasn't how it really started, doesn't matter. The concept's been put in people's minds so decisions will be made based on that.

>Animals can feel pain
they can also feel pleasure

This. When I masturbate my mare to orgasm, it feels like the opposite of a crime.

you are a true gentleman

D'aww, thanks Germany

Inter species marriage incoming

People are going to use their dogs to embezzle money through alimony.

its like a puffy exclamation poin


>Furry slips the slope faster than loli.
This of evidence that there is no God.

my sides

>slippery slope argument literally being proven right in real time

I'm sure it's evidence that there is a god

you can get dick cancer from that

i will immigrate in canada within 2 years so i can legally fugg the buni.

>Circumcision seems to also play a role in the development of penile cancer, with males who have been circumcised seeing penile cancer rates near zero.

Maybe he can get dick cancer from that, but I can't

If fucking animals gave you dick cancer, I'd be a walking wall of tumors

What is wrong with you?

What went wrong in your life that you fuck animals?


i've lost all respects for canucks. When i grew up i thought of canadians as hearty, strong, pioneer types and tough as nails hockey players. Now it's a surreal faggoty fag world full of greedy shitskins. If trump doesn't win we will be there right with them

Absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Your butthurt feelings over the subject mean nothing.

This is no different than when someone says "ugh you play video games? Where did your life go so wrong?"

So its illegal to deny the holocaust, but you can fuck a goat.

Nice work Canada.

im so sorry for my country. its beyond embarrassing at this point.

And to think there was a time when I thought the left weren't cartoonish pantomime villains, just doing whatever they could to degrade western civilization.

I mean seriously, why? I'm not talking decency, I'm not talking about upholding basic standards of human behavior-- if you look at what the left usually stands for, it doesn't compute. They usually like to claim they stand for, first and foremost, kind treatment of all people/creatures/things, right? If there's something they have the authority to ban that might end up causing pain for no discernible higher purpose, you'd think that they'd want to, right?

I mean, for all the the outrage over it, Salon's coverage of pedophilia has at least followed from my understanding of their point of view. If someone is born with a monster's proclivity, it follows from their reasoning that that person is an object of pity. I at least comprehend it-- it's not like they're saying that child sex should be legalized.

But with this, they're saying that allowing potential cruelty to animals is better than denying the desires of people who want to fuck them.

Did they give any kind of reasoning for this shit?

Is this another ISLAMOPHOBIA thing, where they start promoting shit that makes absolutely no sense and destroying all credibility they ever had as anything more than a cult-like tribal affiliation?


>Did they give any kind of reasoning for this shit?
Sex acts with animals are legal in Canada, so long as there is no penetration involved, according to a surprise ruling issued by the Supreme Court.

The determination stemmed from a case involving a British Columbia man convicted of 13 counts sexually assaulting his stepdaughters - including one count of bestiality. But the man, identified only as "DLW", was acquitted of the bestiality count with the new ruling.

DLW's attorneys argued that bestiality linked to "buggery" - or sodomy - with animals beginning with an 1892 criminal code. Bestiality was first used in a 1955 code, but still was not defined to encompass every sex act with animals.

"Although bestiality was often subsumed in terms such as sodomy or buggery, penetration was the essence - 'the defining act' - of the offence," the court said.

Thus, the court ruled by a 7–1 majority that bestiality required penetration.

“There is no hint in any of the parliamentary record that any substantive change to the elements of the offence of bestiality was intended,” the ruling reads.

According to court record DLW smeared peanut butter on the genitals of his victims and had the family dog lick it off while he videotaped the act.

Court documents disclose that DLW attempted to have the dog perform intercourse on the stepdaughter, but that ultimately failed.

DLW is serving a 16 year prison sentence. He brought the bestitality conviction to the court on appeal.

Justice Rosalie Abella was the lone dissenter, and had suggested that the court deny the appeal.

“Acts with animals that have a sexual purpose are inherently exploitative whether or not penetration occurs,” she wrote.

Representatives for Animal Justice, who brought the case to the Supreme Court, said the ruling should encourage Parliament to act on changing "outdated" laws that fail to protect the country's animals.

"As of today, Canadian law gives animal abusers license to use animals for their own sexual gratification," executive director of Animal Justice Camille Labchuk told The Independent via emailed statement. "This is completely unacceptable, contrary to societal expectations, and cannot be allowed to continue."
Animal Justice implored Parliament to pass the Modernizing Animal Protections Act.

"This much-needed bill updates the animal offences in the Criminal Code," Ms Labchuk added, "and closes this dangerous loophole to make it crystal clear that all forms of sexual activity between a person and an animal are unacceptable."

after bestiality rights, the only sexual liberation fight left is pedophile right(which is also necessary to make a more muslim accepting culture)

>pedophile right
already happening in germany

Tell me your fucking trolling
If you're that desperate to get laid just get a fucking escort

There is God. And he hate Canada.

>as long as there is no penetration involved

Wat? Are they just legalizing oral with animals?

It's gross but I can't morally fault you for that. What I can morally fault you for is poor husbandry. It's the same as someone who locks their dog in a crate for 22 hours per day, or keeps them in a dark basement with nothing to keep them occupied. It could easily be considered the same as someone who beats their pet or feeds them a diet they can't survive on.

Now that example case is kind of weird and makes the decision make more sense, but it's still way too inclusive.

It seems kind of like they didn't want the girls to have to live with the idea that they were forced into bestiality. Maybe they can make a case for not applying that label when it's forced on you, but rubbing your dick on a dog's butt should still be bestiality even if it doesn't go in, as should having them lick your cunt.

Kind of reads like they may classify it as generic animal abuse.

Next stop, pedophilia. Hop to it leafs.

t. mohammad abdul

>no penetration

What's the point? It's not like you can impregnate them.

say what now?

>Slippery slope, they said.

>Never gonna happen, they said.

What kinda school did you go to? It started from people eating ape bushmeat.


Go suck off a horse.
It's legal now.

any canadian businessmen tried to open an animal brothel at the american-canadian border yet?

Legalizing gay marriage will be good for society they said...

It won't lead us down a slippery slope they said...

comparing legalized homosexuality to legalized beastuality and pedophilia is crazy! they said...


and I though I live in a third world shithole my entire life

Wew lad, Alaska invasion when?

>no letting your pets lick your genitals and anus

What are you some kind of faggot.