Ramadan is the holy holiday of the most based religion in the world. Why aren't you fasting Sup Forums?

Ramadan is the holy holiday of the most based religion in the world. Why aren't you fasting Sup Forums?

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eating nothing all day and then stuffing yourself till puking only to repeat the other day is not fasting.

Jesus said that it what comes out of a man's mouth not what goes in

This, in case you're a fat slob you could even sleep during the day and eat during nighttime, is that fasting too?

Yes, that's exactly what intermittend fasting is

Because I don't live in England.



>falling for the intermittent fasting meme

The most based religion of killing anybody who doesn't practice said religion.
Oh boy do I just love the human race!

Moslems aren't fasting either. If you work the night shift there isn't even any difference in your life.

If you don't eat anything for one hour, it means you fasted one hour.

I guess it's very complicated.

>most based religion in the world
>Is not Greco- Roman Polytheism

Wew lad

I'll make sure to eat as much bacon as possible

daily reminder that all muslims will go to hell since they eat pork everyday and they don't know it

now you know it

become vegan

All I need is water to survive.
I filter feed the rest of my nutrients through the internet.


because this bacon sandwich and beer won't eat and drink itself...

Jesus Christ > Muhammad

>Greco- Roman Polytheism
Now thats edgy!

the most based religion is the one where you make your government and govern yourself, and not let some fuck in some far away land that lived centuries ago dictate how what you should and shouldn't do

r9k has year round ramadan

>Based religion

Pick one.... it's a religion of ignorance,pedophilia, and the murder of anyone without the same ideals. Did you know there is more historical evidence to support the Christian bible than there is the Quran. There is no historical evidence that coincides with the rise of muhammad. All we know was he was a pedo by his own account and a merchant... and they aren't even sure he is the same merchant, they theorize he is.

*gets deployed*
*gets Ramadan cultural awareness brief*
*smokes a cigarette*
*slams rip-it*
*eats in front of starving mudslimes

Or a joke...

We werent allowed to eat around them during Ramadan when I was downrange at least we never were... some others might have done it for the lulz


Abstaining from eating for a period of time is called fasting

It doesn't imply eating less than usual.

Muslims are greedy. I fast and don't eat until the next morning.

No food after 5pm.

Fucking pussies

Intermittent fasting is a joke I've fasted longer on training exercise's

I know wtf fasting is you dumb cunt doesn't mean it's any less of a joke...

If you say so

Just because you don't eat after 5 it dosen't mean all those crisps and cakes you eat are ok

Hey Portugal, when's your first match and predict the score.

I only celebrate fun holidays.

i love how they think that having the death sentence as a result of owning this image is considered fair to sand people

I do say so you daft cunt

If you think so

Are you on a proxy normally the Swiss aren't such cunts anyway moving on

If you insist