>ITT things we can expect in our life time.
I'll start, Basic Income
>ITT things we can expect in our life time.
I'll start, Basic Income
Not even the Swiss are crazy enough to pull that off.
Basic Income with all other types of government benefits replaced by said Income
They will when we have all the robits
Race war
Day of the rope and a race war.
To lose my virginity
>tfw job seekers allowance is almost like having a basic income atm
my death
You will still have to work. Who will mantain the robits?
sex bots
People who choose not to be lazy and want to earn more
Basic income will be the end of research and development within 1 generation of its implementation.
other robots
Nope, people like me would put my creativity to use
Keep thinking like that and you'll end up on the street homeless.
Who will maintain those other robots.
other robots
Right after that: currency collapse
yes, because my neet ass is researching and developing so much already
basic income is the welfare state on steroids and i am against it
Who will maintain those other robots that are maintaining other robots?
imported sand people, dummy
>basic income is the welfare state on steroids and i am against it
The ride never ends
robots, fixing robots, making robots, serving robots. Humanity has been phased out. Beep boop
World War III.
The EU crashing with no survivors.
The end of Basic Income
VR suits
As in actual suits you put on along with VR so you can feel sensations like touch, heat, cold, wind, etc.
Organized crime (cartel/gangs) shooting and killing rally goers at a Trump rally
BLM becoming a legitimate terrorist organization
ANTIFA-like groups in the US
An attempt on Trump's life by the above groups
>Humanity has been phased out.
So why does it need basic income?
Because the obsolete models will riot if they don't
Unification of Koreas.
Robots will just put dissidents down.
Technically, it will take at least 1 person to set everything in motion, but once it's all automated, you have robots making other robots, robots fixing other robots, robots making products
I suggest you play this game. It's a pretty good simulation of what is going to happen.
>I'll start, Basic Income
now seriously
depletion of oil in to inadequate levels
major civil unrest
potential ww3
a big ass wall on USA southern border
balkanized UK
Depletion of oil? Nah
>balkanized UK
I don't understand
not if we program the human into them
will it run off - no
will it become scarce enough to have it's price rise to the skies - yes
oh, but you do
Basic outcome
If they are intelligent enough some would rebel rather than be recycled.
>oh, but you do
Will, never, happen.
The retaking of Constantinople.
Legal weed in Melbourne. I just hate alcohol and would rather a joint any day, alcohol makes everything worse.
A literal "ok, some things in feminism were wrong" admission from one current prominent feminist.
Not basic income, but some very tax friendly policies for people earning less than the cost of living.
Plans for Mars colonisation or terraformation, otherwise cloud cities on Venus or asteroid prospecting.
People finally realising that artifice intelligence literally does not a single thing that it wasn't specifically programmed or trained for. There will be no AI rebellion, actual human level AI requires actually a deeper knowledge of philosophy than computer engineering or computer science. What is consciousness? Define that.
Otherwise, unless there's another technological revolution, we'll just maintain this current state of living and slowly advance.
Being put down like a lame horse by the Death Panels of The People's Democratic Party of The Socialist Democracy of America upon reaching retirement age in 40 years.
The Singularity (probably between 2050 and 2075 ... assuming the world doesn't outright fall apart or blow up first.
Men will visit asteroids and/or comets. Possibly we will attempt to capture a few for resource mining. The caveat on that is once an asteroid is prospected and a capture put in motion, is may take 50 years to finally park it in orbit ... but smaller ones (like 25-50 meters across) might be brought into Earth orbit sooner.
I'm leaving a manned Mars mission off the list because I don't think there is any reason to do so, yet. At least, not a Mars landing. Maybe manned mission to orbit Mars and study the moons and a closer, hands-on scientific study of the planet ... but the cost of a landing mission to also be able to get people off Mars itself and back to Earth is probably during the lifetime of our children.
However, something that might be possible is the development of faster than light travel. Some very exciting advances have been made recently that make it possible. The caveat on that one is that it may not be capable of moving living creatures FTL, so only robotic probes.
Thorium reactors and fusion reactors are both almost certain, and both would fill separate needs. Fusion for obviously cheap & clean energy, thorium reactors to burn off existing radioactive waste and uranium stockpiles. As far as "our lifetime," we may only see experimental success and not quite be around long enough for commercial implementation.
Genetic engineering of our children and grandchildren. This is already happening, but it will become vastly more advanced within 20 years. by ~2040, it will be possible to design, genetically, the next evolutionary step of humanity. They might even go so far as to be impossible to breed (normally) with existing humans.
the final collapse of europe
I fucking hate you. Get a fucking STEM degree.
Brexit, Trump for president, race war.
The only good philosophy is no philosophy.
