Whites always try to make our things theirs.
Even after all those years of slavering and suffering you guys keep being mean to us even though we gived you everything.
You steal our culture, you plunder our ressources, you steal our archivements.
Until where the foolish mind of white people can go ?
When will you accept us as brothers and apologize for everything you did and you keep doing to us?
It's fine, we aren't asking you to give back the tons of mineral you stealed in our land, just apologize.
Why are White people stealing Black archievements?
When are Africans paying reparations for the slaves they raided from Ireland?
Germans can't even preserve their own heritage or genes the thread
Moors aren't even black, right?
>melanin makes black people immortal
White Cargo is a meme
We raided your women too, Potato
To be fair, I think Nigga Jamal might be a troll
I know this is bait but for future reference: That Black picture of Mozart is a advert from a classical radio station who's telling people that they are about to include jazz into their lineup.
it's obvious troll. No one would believe that.
Please define "white". Last time i checked it was beta male who's into open relationships.
I have worse from people who are not trolls
ingle handedly, the most violent race of human beings throughout the history of mankind. No other race of human beings has killed more people, raped more women, destroyed more cultures, or has stolen as much land as white people. White people are the most hated race of human beings.
Read any university level history book to learn the truth about "White people".
Asians in general are the biggest genociders by far.
Not in percentage of population
when are africans paying reparations for the enslaved jews?
Why do blacks always make shit up? Why are they so jealous of white people?
>Crimes against Melan
is this the reason they love watermelan so much?
This facebook is a goldmine
>swiss flag
>reposting troll shit from fagbook
Sounds legit.
Fixed it
Still waiting for my reparations nigger.
You inbreds have huge amounts of cystic fibrosis too. We are the same people like it or not. At least it's the white man's genetic illness.
Fucking crackas trying to keep us down by saying we be trolls and sheit. You jus don't wanna accept we had spaceships while you whiteys were afraid of thunder and cowerring in your caves.
>posting an ironic post to make fun of nignog
>everybody in the thread get it but a faggot remains as always and call it bait
Well Pol Pot killed about 25% of camboyans didn't he?
Also are you from China? I think it's the first one I see a chinese posting here
These are the worst shitpost.
1/10 because I replied.
Blacks are the worst at appropriation. Moors weren't subsaharan niggers. They were arabs in the middle ages.
fucking niggers are really this stupid
Stop pissing me off, medkit
>Founding Brothas
Did you mean "immoral"?
>iron ore
I bought a book on the "Irish" taken as slaves by north Africans. Turns out they were British colonists and an actual irish person did all the organising for their abduction.
White people have never had any real history other than killing robbing stealing and raping cattle so they take black culture and try to turn it white these white animals are the lowest life form on the planet they carry all types of diseases and has started every war on this planet these are truly the devil's children this entire planet was all black white people are mutant Mountain monkeys
1/10 troll post.
>niggers are really this stupid and believe this shit.
Sorry Affirmative Action didnt exist before the 20th century, maybe SSA would have had a notable empire.
>moorish american
should we spam that page with reconquista memes?
The guy on the far right has a nice singing voice.
Yes yes we should
Who cares about Cambodia, Cambodians are to the Chinese as Moroccans are to Spaniards.
Sup Forums.org/pol/ isn't banned in China.
Donald Trump is black you racis crackas
Well, in USA the media, culture, government, and schools go out of there way to highlight black achievement. Almost to the point of obvious propaganda.
So, I disagree with your premise.