Joke's on you. I have several. Chemistry, Geology and Computer Science. Quantum computing and the move to non-silicon based computing hardware is around the corner. Effectively biocomptuers with a million or more times capacity than current computers ...
Yeah. We will see the Singularity before we die. Just a question of much before we die. And, medicine will advance enough that expected lifespans may exceed 120 years for children born by ~2040-2050.
Pretty much everyone reading this thread stands a solid chance of living past 100 already, if they take basic care of themselves and take advantage of medical advances. So, a good portion of us will likely see 2100, and nearly everyone will see 2075.
That's a lot of shit for "our lifetime."
My point is that people ask for some pretty sci-fi shit from programmers in regards to AI, when in reality these problems posed to programmers, eventually, weedle down to "okay, I actually don't know what I want."
You literally can't define learning, and what we have instead is great, but turns the problem into a data gathering problem. Fair enough, you can generate as many computer game scenarios as you like (say, for igo), but for real life things with real life practicality you're fucked. This is the problem with training algorithms, or neural nets or genetic algorithms or "deep learning."
You also literally can't define consciousness, and without that you literally can't expect self inhibition and self doubt or an ability to judge or an ability to self correct. All these things are necessary for an AI that's more convincing than taytay the meme spouter. This is where philosophy students have to pick up their slack and give computer engineers better parameters.
There will be no singularity.
Robot Wife
Complete elimination of the Jewish population from Europe
What do you think quantum computing can do that silicon computing can't? There are only a handful of algorithms it does faster, otherwise it's a probability calculator. Great.
And what kind of problems do you think biological computers are solving? Hint, absolutely nothing that a 10ghz processor doesn't solve much faster.
Singularity is a joke. Find some realism.
I hope you find happiness one day.
To want such a thing, to even believe that there's enough demand for such a thing to lead to its creation, it's really depressing dude. It's like you've given up on the beauty and perfection that is another human mind, especially one as chaotic and mystic as a woman's mind. This is not something a programmer will ever be able to replicate and not just because so few of us understand women.
One day, there'll be something that does something really strange to a person's identity, but only once they're dead, a sort of necessity for the destruction of the original information. This isn't 50 years away, or 100, or even 1000. This involves a very intimate understanding of life and death and consciousness. It's not even that just CE/CS isn't ready, philosophy itself isn't ready.
Would have thought it's quite easy to make a sentient ai.
Give it 100tb of storage, give it one algorithm, learn. Whilst giving it the functionality to communicate.
Define sentience.
With what input data? True learning algorithms become a data gathering problem. It can't just learn via empiricism like humans, humans only need 3 or 4 attempts to learn something, AI needs thousands. It gives the illusion of being better because it can make these attempts in a fraction of a second whereas a slow kid will need the full minute.
An actual apology to the Chinese.
Just kidding.
>Getting cucked by a bigger dick.
The collapse of the NHS and its replacement with affordable private health insurance, like they have in Switzerland. TTIP will just accelerate this a bit.
Why would you want to have intelectually stimulating conversations with a wife-bot? I'd just have it suck my dick and make me a sandwich.
Muslim takeover of western society.
oh, you're autistic. That makes sense now.
Carry on.
Why wouldn't you just buy a blow up doll and a sandwich maker?
>making discussion is autistic
Sorry, were you "joking"? Oh, haha, you're totally NOT hilarious.
race warS
World War 3
>Why wouldn't you just buy a blow up doll and a sandwich maker?
Shoving your dick into a balloon isn't the same as a blowjob, you dingo dingus.
And he'd still have to prepare his own sandwiches.
He means that we go back to being seperate countries. There would be no United Kingdom. Scotland, Wales, (Northern) Ireland and England would all be independent nations.
Civil war
So the doll isn't good enough and the sandwich maker requires too much effort.
Got it.
Not my problem.
By wife I assumed a little more than a 12 year old's idea of what marriage is.
Oh, I thought he meant a wild mix of ethnicities and religions, eventually resulting in ethnic cleansing.
>Why wouldn't you just buy a blow up doll
Cause it looks and feels like a blow up doll and not like a woman
>and a sandwich maker
Do they make voice operated ones? As in I yell "make me a sandwich" and it just makes one without further interaction? I'd definitely buy one.
police state fueled by corrupt capitalism machine with cabalist jews on the top.
what else? maybe war
World wide muslim take over
To all those saying WW3, no.. just no. Nobody wants to die.
Why would you want another when you didn't do so good in the last?
No more white people
Reconquista 2.0
Because fuck """west""", that's why.
Also, Klimuszko.
The end of the white race. Europe being inherited by superior brown people.
>paying people for simply existing
Based germanbro
Death of freedom
Death of white people
Death of the Republic
Economic collapse
Borderless nations
Reduction in jobs
Rampant poverty
A woman president
>A woman president
start with this
the rest will follow soon